
I'm A Mad Genius Traveling Across The Omniverse

Our universe is truly huge, far above one's wildest imagination. but there are other Universe out there, each being a mirror of our own. this meant these universes could be pretty much the same as ours but with just a few changes or completely different from our own. Across the endless number of the universe, stood an infinite number of councils. the Council of John Cene, the Council Of Rick, and so on. Each council held a multiverse of great minds, each parallel version of themselves gathering. Above within the darkness... I stood. the mastery mind being these council being born. I was the one who came up with the idea of versions of myself from other universes gathering together, all of us putting our minds together to birth great things. but I realized, if I could think of it, there were surely an infinite number of lifeforms who would think of such things. so while pushing for the birth of this, and secretly use the universe's greatest minds to birth my wishes...

itachi1010 · Tranh châm biếm
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13 Chs


"What?" Sora said with a blank look while looking at the recording from last night, Shima, and the 3rd had managed to find something he couldn't find. this was some BS

the Sakumo couldn't help but smile seeing Sora look. but he could understand, imagine spending months looking for life beyond the planet, only for someone else far less interested in your studies to go on to do it by luck.

"Whatever... this seems to have occurred about 1,000 or so light years away. by the way, In space, light does not dissipate no matter how far it travels, because the wave is not interacting with anything else." I said calmly to which the three behind me nodded 

"How can you tell it came from 1,000 light years away? I'm guessing 1 light year is the amount of time light takes to reach a said distance?" He asked calmly, to which I nodded while going on to explain how I knew. It was a how-know complex thing, which I easily explained, but none of them wished to go into something so complex.

"Light seems to move at a speed of 671 million miles per hour. The sun lights take about 10 minutes to reach this planet. In other words, if the sun were to disappear, it would take us 10 minutes to realize. after 10 minutes the world would go flying off, and the sun's pull would no longer affect us. we would also realize how to use the sun warth is." I said calmly, to which everyone nodded in understanding.

"didn't know light was so fast. why are those lasers, and lightning not so fast?" Sakumo asked with a weird look, to which I shook my head.

"Lesers don't move at the speed of light. thats even more so for lightning. Lightning is the discharge of electricity from ground to cloud, or cloud to ground, or cloud to cloud. Clouds get charged as they move around and either take or lose electrons from their surroundings. it gives off light, but it not light." I said while writing down a few things that could be of use later, although I remembered everything I saw, I found that it helped me think.

"what about lasers?" Sakumo asked with interest, to which I thought for a moment about how I could explain this.

"... think of it as... heavier light. let's just say it's so contracted, the light which is normally not that harmful, becomes deadly. they gain power, in exchange for speed." I said calmly, to which Sakumo nodded slightly. there was more to this, but did I have to go far into detail about such things?

Light speed was a hard concept, one would not be able to understand just how impossible it is for anything to reach this level of speed. this was something even Sora couldn't do on his own, breaking the rule of the universe was not so simple to do. 

Does one chakra move at light speed? The only things that travel at the speed of light are photons pure energy, and light, at the speed of light. Nothing with any mass at all can travel at the speed of light because as it gets closer and closer to the speed of light, its mass increases.

So, something with mass would need an infinite amount of energy to move at light speed. pretty much, one would need a whole universe worth of energy. so does chakra move at light speed? I don't know,

"interesting, they are not using jutsu, but more like Kekkai Gankai. sadly this is all I could see. 1,000 light years. there is a high likelihood something would block the light." I said with a deep sigh of annoyance,

"Well, I will go study this in my free time. on the other hand, I will be working on Orochimaru to create a new jutsu." I said calmly, before leaving. but the 3rd hokage wanted nothing more than for me to sit my ass down and study the stars. but at the same time, he wanted me to improve our tech. in the end, he sighed and left. the value of Sora increasing in his eyes.

later that day, as the Hokage said, I was later sent to Sora lab. pretty much I had to take in workers, who I would teach and be my assassinates, no more of me doing all of the work by myself. the 3rd wishes for me to teach new talents in this field while I continued to learn, this was something I considered highly annoying, but sure, I got higher funding, more than the 50% increase I asked for.

"damn, we are close..." I said while looking at the jutsu we had created. it was almost complete, but the lifespan would be damaged every time one recovered. Orochimaru was also looking at the Jutsu, this was a priceless jutsu even as it was. this was a jutsu where some could regrow every body part, from the heart to even the head.

if the head is cut off, it would disappear and a new head would regrow. if cut in half from hands to balls, the half one is most used to would remain while the other would turn into chakra and turn back to the body. of course, one could reattach the head, or hands when cut off.

burn to ashes? at the cost of more of your lifespan, and chakra, your ashes would reform, forming a new you.

"This jutsu can be improved, this is still incomplete. I never studied other healing-based jutsu, so give me a few months to study them." I said while already going through a few papers, leading Orochimaru to think of someone... Tsunade.

Tsunade was titled the number one medical-nin in the world. she was the best doctor one could find. she had cured countless poisons, saved countless lives, and the list went on. She was the best... and if she joined.

"Also, I don't think the normal chakra would do. if we could find another chakra to replace the loss of lifeforce. we could have a perfect jutsu. which brings me to the next research, Sage chakra, but I don't have a teacher just yet. I will ask the 3rd." I said with a deep frown, unable to pay attention to the book in hand

Orochimaru couldn't help but think of someone else, Jiraiya. He was called the toad stage. Sage chakra is gained when one manages to combine chakra with Narutal energy, energy from one surroundings. this increased their overall capability, Tsunade and Jiraiya, were both on his team, a team of 3. all taught by the 3rd hokage.

"... I help with those 2 problems," Orochimaru said while looking at Sora who was rubbing his head as if trying to clean up his thoughts.

"Really? thats great. how?" I asked with bright eyes, to which Orochimaru just shook his head, and with a deep sigh left, going off to see if he could get those too. I watched him leave with a confused look, while deep down I smirked.

it was so easy to control these so-called smart guys. first, have your telescope show a planned video, and go on to use it to show others just how important you are.

Lead one by the hand, make them realize just how out class they are, but without making them feel so useless to the point they get jealous. Have them correct your mistakes, and keep you from making huge mistakes, making them feel as if they had done something. and in the end, have them go on to bring in two other valuable research subjects.

Tsunade was the granddaughter of the first hokage. She was a monster in her own right, the offspring of the Senju and the Uzumaki. her physical strength was unmatched, her punches were a deadly weapon. and her level of chakra control was considered the best, it was not easy to use your chakra to heal others. the amount of chakra needed, too much and you harm someone, and too little, and nothing would be done. to control your chakra to the point you could heal organs, and other delicate things, such a level of chakra control needed was high

"... tomorrow is Valentine's Day," I said before going on to go to work. what was a gift that Kushina would want as a love gift? well, I was planning on gifting her a personally created perfume. a heavy smile that would not be able to affect the minds of those around her, putting them into an illusion where they smell their favorite smell. good heavenly smell, if their favorite smell happens to be something bad like blood or shit, the illusion would of course not have one with this perfume smell like that. just smells what was good,

this was something easy for me, I was able to create such a thing back in my old life, without any improvement to my intelligence, which was even more so now. but it took me a day to make it, after which I went out to go see Kushina

"I stayed up all night creating this for you," I said while giving her the wrapped gift, Kushina opened the gift and saw the perfume. she was not interested in such a thing. but she put on a smile and nodded, although she had a weird look knowing I created it.

spraying someone in her palm, her eyes shot wide open smelling such a heavenly smell. she couldn't put her finger on the smell, but the closest thing she could think of was... Strawberries... no, Sea Air? No, Moutain Cold Air? No, Mint? it was like all of the smells she liked were fused. she was in love. for a moment, she couldn't help but keep smelling her palm.

"you shouldn't use too much of it, I had it so that it spread across your body. that one spray is perfect, not too strong and not too weak... although I haven't tested it just yet. there might be some trouble." I said calmly, making Ksuhina's eyebrow raise. what trouble? it was just a perfume, although a heavenly perfume she instantly fell in love with.

"Well... thank you," Kushina said with a bitter smile, while turning my attention elsewhere just in time for her to throw the box of chocolate she had away.

"What?" I asked confused, before looking at her. seeing her hand which was coming from the position of throwing something away. I remembered she had something behind her, but Kushina quickly spoke, to distract me from whatever I wanted to ask her.

"So, my surprise is... cough, it's a..." Kushina struggled to think of something that could rival the perfume. but she couldn't think of anything. But at that moment, someone walking past suddenly stopped and began smelling her.

Creeped out, Kushina backstopped. but the man was in love. he never smelled anyone so heavenly, surely this little girl... it was meant to be. he reached out, a lewd look in his eyes. only to be slapped in the back of his head by his wife who had an enraged look. but she froze as she got a hint of Kushina's smell, stunned she came closer to Kushina to smell her.

slowly, more and more people were drowned over, Kushina smells drawing them over towards them like a bee to honey. Kushina was too creeped out to do anything for a moment, but I quickly moved, grabbing her and jumping up onto a roof.

"My bad, I didn't have time to test it. only on myself." I said with a deep frown, this wasn't an act. I overlooked a simple detail... my mind was stronger than others, so I tested this thing on myself... a huge mistake.

"what are you saying?" Kushina asked softly, 

"Everyone who is smelling you is smelling the most heavenly thing. adding his is the day of love, they are all falling in love with you." I said softly, before rubbing Kushina and running off. leading a crowd below to run after them. the crowd rushed after them, but they were faster than them.

we threw them off with many turns, but the more we moved, the more the Kushina smell spread, causing the crowd to grow and grow. before long, even the 3rd hokage was looking out of his office window, looking at the screen of a good amount of the village running after Sora and Kushina.

"Could a perfume cause this much damage?" he thought with narrowed eyes. To the side was a middle-aged man, who had a sharp scheming look. what would happen if he dropped such a smell in the center of an enemy village, while the village was in chaos, they would be able to bring down a whole village in a matter of houses.

"Herizen... you are not putting this boy to his fullest potential," Danzo said, his words filled with deep meaning. while the 3rd hokage could be considered the sun, Danzo was the moon. while the 3rd was all good, Danzo dirty his hands for the sake of the village. being the villain the village needed

"Danzo, you leave the boy alone. Shima and Sakuma could ignore everything to take your head off... I fully support the boy. he is smart, enjoys learning, and loves the village. do you understand what I'm saying?" He said sharply, the air growing heavy from his words. a pressure which caused the whole building to shake slightly, spreading. Danzo was strong, he had the potential to be a Kage as well. no one could take his position without strength

during the beginning of Naruto, both he and the 3rd were in their 70s far above their peak. at this moment, these two were at their peak. both have overwhelming strength, in the past Danzo was the 3rd rival, but currently, the 3rd hokage has suppressed his old rival, but this was the era of shinobi. being stronger didn't always mean winning.

"..." Danzo looked at the 3rd hokage, before leaving. if it was for the village, he would slaughter his whole family without a second thought. for the sake of the village, he would ensure Sora does his part to improve the village's strength...

'this is going to cause me trouble... hopefully, my funding doesn't drop... but this might catch the attention of other villages. but the biggest trouble would be from those within the village... sigh, Danzo. how would I control that fool? he stays in the shadows, so I cared not to think of him. The chances of me meeting him were slim... fuck it, I play the scared card before my big brother or dad. just my family background is a cheat.' I thought while while looking at Kushina who was laughing at the huge sea of people running after us.

"This isn't funny," I said with a bitter smile, to which Kushina just laughed. but at that moment she noticed a shinobi jumping towards them, she quickly took my hand and threw me out of the way. but at the last moment, I grabbed her hand and pulled out of the way of the shinobi.

"nice one, but let's see if we can keep the same level of teamwork," Kushina said with a laugh, as a chunin was running after them. my face dropped at this realization, taking her hand, we shot forward, while we pulled and pushed each other, dodging everyone. for our first time working together like this, we were impressed. it was like we were reading each other minds.

what shocked me was that she could keep up with my plans. her instincts were already so sharp? then again, this was the person who went around fighting both grown-ups and children alive. and to this date, never lost a battle.