
I'm Harry? Lets fix this mess

After freeing Dobby, Lucius killed Harry. And: Entry me, falling downstairs right in Harry Potter-verse. Self Insert and fixing it. With Harry's memories of abuse, he goes on a rampage. This is the first part of Let's fix the Multiverse. Some spin-offs can happen. We can and will use clichès. M for later content. Enjoy a trip in Harry's head. It is complicated in there. Harry/multi

Jazper_Hemsath · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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19 Chs

We go with a Big Bang

When we entered our quarters the girls were pulled aside by the others in the office, a lot of giggling and screams until it suddenly stopped, and all was quiet. Now, this got me worried, if you hear them then nothing is wrong, but if it is silent, you know something is happening. Curious I took a peek in the office.

They are doing it again, bloody hell, it is porn night all over again, sitting around the pensive with a smile on their faces, I just know they are showing what happened in the room of requirement.

For Astoria it should be a speed course sex education, well, maybe she had one already with Screamy mum and dad. I was surprised Astoria was allowed to stay with us, then again, wizards are a strange breed. Reminiscing what happened today at the mansion brought a smile on my face, Basi was awesome, he was everything I hoped for. The talks with the parents went reassuringly well, I expected worse, certainly from the Granger's, their daughter shoved in a harem, is not a parent's dream for their little girl's future.

This is the big difference between boys and girls: If you are a boy, dad says: "Go get them, son, you have to have some experience before marriage." If you are a girl, dad says: "Stay away from my little girl, she will stay a virgin until her second child is born." Yep, dad loses his logic's when his little girl is involved.

A father's nightmare is his little girl coming home, shirt wrongly buttoned, and the boyfriend with a look on his face like 'I just shagged your little girl, old man.'

Now I have several fathers-in-law looking at me like that, waiting for the moment to hex me into next week.

Nope, I was not going to mention their porn addiction or the social pressure they put on the younger ones, not to mention the two older. It got me thinking, it is alright until forty, fifty maybe seventy because wizards live longer, but then misery starts, imagine a grandpa shagging eleven women? On a daily basis? We have to invent some serious stamina potions for that, I wonder how those sheiks are managing it without getting a hernia.

Anyway, I hope they didn't learn too much from Hermione, she got me paddled when the two others were distracting me, it was like §I like your pussssy Daphne, let me eat it all o… oow my bloody assss, that hurt.§ After that, I kept distracting her, cause she was eyeing the whip too much for my liking.

We need some books about that topic, if you spend ten years in a cupboard and get smacked around occasionally, it is hard to draw a line of a loving spanking play, and a heavy beating the wife.

And my idea of fun is not getting smacked around, been there, done that and hated it all. If Tracey likes it, that is fine I will happily spank her ass, put clamps on her nipples, blindfold her… I have to stop now, maybe I don't need books after all.

The giggling started again, the lesson is over, since it is almost bedtime, I hope there is practical homework. Tonksie and Hestia came over and sat next to me, "Husband, don't worry anymore, we just learned the spell to them all, we agreed to hold off with the babies until we are eighteen at least, we can have a blast for three years." Tonksie whispered: "Watch out for Astoria, I heard her talking to Hermione about paddles." When I paled, she couldn't hold her laughter anymore, "Husband you are too easy."

"Wel,l honey you just volunteered for a spanking." and pulled her over my knees slapping her but a few times.

Astoria: "Tonks is getting spanked, husband, you are doing it wrong, you have to lift the skirt, and smack her but with her panty on, then slowly remove them, rub on her but cheeks, slap them a few times, then you go for the pussy, tease the clit with your index finger and put your thumb in her pussy, or you put your index finger in her pussy and your thumb in her ass.

Everyone was looking at the youngest, what the hell are they teaching the kids these days?

Daphne: "Astoria? Where did you learn all that? Have you been reading the slutty books from mum?"

Astoria: "Well, sister after you went to school, I spend a lot of time in my room reading, when mum and dad thought I was in my room, they went lovy dovy all over the house. When I was with aunty they did the same, did you know aunty has specially made handcuffs? And a beautiful collar, with a ring on for a leash."

Flora: "Mum has those too, and rings at the wall to be tied on to."

"It seems the youngest know the most, anyway it is bedtime for me, night girls"

Hermoine: "for us to love, we will be right there." I stripped down to my boxers and went in bed, in my mind going over all the things I have to do tomorrow, like visiting the centaurs, informing them about the spider hunt, Sirius Black, no need to neuter him but… no I will go easy on the dude, eleven years in Askaban is no picnic. Dumbledore will have a visit though, I will tell him where his painting going to end up, I first thought about Myrtle's toilet but I can't let the girl suffer, so it is the thestrals dung pit.

The girls came in… Now I was glad my eyesight was 20/20, all in skimpy undies, some nervous, some living it up, well mostly me nervous, sexy wife coming to bed is great, eleven sexy wives coming to bed made me thinking about the stamina potions. It was the twin's turn to lay by my side, nestling to my sides, their hands going south which made little Harry happy, Hermoine took control and pulled the sheet back, "Tonks and Hestia can you show it to us again?"

Yep, little Harry was happy.

After breakfast I took a walk into the forbidden forest, alone, I knew the way roughly, so I made a lot of noise until I felt them surrounding me, yeah right, like a horse can do stealth. Let's troll them a bit.

"Mars was red this week, changes are coming to the herd."

Centaur: "What can a human know about the stars?"

"Well for one Mars is a planet, not a star, and she is always red, she is also named the red planet."

Horse-boy was fuming, holding his bow in hand, ready to shoot the insulting foal, meaning the foal is me.

Horse-boy: "What are you doing in our forest little wizard?"

"Well thank you for sharing this forest with us, I always heard you considered this forest your property, but now that you said our forest I am happy."

Horse-boy: "No this is our property!"

"I know, I never heard of such a selfless herd, like yours, you have my respect."

Another horse butted in, "Control yourself, Bane, it is shameful to get baited by a foal. Child, what is your name and purpose in this forest?"

"My name is Lord Harry Potter, for the moment I rule Hogwarts, and came to inform you of a hunting party next week in here." That got them on their back legs.

Horse what's his name: "You came to tell us, you come to hunt here? On us?"

"Well mister what's your name, I came to inform you, we are going to hunt in here, I never said hunting you, if we were I wouldn't tell you, that is asking to get killed isn't it?"

Horse what's his name: "My name is Magorian, leader of the herd. We will defend the unicorns with our lives." Leader of the herd he. Does he get to fuck all the mares? Maybe I ask him for advice, you know stamina-wise, do the other stallions have to watch? Comment on the side, take notes until they are the leader? We are drifting off-topic here, let us get back on track.

"Who in their right mind would want to hunt unicorns? Are you naffing crazy? No, next week I will escort a Goblin hunting party in here, and before you get on your rear legs again, it is to hunt and exterminate the acromantula nest. Hagrid is going to search for a new job, and I want to ask you to manage the forest yourself, if you know of other nasty creatures that don't belong in the forest let us know, the goblins are eager to blood their young."

Magorian: "It will be a great boon to see these spiders removed, we asked for years to cull that nest but were never allowed."

"The Goblin warriors are bringing their young to blood them in battle, it is an opportunity for their young to get their first kill against a big prey, all we ask from you is to guard the escape routes so every spider gets killed. Is next Thursday or Friday good for you?"

Magorian: "It is good, either day will do for us, you have our gratitude."

"I will send my friend Dobby with the right day and hour of our arrival."

Now I have to get out of here or they are going to name a horse after me… dammed I forgot to ask what they are eating, hay or people food, nope, I am not going to ask a mare how they give blowjobs, it is kind of hard to picture how to get down there.

Back in the hall, I spotted Neville, "Hey Nev I am going to visit Sirius at St Mungo's, care to join me, I can visit your mum afterward."

Neville: "We are allowed out of the castle?" I gave a look at Neville, seriously? I fucked this castle sideways, was more out than in the castle and he asked allowed?

"Nev, I was yesterday at Gringotts and my mansion in Wales, didn't you miss us?"

Neville shrugged: "We all thought you were shagging your girls." I wish I was, I almost shagged Hermione last night but little Harry was tired. Poor thing was worked to the bones, the only white left in my body was the white of my eyes, and at the end, even those were glazing over.

"Nah, we do other things to you know, so you are coming with me? I like to meet your mum."

Elf transport service is way better than floo or apparition. At the desk the welcoming witch asked: "what disease do you have or what accident did you have?" This is a clear case of job numbness.

"The Heir of the Most Noble and Most Ancient House of Longbottom to visit his parents the Lord and Lady of the Most Noble and Most Ancient House of Longbottom. And please do not ask my name or we will be here all day." That woke her up. "Heir Longbottom knows the way sir, can I ask what you are here for?"

"Well I am here to see my godfather Sirius Black, then a talk to Dumbledore, after, I will visit my Godmother Lady Longbottom." That is enough excitement for that poor bored nurse.

Sirius was living in style so to see, bodyguards at the door, private room, the mutt was being pampered.

"Padfoot how are you feeling today, did you check that nurse out that was just leaving here?"

Sirius: "Harry is that you? I heard so many strange rumors about you." Nah not going to repeat all that.

"Yeah, yeah, killed a basilisk, squibbed the old goat, enslaved snape, got all teachers in here, and married me eleven wives, and what did you do this week?" yes brag about your marauder day's, I'll brag about my wives, I haven't shagged them yet when little Harry revives, Hermione… no I have to be respectful, it is making love, I will make love to Hermione, then shag her silly, so she will forget that bloody whip.

It was to be expected that Sirius was a mess, I relayed what Regulus did and what Kreacher had to do.

Now the dog was crying, I definitely need to learn some tact. But hey what was I going to talk about? Compare our jails? Askaban versus Durskaban? See who got the worst deal? We found common ground talking about mum and dad, I said I was visiting my Godmother later, Sirius was surprised I wasn't living there. Crap, now I again have to relive the story from the day I got dropped on a doorstep… Did I get dropped? Not Harry got dropped? Weird.

My next visit was more fun, "Hello old goat, did the beard grow back yet? Tried to use magic yet? No response? No Harry you are getting dark? Oh, you are moping, don't you? Well, when I was cleaning my office, you can't believe the junk a man can gather over the years, and all those secret spots you know, I found the strangest things. The stone that got destroyed in my first year? Well, it became whole again, that office must be a magical spot, repairing priceless artifacts and all." His eyes began to twitch, it is a start, let us rub some more salt in the wounds.

"You know all the junk I found in there, second-hand books, Ugly clothes and those trinkets, I even found a golden locket, did you know there was an evil curse on it? I just took some basilisk venom and destroyed it, that thing gave a nasty scream." We have a winner! Dumbbell started to moan, "What have you done, the wizarding world is lost without me."

"I know, I know, but you will always have your painting give advice don't you, it is after all a privilege for the headmasters to have their painting at Hogwarts. And I have just the spot for you, it got a view on some rare creatures, I hope you like the thestrals dung heap, you have a spot right on top of it. I even got your name tag, Worst Headmaster ever. I had some others but this one sums it up, Deranged Lunatic came as a close second.

Did you know Voldy is dead now? Yes, yes I know about the Horcruxes, even the one in my head, it was a bitch to remove that one."

Dumbledore had his house of cards falling down on him. "The Horcruxes are destroyed? He is dead?"

"Sure old goat, I even got me a nice ring out of it, did you know I was related to the Peverell House? Well now I am Lord Peverell, it is said this ring has special powers, to bring the dead back for a talk, but that's just superstition, Who wants to talk to the dead anyway, better let them rest in peace."

Let us check, squib him? Check, destroy his dream? Check, fire his ass? Check, now all I have to do is say goodbye and visit my Godmother.

"I wish you a long and miserable life old goat fucker, you screwed my life up for eleven years, I hope you live that long, I also hope you have some money hidden away, The Goblins are harsh on the fines for not paying on time, I doubt you have a knut left, maybe Aberforth can hire you to tend my bar. Yes, I got me an Inn, some old goat could not pay his debts and here I am, owner of a sleazy Inn.

Please do not visit Hogwarts, the wards are set to kill you and your but boy."

That felt good, rubbing it in at that goat fucker who screwed my life up… screwed MY life up? Weird.

Nev was talking to his mum, dad was more catatonic. I got next to Neville and asked to be introduced.

I reached out with my magic, trying to feel inside her mind, I always wondered how you can get crazy from an hour of torture, I admit it hurt like hell, but eleven years crazy?

"Nev, who is their healer? Something isn't right here."

Neville: "He is a cousin from grans side of the family, Wulfric Rowle, he is head of this department."

"Nev, don't take this the wrong way, but you and I are going to Gringotts and meet my granny. It's important."

At Gringotts Skullbasher and Skullcleaver were on duty again, it was like they knew I was coming.

"Well met warriors, let us on Thursday blood your young, to bring honor to the Nation, and galleons in my vault." A good one even if I say so myself.

Skullcleaver: "Thursday it is then basiliskslayer, we surround them at night and attack before first light. We can see perfectly in the dark." They already have a battle plan, good for them.

"I leave it in your capable hands then, good hunting."

Inside Blooddagger was complaining I visited his mother more than him, well after reminding him of the galleons he was going to earn, he called granny in.

Granny: "Now what boy? In trouble again? You know I charge double on Sundays."

"Really? I thought Gringotts was open all week, so a Sunday is like every other day."

Whack! Another smack from her cane, Granny: "If I say I charge double on Sunday then it is double that day."

" Ok hold the cane, I came here for my God-brother, I think Dumbledore did a number on him too. Can you check him please, you may charge double."

Granny went to Neville with her dagger drawn, the poor boy almost shit his pants. Granny: "Relax boy I only hit basiliskslayer when he is disrespectful, which is all the time." Hold on to the comments, she has a dagger instead of a cane in her hand.

Granny went over Neville with her dagger and said: "your core is 50% bonded, and you have a loyalty potion to your family, strange, they stopped using them a hundred years ago because of the side effects."

"Let me guess, they become more docile and their magic weaker? Any idea who the potion master is?"

Granny: "Someone from his family, it is keyed to him so someone close."

Neville: "Loyalty potion? 50% bonded? Get it out of me please."

Blooddagger: "We will Heir Longbottom, I sense foul play in your family, so basiliskslayer will pick up the bill." Granny smiled: "and because it is Sunday the fee is double, and basiliskslayer told me to charge double, so I am four times happy to help you, Heir Longbottom." Bloody hell, the Wicked Witch of the West strikes again. At this rate, I'm going to be bankrupted.

Neville was lead to a ritual room and the bindings and potion were removed.

"Nev, keep this quiet until the next wizengamot. I suspect your gran and uncle Algy are a bit too power-hungry. I suspect your mum and dad are under a spell or potion to keep them numb. Tomorrow we are going to Madam Bones to get some answers, now that we are here let us buy a new wand. Is there someone else than Olivanders? That guy is an ass kisser of Dumbledore."

Yep always was suspicious of that guy, seven galleons for a wand? He uses phoenix feathers, dragon heartstring(whatever a string of a heart is), and unicorn tail hairs. He finds them where? On the street? The only phoenix know was Fawkes, and he gave only two feathers, where do the others come from? Maybe they are goose feathers painted red.

Granny: "Knock turn ally has one, pricey though, if you bring him some ingredients, you get a discount."

In the ally at a door with 'We have wands for everyone' I said "Come in Nev we get you a good one."

It was a bit anticlimactic, the standard fanfic choosing the wood and core… not happening, the rare ingredients was because he is a collector of it. He just measured Nevs magic, took a wand from a shelf, and gave it to Neville? Where is the light show? The boxes and stuff flying around? The surprise was written all over my face.

Shopkeeper: "Been to Olivander he? He does this to every young kid. I just have to measure his magic and a wand with the same resonance will do just fine, I will bind the wand to your friend to synchronize them together for better bonding. Olivander does this hidden in his show. I do the party tricks if it will make you feel better."

I knew it, any friend of Dumbledore is a phony. Meh. I have my wandless and a Hallow wand so who cares.

"Can you check his old wand, please? I think it is tampered with."

The shopkeeper looked at it, said: "This wand is bonded to another wizard, I have to remove the binding and bind it to your friend but the wand doesn't resonate with your friend and will not work perfectly."

"Let's leave the wand for your dad Nev, you can practice the rest of the day to get used to it. Dobby can you take us back please."

We arrived just in time for lunch, the wives were spread all over the place so I sat down with Neville at Gryffindors table next to the twins. Twin one: "Good day to you. My Lord." Twin two: "Indeed My lord with too many titles." Twin one: "Aye, and they are multiplying, growing." Twin two: "Miss Greengrass had a twin sister?" Twin one: "I thought we knew all of them."

"Well junior marauders, those are the mysteries of magic, some times I swear it is up to no good, but after all the mischief is done, it will turn to normal. What is up with Percy? He is looking around like he is expecting a prank from you guys."

Twin two: "We asked, he said expecting a letter from Charley." Twin one: "which is strange they used to fight and argue all the time." Percy came over carrying a letter "Lord Potter, I received this letter from my father to personally give to you, he said to await your response."

"I will read it in my study at Gryffindors quarter, and give my replay then." It probably was related to Ginny, and no, not number twelve, I have five too many already. Hmm... I find six wives normal? Enough? I am a greedy bastard after all.

I could have read it at the table, but that is for the peasants and rif-raf, you need to read them in your office… if you have one. Nah I am just messing with the ponce.

In my office I found an empty spot in a corner, the rest was confiscated by Susan, Hermione and Hannah, surrounded by the prefects and examiners, Tonksie and Hestia were chipping in too.

Mr. Weasley's letter contained his apology for the contract, that Mrs. Weasley trusted Dumbledore to be honorable. The contract was voided, and I was again thanked for saving her life.

I penned a response mentioning a sum of money to go for Ginny, the same as the other victims, and suggested a mind healer, being possessed for almost a year, leaves scars on the mind.

The afternoon went well, all the girls were enjoying their selves, I went to the room of requirement to practice my wandless magic.

I was having a blast, going all out with attacking and shielding, trying every combination I could think of, then I went for the elements, Like Skullbasher said, my fire magic is impressive, I doubt I can burn a dragon, but the rest is toast. My water magic is good too, some machines cut with water through stone, with enough imagination and enough pressure, I cut puppets in halve just with a water spell. Dobby killed my fun saying the girls were looking for me to have dinner together.

At dinner Missy came by, "Lord Potter, I would like to accept the job offer, when do you want me to start?"

Susan: "As fast as possible, we have a lot to catch up to, you can have a vacation in September if you want but this summer you are badly needed."

Missy: "That is fine for me, Tonks told me there are rooms available for chaperons, I would like the use of one, so I can move out of my parent's house, and lessen the burden on them."

Tonksie: "This is perfectly legal, she is an adult, so she can be a chaperon, there is no need for a grumpy nanny."

"And easy on the eyes too, Miss Harper, the terms are the same like I explained to Tonksie and Hestia, keep the male visitors to one at the time, no orgy's or raves if I am not invited. Just joking Miss Harper. You are free to have visitors, only don't make our house a tourist attraction. Your visitors have to be keyed into the wards though. I will assign Winky to be your main aid beside her other duty's."

Missy: "That is acceptable My Lord."

Hermoine: "we have to go over the owl years, mainly the theoretical ones."

After dinner I wrote to my chief editor of The Daily Fantasy to report truthfully on the trials of the death-eaters and of Fudge and the toad, I also asked for the wizarding wireless to be represented for live broadcasting of the trials.

Contracts for them to in the future, especially for skeeter.

Daphne and Tracey, with help from the twins and Astoria, Luna running up and down between the two groups, coordinating them, were almost done with the snake, the auction was planned in July in France. This was to attract more customers from the continent, Contracts were being signed with potion Masters to convert the venom in healing potions. I love it when the wives are making me money.

The evening was setting in, you know expectations can be worse than the action itself? Hermione got her mind set to pop her cherry tonight. And not one on one, but one on eleven, no pressure there, the worries started to drop in, will it be too painful for her, and scare the others away, or worse I can't control little Harry and he will release too soon, maybe she is disappointed like, is this all?

Would doggy style good for her first time? I don't think so either. What to use for foreplay? Do I cheat with my magic? I had to have some advantage over the girls.

Like that pokemon dude said: "Got to fuck them all." or something like that.

"Girls I am taking a bath." "We will join you, Harry." Great no pressure, keep little Harry alive until bedtime, with fifteen-year-old hormones. I made the bath extra bubbly, one by one they joined me.

Luna: "Let Astoria wash your hair husband, as the youngest her interactions with you must be non-sexual, the same goes for me and the twins, we can play but not cross boundaries. We will watch though, I did that all the time when mum was still alive."

Well even if I say they can't watch, they will see it in the pensive. It was fun, the girls shattering about their day, me and my day with Neville, the centaurs and Dumbledore. Hestia, about she prepared Missy about my orgy joke. Hermione was quiet and blushed all the time.

"Hermione, if you are not ready, we can wait, you know that do you? There are a lot of other things we can do." Oh fuck I hope she doesn't think about that whip.

Hermione: "No Harry, it will happen today, Tonks and Hestia are eager to make love to you, and I am sure Tracey and Daphne too." I swallowed, I have to do five today? Was Viagra invented already?

Susan: "We want it to but not now, in our vacation in France probably."

"Just say when loves." Keep acting cool dumb ass, use enough quotes from those trashy novels and we are good.

I lay in bed on the covers, surrounded by my wives, Hermione was nervous, Tonksie and Hestia coaching her.

"Daphne and Tracey, can you prepare Hermione, please, those boobs and her pussy needs attention."

Make it a group effort, it is better than ten girls watching me, Daphne and Tracey were happy to play along, "Don't forget Tonksie and Hestia dears, I will need help with them."

When the warm-up was over I lay down and pulled Hermione on top of me, we started kissing.

"Cowgirl style love, go at your own pace, you can go as fast and slow as you want to."

Tonksie and Hestia positioned themselves beside Hermione. Tonksie grabbed little Harry and guided him to Hermione's 'cave of wonders' Hestia guiding Hermione.

When little Harry glided in, suddenly two paddles appeared. A voice yelled, "Clear!" And I got a god-dammed electric shock, again "Clear!" With a higher voltage this time. Everything went black.

When I opened my eyes I heard a voice call out: "Harry Potter!" I looked around, I sat at the bloody Gryffindors table, Ron and Hermione in front of me, I looked up, again Bloody fucking hell? Dumbledore stood there with a paper slip in his hand, next to a cup with blue flames… ... "SON OFF A BITCH! ! !"

On another plane, Harry was concentrating on not cumming too fast, 'thanks old guy, thanks old guy, oh god this feels great, thanks, old guy, thanks old guy,' while he was shagging Hermione.