
I'm Emiya Shirou(Under rewrite!)

I died and reincarnated as Emiya Shirou by some all powerful super being as an apology for killing me. I'm gonna enjoy travelling different worlds before dealing with the holy grail. ------ This story won't be focus much on type moon stuff early on, it'll just be my MC travelling the multiverse and having fun.

SilverZerothFox78X · Tranh châm biếm
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
14 Chs

Chapter 7: Bal and Shirou

"So what are you gonna name this sword kid?" Asked Gramps while he took a look at the sword.

"How about Taiyou ryu no Muramasa." I said causing the man to raise an eyebrow. "Really your naming it that?" He asked I simply nodded. "Well it was made with your smithing style so why not." Hearing this he smiled.

"Alright then you're training is complete." Says Muramasa as he handed me a hammer. "This is a hammer I made for you don't lose it. It's your graduation gift!" he says with a proud smile. I simply hugged the man.

"Thanks Grandpa!" I thank him as Bal and I disappeared. Standing alone by himself. He gripped his fist. "So this the second True Magic." He says as he disappears from his workshop in a kaleidoscope of colours.

- With Shirou -

"We're home." I look out the window of my house it was still 9. Oh well bed time I guess. But first.

[Congratulations you've received 5000 shop points/ For making a sword that surpassed Muramasa's expectations you've received 40 stat points]


[Name: Shirou

Magical Circuits:189

Mp: 8,900

Strength:32(C rank)

Agility:25(D rank)

Endurance:30(D rank)

Intelligence:17(E- rank)

Wisdom:16(E- rank)

Luck:30(C rank)


Stat points:102 | Shop points: 28,181]



Cooking-(65/100) | House cleaning-(48/100) | Sword Mastery-(52/100) | Mechanic and Engineering-(29/100) | Gradation Air-(57/100) | Reinforcement-(49/100) | Unlimited Weapon Works-(???/???) | Clairvoyance-(41/100) | Minds Eye-(47/100) | Blacksmithing-(39/100) | Appreciation of Swords-(20/100) | Sword Trial-(17/100) | Flame-(70/100)]

Not bad. It's seems when I do some training in the Event option, my bodily limits are released slightly and I'm able to grow strong without a bloodline. However I can't do this again as the system blocked the other so I can't train with other type moon characters, not only that I don't know how long I've been training in the events because I normally lose track of time after a couple months? Or was it days?

Anways, I don't see any other training ones so I'm stuck for a while. But I have over twenty thousand Shop points. So I can finally go to RWBY. They have hordes of enemies such as the Grimm I can dispatch. Which means I can get tons of points!

But for now thirty stat points each in both Wis and Int and ten points each for my physical stats and five to luck. Now I have seven

The next couple of weeks were boring, well if it weren't a certain woman named Taiga Fujimura wasn't over. It was complete chaos! I wouldn't want to know what it would be like if she and Bal had met.

After I rolled a couple gacha's and got a couple C and D rank weapons and couple different metals.

Anyway I continue studying tech and stuff for my Mechanic and engineering skill. With my mental stats it was super easy to understand. And another fun fact Muramasa's workshop also appeared not too far from the house in my reality marble.

Laying in my bed layed beside me as well. "Shirou." I turn to the dragon. "Yeah." I reply. "Making weapons was fun bal." He said, I smiled and picked him up then lets make a couple more swords together. "Bal would love that bal!"

"By the way Bal do you know Gao Mikado!" I asked him, it was his buddy in the buddy fight anime. "Yeah I do bal." His face then became sad. "Bal was tired of always fighting Azidahaka, every ten thousand years we'd meet and all the friends Bal made would disappear bal!" A tear appeared in his eyes.

"But then this glowy window showed up and told of Bal to became your buddy and Bal would be able to be your buddy forever bal!" Said the little dragon with a smile on his face. I couldn't help but hug the little guy, having to fight the same guy every ten thousand years to decide if the life exist would he tiring after a while.

So right now the only thing I can do for this guy is comfort him. "Thanks for being my buddy Bal." I replied as I hugged him a bit tighter, soon we both dozed off.