
I'm A Mad Genius Traveling Across The Omniverse

Our universe is truly huge, far above one's wildest imagination. but there are other Universe out there, each being a mirror of our own. this meant these universes could be pretty much the same as ours but with just a few changes or completely different from our own. Across the endless number of the universe, stood an infinite number of councils. the Council of John Cene, the Council Of Rick, and so on. Each council held a multiverse of great minds, each parallel version of themselves gathering. Above within the darkness... I stood. the mastery mind being these council being born. I was the one who came up with the idea of versions of myself from other universes gathering together, all of us putting our minds together to birth great things. but I realized, if I could think of it, there were surely an infinite number of lifeforms who would think of such things. so while pushing for the birth of this, and secretly use the universe's greatest minds to birth my wishes...

itachi1010 · Tranh châm biếm
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13 Chs


"come on, it's your 7th birthday you must want something." walking through a busy street, Sora walked with his elder brother, Sakumo.

"I don't want anything. My life is perfect the way it is. a cool family, a job I like, and the only friend I could want." Sora said with a shrug, making Sakumo look at him weirdly. was this a kid or a grown man?

"come on, how about I help you with your ninja training? all you do is train by yourself." Sakumo said to which I just shrugged my shoulders.

"I'm a quick learner. I learn from my mistakes and adapt quickly." I said calmly, leaving Sakumo helpless. all he wanted was to spend time with his little brother, anything before he went back to the front lines.

"wait you have a friend?" he asked with a raised eyebrow, this was news to him. I nodded slightly at his words before telling him about Kushina, leaving him stunned for a moment. due to a few reasons, he knew about Kushina.

"... you like her?" He asked with a weird look, to which I gave him a weird look in return. an innocent look that was filled with the purity of a child, leaving Sakumo unable to speak slightly.

"the same look..." I said softly, leaving Saukmo confused. I thought for a moment before speaking.

"Kushina gave me the same look when I said I liked tomatoes. She was angry, but she got all red at those words. I was only trying to say tomatoes are not so bad, and I found them cute." I said softly, Sakumo was speechless for a moment. 

He thought back to the plans the Hyuga had with Kushina, and for some time he couldn't say anything. if Kushina truly loved Sora, there might be a battle.

'as expected. the Hyuga clan wants to marry Kushina into their clan.' I thought calmly, to which the system was speechless

{where did you get that idea?} The system asked with a weird look

'The sage of six paths left behind a stone tablet for the Uchiha clan, saying something about the fusion of the Senju and Uzumaki bloodline. is it too far to guess his brother didn't have the same idea?' I asked calmly, making the system even more confused

{host, you forget the sage of six paths had 2 brothers. Asura and Indra. Asura is the ancestor of the Senju and the Uzumaki. meanwhile, Indra is the ancestor of the Uchiha. the sage of six paths brother gave birth to two descents, some that lived on earth, and the other on the moon.} the system said to which I shrugged

'it could be all fake, I don't trust that anime or whatever. the stone tablet the Sage Of Six Paths has nothing to do with the Uzumaki clan. it's like their existence is meaningless. the Senju is the body of the sage of six paths, and the Uchiha is the spirit. now look at the Hyuga. they are the spirit of their ancestor. the Hyūga can be the body, the Uzumaki can be the body.' I said calmly while looking off

{boruto is the son of Naruto Uzumaki and Hinata Hyguga... I don't see it.} the system said to which I shrugged once more

'The fact the guy forgot to give Boruto the Byakugan is more of a reason for me not to trust it. instead, look at Boruto's younger sister. for a little girl to be able to knock out Naruto and the 9 tails. call it whatever you want, but thats a scary show of her potential. I had a theory about someone wanting to have someone recreate the Kaguya bloodline, Kushina marrying into the Hyuga clan, and then have their offspring marry the Uchiha and then Senju. a perfect plan.' I said making the system go quiet, unable to find such hints throughout the anime.

'It's just a theory, it would be cool if it's true. I like to think someone was in the shadows, pushing for Naruto and Hinata to marry. and would later push for their children to marry into the Uchiha clan...' I thought with a smirk.

{now you're going to do it? Are you going to give yourself a green hat? never saw you as the type.} the system said with a weird tone, making my face turn dark slightly. who said anything about me giving myself a green hat?

'foolish. I have no interest in waiting 100 or so years for my plans to give birth to progress... or giving myself a green hat.' I said with a slightly annoyed tone.

{my dear beloved master, peace forgive this lowly system's foolish actions. how about the system reward the host with a new function of the system?} the system asked, making my eyebrow raise, since when did the system recover to such a level

{I was keeping at a surprise for the night. a special birthday gift from me to you. but pretty much, the system had adapted to chakra and would be recovering faster from it. starting from now, every year you would be in luck for a random system function. it could be a store function or a mission function, it's all random. also, due to the damage the system has gotten. these functions would normally not be as good as before. but the chakra has strengthened this weakened system... so in a way, it's better, but also not at 100%} the system said to which I nodded in understanding.

pretty much, the system has gotten stronger. while at the same time the damage it suffered only got slightly better. this meant what I would see as better than what I created, would not truly be the system's best, just the best it could do at its current state.

'expected as much.' I thought calmly, I thought something like this was happening because of how powerful the system scans were. sadly, the system was not at 100%, as its processing capability would not be able to match mine.

{Congratulations host you have gotten... The Daily Slot System. okay, this is going to be troublesome.} the system said with a deep frown, unhappy with the reward. why? because this Daily Slot system would give me rewards every day, and in its current state, affecting reality is going to be troublesome.

{wait... I will go offline to make some changes. I will try and see if I could store up power, which would allow me to alter reality or do some other things.} the system said to which I nodded slightly, before looking towards Sakumo who was lost in his thoughts.

"so, tomorrow you will be working with Orochimaru... just tell me if he dares to bully you, I will teach him a lesson he will never forget," Sakumo said with a smile. although they were the same age, Sakumo could defeat Orochimaru, although it would be stretching it to say he could do the same with the whole team. although he could hold his own against all 3 of them,

"Sure... by the way. when are you returning to the Anbu?" I asked lazily, causing Sakumo to freeze while looking at me in shock. The Anbu are covert operatives of capable ninja who are dispatched by their village leader. their identity were kept top secret.

"I found out when I was 3. You always act top secret around your missions, it was a dead giveaway. to better hide it, you should have just laid. it's not like I would have bothered to double-check." I said calmly, leaving Sakumo speechless

"I know, it's top secret. I don't have many friends to tell anyway... so when are you going?" I asked calmly, to which Sakumo asked, not knowing what to do with this smart younger brother of his.

"tomorrow." He said with a sigh, to which I nodded slightly and had him follow me to my lab. where he was shocked to find Orochimaru walking around. I was also caught off guard by this.

"I'm guessing you're Orochimaru... the name is Sora," I said calmly Sakumo was busy looking at Orochimaru with narrowed eyes, this lab was a place where only a select few could enter, and to enter without my permission was something that even the 3rd didn't do out of respect.

"... you are a genius. I came here to see the kid who would be studying under my wings, but you are more capable than I expected. if I may ask, what are those bottles over there?" Orochimaru asked while pointing towards a seal, which one could see through and see buttles within.

"Strength boosting chakra. I have been working on the limits without one's body. they are called the 8 gates. those 3 would help you open one of the 3 gates without need for training." I said shocking the two. what were the 8 gates you may ask.

The Eight Gates exist to limit the flow of chakra within an individual's body. Ordinarily, individuals can use no more than 20% of their body's full potential, the brain's way of protecting the individual from harming their body through overexertion. With training, individuals can learn to remove these limiters, referred to as "opening" the gates.

With each opened gate, individuals are given access to more and more of their body's chakra, thus increasing their physical strength and speed.

It was extremely hard to open even just one of the 8 gates, starting from the gate of the opening located in the brain's left hemisphere, removing the user's mental inhibitions, and ending with the Gate Of Death, located in the heart. While open, the user's heart pumps at maximum speed, granting them power a hundred times greater than they are usually capable of.

"the red one opens the Gate of Opening. you would get all of the benefits of someone who had trained hard to open it. just that it doesn't stay open as long as you wish. the drawback you world face is far greater. the normal person would go brain-dead. while others would find themselves mentally dry for days to come." I said calmly

"it's still working on it. so you should avoid touching this. it's what I wanted to give you. big brother, you are both physically and mentally strong, the sad effect should only affect you for... 12 hours or so. so take one and use it if you truly needed" I said calmly, making Sakumo look at me for a moment, before taking it seeing I was worried for him.

"Dad will be back this morning, so I will give him one as well," I asked calmly to which Sakumo nodded before, he watched me turn to speak with Orochimaru. who wished to know the stuff around the lab, which I went on to show. Sakumo felt out of place hearing the explanation I was giving Orochimaru, but after some thought, he left the two alone 

"interesting. so this is the first model. but this new mode you created uses less than 1,000th the amount of energy the first one used... and it's even more power." Orochimaru said while holding two flashlights. the bigger one he ignored, was the one which used up too much energy. but the smaller one used less energy, and once he pointed it at paper long enough, it began smoking.

"how about your study into biology? have you ever thought of looking into animals?" He asked with a smile, to which I looked at him in confusion. he thought for a moment, before opening his mouth. from his mouth, A scroll came out, which he gave him.

Slightly disgusted, I took the scroll and went through it. and after a moment, my eyes widened in shock.

"you used the concept of a snake shedding its skin to create a body that allows you to shed your old body and create a completely new one without any injuries... this is beautiful. it's genius. ts almost perfect." I said with bright eyes while looking at the scroll. but Orochimaru who was smiling seeing the look in my eyes, couldn't help but frown hearing that last part. Seeing, I quickly explained.

"it uses up too much chakra. but there might be a way to reduce the amount of chakra it uses... I got it. why not have it that when you shed off your old body, you are reborn anew? like the phoenix. it rises from its ashes, reborn a new and stronger. what if we use this as the foundation of this jutsu, one that acts like the concept of the phoenix rebirth." I said with a smile, making Orchimaru's eyebrow raise.

"After suffering enough injuries, let's keep that whole shedding stuff. but instead, we use that as a moment for you to be reborn. instead of going back to your old body. we use this moment, to reborn your body. making it both stronger and also much better than the old one." I said lazily Orochimaru speechless while looking at the spot I was pointing at the scar.

"... wouldn't that use up more chakra?" he asked. causing me to freeze slightly, I thought for a moment while looking at the scroll before nodding slightly

"I forgot about that... alright, how about this. instead of... well, I have nothing. I guess one could improve their chakra control, allowing them to not waste much chakra when casting the jutsu. but thanks to the nature of the jutsu, chakra would be wasted. the fact you shed the old body off use a new skin." I said with a shrug

"you would have to find a new way of shedding... thats right. why Shedd in the first place? thats right. surely there is another animal out there that could regrow body parts... like lizards." I said with bright eyes, to which Orochimaru shook his head

"No, that would lower a person's lifespan," Orochimaru said calmly, I thought over his words for some time before nodding slightly.

"then we have to simply have to add a part to help restore one's lifespan. if a person lives all their life, without illness, or something of the kind. a say a perfectly healthy person could live up to 150 or more years." I said calmly while walking towards a table, where that had a folder on the human body.

"over time, as the human cell divides. they grow weaker and less perfect. so you have things like aging. what if we could have a way to slow down such aging? the shedding jutsu doesn't have this side effect... so let's combine the two. the benefit of regrowing body parts, without the cost of lifespan. while at the same time, trying to see if we could slow down the effect of cell division. try and increase those cells' lifespan, which in return means one could live longer." I said calmly, leaving Orochimaru quiet for some time. this was something extremely hard to do, something he had given up on long ago.

"how do we go about this then?" Orochimaru asked softly, causing the 3rd hokage who was watching this scene from his crystal ball to sigh softly in amazement, seeing just how his student was Sora. he didn't expect this, but it seemed like Sora right be smarter than Orochimaru...