
I'M GOD, SO WHAT? : Former Protagonist is now my side kick ^^

https://discord.gg/eEWTerjxzH For those who wanted to join the discord, feel free but warning you an idiot is running wild there Righteous Master of Villainous Gods If you are interested in the cultivation novel check this one out, initially for a bit long time it's somewhat light and wholesome but as you keep progressing in chapters the characters will also develop and no character will be forgotten and surely you won't be hating why character except for 'protagonists' ^|^ ∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆ For people wanting to help me out there__ dewanshsingh72@paytm painfultruth@axl _________________________________________ Have you been frustrated because the main character of your favourite novel, drama or a movie is just unreasonable and impractical trash? Just because he's the main character he gets a lot of support from world but at same time the supporting characters who are actually good Who actually make some sense are just treated as stepping stones for the main character to shine more brightly Imagine the frustration you feel when your favourite character dies because of the main character's foolish brain and just to make him mature In this cruel world there are only few things that give you relief but what now? Aren't you angry because you can do nothing? Don't you want to smash Main character's face with your fists? Then what if the Gods reincarnate you as your favourite character of the fantasy filled with monsters and magic! The same thing happened with Krish, let's follow him to the world making the protagonist's existence completely dull while becoming God himself He's over powered, he's handsome, he had best back ground, he has over powered friends and family He has the whole army waiting for orders, you think the protagonist has a chance, but Protagonist isn't the only problem There is also a Evil God Krish needs to kill This is the battle The Universe is battlefield A battle between a God vs a God Let's see who wins because fate of existence is in hands of this side character who died for nothing in novel (Guys at least comment and give reviews, it's for free right? You evil people are more shameless than me! I feel like no one is reading my novels and I'm writing for ghosts. I feel happy when someone comments on my work so even if you are pointing out my mistakes please comment and give reviews ^-^)

Painful_truth_ · Kỳ huyễn
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319 Chs


"The whole place is in a mess!"

"Just how did such a thing happened!?"

"How could this happen beside the mansion of lord of City?!"

"Those are real Chimera's right?!"

"There are Cultists inside the City!!"

Right now peoples from all the city have gathered besides the field of the Lord's Mansion observing the dead bodies of Chimeras and the Cultists

The whole field was blown away due to the huge explosion just now and the underground laboratory was now visible to all gathered in here

"Just how could this happen inside the City?" Brock said to himself as he observed the bodies of Chimera and Cultists

"Since when was security of the city this bad, there is whole laboratory of Cultists, on top of that it is just besides lord's mansion" Kathy commented behind Brock

Suddenly another adventurer came and said "Just what is happening, it looks like rumours of Cultists being found dead outside the city are true"

"Yeah, how could this happen if it wasn't true!"

"There is whole base of Cultists inside the City!"

"We would be dead if it wasn't for this explosion today!"

"Can't belive we were this close to death!"

"Are high authority peoples invaded by those damn Cultists?"

Suddenly a person from shadows said, but his words were most reasonable for today's accident,

"That can be true..."

"It sounds reasonable..."

People started murmuring among themselves and started discussing the news,

"Hmm~ Brock what do you think?" Klaus also appered with serious expression and asked Brock who was observing things

"Quite a pretender you are Klaus!" Fae commented while sitting on Klaus's head

"This matter is too big to be left alone, I'm sure peoples from main branch will be coming here to investigate already!" Brock said with seriousness

"Me too, but it will take at least 3 days right?" Klaus said while maintaining serious atmosphere

"Hooo, Cassie see Klaus made a serious face now, right?"

"He would be excellent actor if he wasn't a hero or Saint!"

Both Luna and Cassie commented while sitting on Klaus's soulders

"Yeah, but this time matter will not end with just investigation, I'm afraid that this time even the position of Guildmaster isn't safe after this" Suddenly Kathy replied, brick also nodded

"Move move!"

"This place is sealed, for investigation!"

"It's lord's orders, move!"

Suddenly many gaurds and knights started surrounding the place, they immediately covered the whole area and sealed it with magic

The adventurers and peoples there showed faces of mistrust to them but still moved away as they will announced as rebel if they didn't followed the orders now

"Things are getting more suspecious" Brock said as he turned back to return to the inn, Klaus and Kathy followed Brock to inn

'Now this marks the beginning now let's move the plan forward to second stage!' Klaus thought with grin and went directly to inn

"Arno, excellent job there! Now for next stage take out these place, kill or immobilise people there and along with things there make them confess things on their own accord in front of all peoples by tomorrow morning!"

Arno nodded and then he left without any questions and smily face, that night various screams were heard from all corners of City

Some died, some got crippled but for majority who survived it was nightmare for them, and for city folks it was night without any sleep

Next morning Klaus woke up normally and after freshing up with Fairies he went downwards to eat breakfast

"Ooh, you just woke up, right on time come with me!" Brock said as soon as he saw Klaus entering the hall

"What happened?" Klaus asked with confused face

"Don't question just come with me, it seems something big is going to happen today, let's go outside" Brock dragged Klaus with him

Klaus also didn't questioned anymore seeing how hurried Brock was

After they arrived Klaus saw huge crowd surrounding some peoples there, somehow Brock dragged Klaus along with him inside that huge crowd

'Ohh, looks likes Arno did his job perfectly!' Klaus saw some peoples tied in wood with swollen faces and with signs of torcher on their faces and bodies

"It's our fault, please forgive us~~!"

"We won't do it again, it was those guys who ordered it!"

"We were just following orders!"

"I'm innocent, please let me go...!"

There were many peoples who were gathered there, Klaus tugged to Brock and asked "What's goin on?"

"Ah, I didn't explained right, these guys were found in this condition today in the morning they have confessed that they were forced to do some illegal practices

Look those guys in corner they were the ones responsible for illegal transport of costly and rare materials

And those at right backside are bitches responsible for looting adventures during their hunts when they got exhausted

and lastly these bastards are the responsible for kidnapping womens and kids outside the city

These guys are even suspected for being related to Cultists!"

Klaus listened to him silently and nodded suddenly a female women who was tied with ropes with hands behind her back touched Brock with her legs and said

"Hey why don't you tell them that I'm innocent, do I look like criminal to you? I promise I will take care of you whole life"

She says in seductive tone, and started exposing herself but just then the atmosphere tuned extremely silent with sweat drops on faces of everyone present there

And next moment the legs of that girl were seen flying in air with blood drops everywhere,

"Aaaaaagh.... my leg! iyaaaaa!!!"

The sweat drops on everyone's faces doubled while Brock stood there with pale face and rivers of sweats flowing from all his body

Klaus looked below him and saw Kathy with huge knife used for cutting meat in her hands which was now dyed with blood of that girl

"You didn't belived her did you Brock?" Kathy said while bringing her knife close to Brock's neck and staring closely at Brock's eyes

'Is it my illusion or am I really seeing that scary demon behind Kathy's face' Klaus thought as he looked Kathy

"Of..o...ofcourse I don't, how could I do that, you are the only one for me! I didn't belived that whore even for a second, aha.. hahah... hahaha!!!"

Brock said with pale face and rivers of sweat flowing from his face

"Hmmm~ Alright then, come home let's have breakfast~!"

Suddenly after few seconds Kathy returned her normal cheerful face and returned back towards the inn

"So you weren't joking when you said she will kill me if I burned her kitchen?" Klaus said wiping his sweats from face

"I never joke when things are related to Kathy's kitchen and family!" Brock said with pale face

"Here!" Klaus handled Brock another towel from his storage

"Thanks!" Brock thanked Klaus as he took the towel Klaus handled

Klaus now looked downwards and this time except for screams of that girl everyone was found petrified standing there

Slowly the crowd dispersed and Klaus also returned to the inn

Klaus returned to the inn and suddenly his eyes went to one particular table filled with group of childrens

Klaus recognised some kids there and made his way towards the table filled with kids.