
I’m a villain?

We walked into a clothing store. I kept my eyes peeled for anything that was cheap. 

I didn't buy chocolate milk for two days, so I did have some money left. I wanted to treat myself with it later on, but I guess living a bug-free life was worth more. 

"You done yet?' Johnathan had already finished buying. 

I on the other hand was still busy searching for cheap stuff. And finally, I found something. 

It was a pink sweater, bear-themed. And even I could tell that it was made for girls. But it was the least expensive and half the price of the male version. 

'It's dark in the night, right?'       

I was making up excuses but I didn't really mind wearing a sweater. Besides, it wasn't like it had any tag saying that it was made for girls. 

I tried it on and it fit too. Maybe a bit tight but still a good fit. But when I walked into the light around the counter, I saw a bit of writing near the bottom edge. 'Made by girls for girls.'