POV: Asani Martin
It took around 3 hours for the statuses of the three men to go from the scrambled mimic version to one that was indistinguishable from that of a normal person. Even the familiar section stated mimic was gone, although it seemed that the mimics could still use their original abilities. It made me almost jealous considering I couldn't hide Onyx from mine, but thinking about the fact that the original mind and consciousness of the people were most likely gone, I quickly moved on as that issue would be handled sooner rather than later.
As for the questioning session that I held, the results were simultaneously useful and useless.
James Clerr was, to put it simply, an originally talented person whose talent was never fully put to good use because he was lazy and preferred taking shortcuts rather than honing his skills. In this world, an awakened person with two gifts meant that the person would be coveted by many people. Even if his gifts leaned toward espionage and secrecy rather than the actual strength to battle monsters and clear dungeons, many people, both good and bad, would have wanted to snatch him up.
I'm sure that if he had diligently trained himself, he could have at least worked for an espionage-type group and made decent money. The Raven clan specifically worked with many people like that. Instead, James Clerr preferred to enjoy the finer things in life.
In other words, drinking, gambling, women, stealing, and more without a hint of self-control or a sense of moderation. He had enjoyed a brief moment of fame as an academy student before he found himself a petty criminal after owing millions in debt to the local crime lord of the area. The gang was unoriginally named the Dark Shadow gang and was run by a young man called Charles Luciano, an up-and-coming young boss who took over from his recently deceased father.
James began his service working for Sylvester Luciano and now his leash had been passed onto his son, Charles. He was simply tasked with collecting the 'protection' fee from people and businesses in the area, intimidate small fries encroaching on the territory, and running errands as he couldn't be trusted to do much more than that since he couldn't stop himself from indulging in his vices anytime he had excess cash.
Due to my permanently borrowing money from him the last time, he had been beaten within an inch of his life, had his debts doubled, and been thrown back on the streets to work again, but this time he had been given guards to subdue the 'upstart academy brat who had gotten too big for his breeches'.
When asked about his grievances, the mimic that was now James could go on and on, but when asked about the structure of the organization he was a part of, the leaders, security, and such, the answers were jumbled up. All he could do was complain.
The other gang members were weaker than him; they beat him up, the boss was weak and was trying to prevent a revolt from his underlings, etc. It all just came out in a garbled mess that I was trying to understand through the diagram I was drawing on a crafted white board.
Dumb and Dumber, positioned to the left and right weren't much help either, as they were just low-ranked grunts, so the whole thing gave me a headache. The only consistent thing was that they were on the lookout for me since their boss wanted to see me, a few names of leaders sprinkled here and there, and there was a meeting with the area gangs coming up due to outside disturbances.
What were those disturbances? James couldn't tell me. In other words, he was a useless low-ranked grunt who existed just to fill up the numbers.
The only good news from the questioning was that there were several businesses owned by the local boss, including several gambling dens, illegal fighting rings, a couple of drug distributors, and the occasional whore house, which brought in a sizable amount of income.
I originally thought that since I had James under my control, I could simply spread the mimics quickly and overtake the whole group since it would be some petty crime. But learning that the operation was bigger than I originally thought and that they were actively searching for me, it might be better to investigate a bit more while hiding my identity so that I could understand all the players in the game before swooping in to snatch it all.
If the island had taught me anything, it was that things were slowly but surely getting distorted in a way that was different from the story. I would have to change my plans a bit to accommodate such changes and be a little more aggressive in my actions.
After giving them the order to behave like normal and to inform me of any major orders or changes, I released them to do their usual tasks before heading toward the wharf after dressing in a hoodie, mask, and glasses.
It was still early evening, and I wanted to see if I could make it to the recommended knick-knack store since it said it was still open online.
As I got off the train while eating some jerky and sneaking some to Onyx in my pocket, I headed toward the previously memorized destination, but as I walked around the crowded boardwalk area, I spotted someone familiar.
Polkadots aka Ivy Mamoru.
She was dressed in a long black skirt with chains crisscrossing everywhere, a baggy long green T-shirt over tight-fitting black sleeves, a black beanie, and most notably, that turtle-shaped backpack that I now realized was actually a real turtle as I watched the head briefly poke out of the shell and glance around before retracting.
It was interesting and convenient. I had wanted to talk to her, so it was nice that she delivered herself.
I quickly approached her and slung my hand over her shoulder while creating a small illusion barrier just around the two of us. It wouldn't do to be caught threatening a girl by the general populace.
As expected of an academy student, the moment I touched her, she immediately swung at me.
"Who the hel-"
"Hello there, fellow classmate Ivy Mamoru. Long time no see. You're looking healthy." I quickly interrupted her while lifting my glasses so she could see my eyes.
"Rank 1000?" her eyes widened in confusion before glaring as she put her glowing clenched fist down.
"It's Asani. Say it properly, or would you like me to call you Polkadots or Miss Rank 873 in return?" I calmly asked her while pulling her closer.
"Fine, Asani. Let go of me. I don't think you and I are friendly enough to be doing this. Otherwise, I'll make you regret it."
As she finished speaking, the turtle on her back raised its snake-like head up and snapped at my arm, which I quickly removed.
"Oooh, scary."
Staring at the baleful yellow eyes of the turtle that had a much more impressive aura than its owner, I dug into my pocket and brought out the jerky.
After all, the best way to tame a grumpy animal was to feed it, whether it was regular animals or magical ones, they all reacted the same in front of food. As an added bonus, most owners softened up nicely if you treated their pet animals well. It was a lesson I learned well in my last life and I constantly applied it in this one.
After all, who would suspect someone who was constantly kind to animals?
"Don't bite me and have some jerky instead." Deftly avoiding the pointed beak that shone with a wicked light as it approached me once more, I dropped some jerky into the turtle's mouth, watching in satisfaction as it swallowed it whole before widening its eyes in surprise.
"Delicious, right? The teriyaki flavor of this brand is the best. A little sweet and not too salty. It's much better than eating poor old me. I can assure you I taste horrible, very bitter and will give you indigestion. Want more?"
At the rapid nod of its head, I laughed before feeding it some more.
"…stop feeding him; he's heavy enough as it is," Ivy grumbled while looking at me incredulously.
"Ah? It's a boy? He's a very handsome boy. Look at the gleam of that shell. The gloss to his skin. Looks very healthy and strong. Plus, there's no such thing as a heavy pet. Only weak humans who can't carry them. You should train more." I calmly told her while tossing another piece of jerky for him to snap up.
If a turtle could preen, the turtle on her back was doing so even though the only part that moved was the head that extended toward me for a head pat.
I obligingly scratched its head between the spiky ridges, and I could see Ivy sigh in resignation as she continued walking past the turn that would take us to Nestor's Knickknacks. Seeing her head turn toward it temporarily before looking away nonchalantly, I smiled widely beneath my mask and continued following her.
"What do you want, Asani? Why are you following me? I assume it's not to feed my familiar or scold me?" Ivy asked in irritation.
"What? I can't say hello to a fellow classmate. How rude. And I'm not following you. I'm taking an evening stroll and just happened to see you."
"Fine. You've said hello. I said hello. Let's say goodbye. Are you leaving?"
"Wellllll, I'll consider it after you answer a couple of questions for me."
"That's what I thought." With a snort of disgust, she quickly moved to the side while giving me a weird look. "Come on, out with it. What?"
"Well, it's kind of hard to ask in public, so maybe we can find somewhere private?"
"I'm busy. And you'll forgive me if I don't want to go somewhere private with a murderer." She spat out with a look of accusation.
"Ah, that little old thing? It's been cleared, and I've been released. I promise it won't take but a second. It's about our island vacation where we had a touching private moment with just three of us. I'm sure you remember when. Look, there's a good spot right here."
Seeing the turtle looking docile as its head retreated back into its shell, I grabbed her shoulder again and led her to an empty alcove by a closed store.
As she pulled herself away, I could see her face tighten up with nerves as she stared at me, but I didn't bother to reassure her. After all, we weren't really friends. A little sense of tension was good.
"…what do you want to know? I've already reported everything I saw to the professors."
"I don't care about that. What I want is your illusion anklet. Let me see it." I outrightly said it while glancing at her shoes.
Ivy flinched before schooling her face into one of neutrality.
"…I don't know what you're talking about."
At her denial, I forced mana into my eyes, forcefully looking through the skintight barrier around her body.
I intentionally glanced at her right ankle while speaking. "Green hexagonal metal chains set with 6 white gemstones. By the clarity, it's either diamonds or mana crystals, but whatever material your clothes are made of is messing me up, so I can't Analyze it clearly. Lift your skirt up, please; I just want to look. It's important."
Ivy immediately took a couple of steps back and glared at me with disgust.
"…you're a pervert and this is harassment. Should I call the cops or report you to the school for stalking?"
"Ah? At most, I just want to see your ankles, so don't take it the wrong way. I have no interest in you whatsoever. Zero. Zilch. Not even the slightest bit." I lightly clarified my intentions but she seemed to get angrier.
"What the hell is wrong with me? Are you saying I look like a boy?"
At the random outburst, I stared at her for a moment before sighing, "…we're getting derailed here, so let me be direct. I want to see the anklet. Let's skip the back-and-forth and denial. Just show it to me, please."
"Or what?"
"Or I'll share with the class that you're a what was it…" I intentionally Analyzed her, imitating the forceful way Solomon used his mana to scrape every inch of her body, and she shuddered before clenching her fists once more.
"…something something hybrid? The students at our academy are quite unforgiving, and they love a good rumor and to bully people. Who knows how they would treat you if they knew? Should I continue or…? " at my intentionally vague question, she glared angrily while the turtle's head peeked out and stared at me.
"You're a bastard. You know you're not supposed to Analyze people at the academy." She spat out, and I couldn't help but shrug while looking around.
"Am I at the academy now? No right? I'm in a hurry so please lift your skirt up so I can see the anklet."
"…You clearly know what it is. Why do you need to see it?"
"I take item crafting courses at the academy. You've seen me working with Lina, right? I want to understand and one day create an object like it and need a reference so I'm asking you since we're classmates. But if you don't want me to see it and want to gift it to me, who am I to say no?"
"…You're asking me to gift you a precious item? Are you mentally okay?"
"I'm fine, thanks for asking. Now, are you showing it to me? Or are we making a scene, and a new rumor will be going around the school? I'd be glad to do it, you know. It will get me out of the rumor mill for a bit."
I could see her thoughts churning and her position ready to run, so I quickly killed such thoughts.
"If you run, I'll chase you down, yelling thief. When we're back at the academy, I'll follow you every day while shouting your secret to everyone until you show it to me. Or you could show me, and I'll leave peacefully. Your choice."
"I think you're an annoying bastard…"
"I learned from the best. Your choice?" I asked politely, even though I could see the resignation on her face.
"Take a look, and then leave me the hell alone!"
"I will, thanks." At my cheery reply, she frowned angrily before lifting up her skirt to her shins, exposing black socks with a green anklet around her left leg. The white stones of the anklet had purple mist-like things swirling in one stone that looked brighter than all of the others, catching the light as it moved around.
Without being polite, I analyzed the anklet curiously.
[Illusion Suppression Anklet]
[Creator: Hidden]
[Rank C]
[An anklet created by [Hidden] that absorbs the mana from the wearer and can hide a single selected status item one of their choosing.***]
*can be applied to any living creature
**Hidden Effect.
[Analyze again?]
Analyze I quickly thought while pulling up my status sheet. For some reason, I could feel a sense of pressure in my eyes and felt like something good was going to happen.
Asani Martin
Child of the Nox Clan
[Charm – A]
Gifts: 3/3
Gifts: ▷Eye of Odin (D)(99.00%), ▷Beloved By Mana (F), ▷Mana Craftsman(F)(86%)
Finally. It had taken an unreasonable amount of time to get here, but finally, the eye of Odin, my bread and butter next to mana craftman, was finally ranking up.
Without delay, I kept analyzing the anklet until the rank of Eye of Odin went up. Brushing aside the status screen to check later, I eagerly analyzed the amulet again.
[Illusion Suppression Anklet]
[Creator: Euphemia Mirage]
[Rank C]
[An anklet created with the illusion mist of [Euphemia Mirage] that absorbs the mana from the wearer and can hide a single selected status item one of their choosing. It can only be seen through by an ability of an equal or higher rank or those with a strong affinity to mana.***]
*can be applied to any living creature
** Due to being personally crafted and imbued with a piece of the illusion mist of the high-rank individual [Euphemia Mirage], the creator can trace the location of the item using her personal skill]
[Charge 60 days.]
[Charge Duration Remaining: 2 days]
Seeing the full description I wanted to roll my eyes.
Of course.
There was no free lunch in this world.
After learning that it was a protected item from Professor Lee, despite the fact that she sent me to someone who could provide an untracked version, I doubted that such a dangerous item would be made by a regular person. The black market creator of such an item could only be one of two groups.
A member of an illegal group like the Worshipers or the Darwinists.
Or a member of the 9 clans.
My suspicion had been on the latter with the chief suspect being Stein Meraki the leader of the Meraki clan and creator of many of the magic tools used so I was relatively surprised to see Euphemia Mirage's name pop up.
But, when I thought about it, it made a certain kind of sense.
Illusion Witch Euphemia Mirage mother of Cassandra Mirage and the Leader of the Mirage clan.
She was known for her unworldly beauty that couldn't be ascertained if it was false or real and her ability to create illusions so strong that they might as well be real.
Seeing that she was the creator of Ivy's cuff and adding in the fact that Ivy had seemed to be heading to the same store I was, I had a bad feeling that even if I somehow managed to wrangle an anklet from the store, it would be made by Euphemia.
That in and of itself wasn't a problem.
The real problem was that if she wanted to, she could trace the location of the wearer. Of course, this was a relatively low-ranked bracelet, but even so, the thought creeped me out.
I had no plans of walking around with a gps signal on my body so it seemed that my plans had to change slightly.
It seemed that my luck was really good today seeing that I had run into Ivy. A rank up in my gift and some hidden information.
I should make sure to treat this little lucky charm well.
Nodding to myself, I quickly rearranged my thoughts.
I would still go to the store and check it out. If they had an item like this, they might have other things I might want. As long as they weren't bugged like this one I would get them.
And…it seemed I had to investigate Miss Polkadots a bit more.
After all, anyone who could acquire this was a person of interest especially if she was knowingly wearing a tracker around her leg. And if she was truly headed to Nestor's Knickknacks she was even more suspicious.
So much to investigate and so little time to do it. I really needed to build an information network of my own. Rachel wasn't enough.
"Are you done staring?" Ivy's irritated voice broke me out of my reverie and I nodded absentmindedly.
"Yep. Thanks for that. Feel free to cover up, I'll be leaving now. Naturally I won't tell anybody at the academy your secret so just forget we had this conversation. Have a good evening." I lightly waved and turned to leave in a hurry.
"Wait…that's it?" Ivy's nervous voice stopped me in my tracks.
"Yes. Is there anything else?" as I stared at her in confusion she blinked stoically.
"You're not…saying anything about my…race?"
"Should I care? It's not like it's illegal right? You're still a person who reasons normally and there are sentient Beasts who can communicate. Who am I to get in the way of interspecies love? Anyone who gives you shit for that is hypocritical especially when the Domare clan exists. And…it's my bad this time. I didn't mean to poke at your sore spot, I was just curious about your item. Now as an apology for threatening you today, Mr. Turtle please say aaaahh." Shrugging, I reached into my pocket and opened another pack of jerky before dumping it into the open mouth of the turtle on her back.
As the turtle snapped it up, I waved again at the blankly staring girl, "Well this is goodbye for now since I'll probably see you later Polkadots."
"It's Ivy. And I highly doubt that."
"I know but I think your hair is quite cool." Pulling my glasses down to wink at her and seeing her entire face turn red, I laughed before running away.
As I circled around and headed to the location of the store, I had one impression as I stood outside of the store front.
Grungy. Sketchy. A mess.
It was the perfect front of a black market dealer.
The glass window and door of the store was filled with dirty stickers of different shapes and sizes, completely covering it up and leaving the interior a mystery.
The alley where it was located had two dive restaurants surrounding it with a large smelly dumpster to one side which had rats the sizes of small dogs scurrying about.
As I forced mana into my eyes to see into the building, I was rebuffed by a mana array similar to ones we had at the academy.
Making sure my hood, glasses, and mask fully covered me, I opened the door and went inside.
There was a loud ding and a scratchy voice sounded out.
"One guest has arrived. One guest has arrived!"
Not seeing where the sound came from, I pulled my hood down lower and continued walking inside.
The interior was to put it mildly, a hoarders wet dream.
Bookshelves lined with books and items of different sizes, tables and drawers with precarious piles of objects on them. On the ceiling at different intervals were globes with eyeballs inside that twitched around and seemed to be following my movement as I tried to move through the cluttered space without bumping into things and head to the counter to see if the owner was here.
As I finally found the counter; a glass display case with a cash register and a couple barstools placed in front. Behind the display case, an older man with graying brown hair and a full yet messy beard dressed in a white button up, slacks, and a gray apron stared at me while wiping the glass case with a rag. His hairy arms were filled with scars and from the thick corded muscles that were visible, it seemed he knew how to carry himself in a fight.
As I walked closer, faded green eyes looked me up and down before he snorted in a disgruntled manner.
"We're about to close." A grumpy voice sounded out.
"About to close means you're still open and I'm a paying customer. You won't turn me away, right?"
"Aren't you a bit young to be here little boy. It's dark out."
"I'm just short." I lightly replied while looking around with my mana vision.
Everything in the store shone with a distinct covering of mana that made me want to take a closer look at it all.
The amulet on the wall that looked like a dream catcher had a status that said it increased the density of mana a space.
The gnarled wooden cane leaning on the wall would grow into a blood sucking tree that would attack any living thing around it.
The colorful rolled up rug to the side was made of spider thread that wouldn't release you once you stepped in it.
I wanted it all.
Of course, among the good items, there was plenty of junk spread out as well that seemed to be failed crafted items.
As I began nosing around, the man's grumpy voice broke through the silence again.
"Ah, ah, ah. None of that. I can recognize that look in your eyes. If you analyze it you buy it. And come and sit, you need to hear the store rules first." As he pointed to a barstool I snorted.
"Isn't that too much of a scam old man? Most of the stuff here is junk anyway. I mean who want's a necklace that will make them grow 2 feet shorter, a book that makes you stupider the more you read it, or a ring that causes explosive farts that damage you? Where are you keeping the really good stuff?" I complained while walking to the counter.
Sit and look at the rules." The man repeated, completely ignoring my question while pointing behind him.
Sighing, I spotted a signboard behind him while I took a seat.
In regular text, it said.
[Nestor's Knicknacks, if you try it you buy it.]
[For every item you steal, you will lose a limb of your choice. Proceed wisely.]
[Service can be denied at the whims of the owner.]
But in my mana vision, a completely different text appeared.
[Nestor's Knickknacks]
[Your privacy guaranteed]
[For every 10 items you analyze, you must buy 1. You can't fool me as I have eyes everywhere]
[Analyze Counter: 8]
[Special Items may be requested from the owner to check the stock or to procure. Starting price is 2,000,000 credits and a proof of referral is required and your face must be shown.]
[No taking an item on credit or installment plans - cash or check for the full price only.]
[For every item you steal, you will lose a limb of your choice. Proceed wisely.]
[Service can be denied at the whims of the owner.]
Seeing the harsh rules, I had one thought. How dark and annoying.
I had no proof of referral at all and had no intention of buying everything I analyzed either.
But, the counter was quite interesting. To test it out, I glanced a simple bell of to the side before analyzing it and the counter went up.
Was this a detection gift of some sort?
"Finished reading? What do you want?" as the old man interrupted me , his nose twitching as if he smelled something foul, I pretended to not notice Onyx letting out a disgusting stench of gas that spread around me and replied while flicking Onyx in my pocket.
"Well I plan on browsing a bit, but would you happen to have something that could make me look physically older? Or something that could change my appearance just a bit."
"Take your hood and mask off let me see your face."
"Do I have to?"
"Do you want to be kicked out? Or is it that you can't read."
"I can read but I don't particularly want to reveal my face if I don't have to. Do you have the item?"
As I argued back, the man sighed before slamming his hand on the glass.
"I'm not bargaining with you, boy. If you want it, we have it or can get it. Either take it off your mask now or get out. I told you I'm closing."
"Fine, fine." Sighing, I removed everything covering my face and gave him an innocent smile, "Happy?"
The faded eyes looked me over slowly, glancing at my eyes before he shook his head disapprovingly.
"You're a child. What do you want an item like that for?"
"Going drinking and gambling with some friends not that it's any of your business."
"How childish."
"To be childish is a blessing and I plan on enjoying my youth. How much will it cost me in total?"
"You've read the board, 2,000,000 since it's a simple item with many in stock. Where's your referral?"
"The money is fine, but the referral is-"
Before I could finish, the faded eyes that had been scrutinizing my face immediately narrowed, and his arm was wrapped in mana and quickly went for my throat.
Crafting a barrier as I leaned back, I created a knife and immediately stabbed down at his hand on the display table while flicking another one at his throat.
The knife cracked the top layer of glass, barely missing him and pinning the cleaning rag he had been holding down while my barrier shattered as one of his fingers grazed it.
As Onyx began squirming in my pocket, a discordant growl sounded out while I crafted a gun and another barrier in front of him.
As the two of us stared at each other, the old man touched the thin line of blood that appeared on his cheek, his whole body tight with tension as if he might explode forward and grab at me again.
Not sure why he was suddenly attacking me, I began Analyzing the items around me to identify which ones I could use against him and steal before I got out of there.
Since the owner attacked me first, shouldn't I get some hospital money?
There was a loud ding and a scratchy voice sounded out.
"One guest has arrived. One guest has arrived!"
Both of us relaxed slightly and I watched as Ivy walked over.
"Asani? Mr. Nestor? What is going on?" from my periphery, I could see Ivy's head looking back and forth in confusion.
As Ivy's voice sounded out, I gave the man a cold smile.
It seemed my luck was really good today. She was quite the lucky charm.
"Asani? What's going on? Why are you pointing a gun at Mr. Nestor." Ivy asked as she walked closer and her fists started glowing.
"Mr. Nestor here was asking for my referral. I was just telling him that the person hadn't arrived yet, but then he attacked me. Mind telling me the reason?"
As my eyes rolled back to Nestor, he shrugged lightly before relaxing his fierce expression.
"I was just testing you out, kid. No need to get your panties in a bunch."
"This is how you test your customers? How the hell are you still in business?"
"Because they need something from me, and I'm one of the few places in the city where they can get it. Ivy, you know this kid? Are you referring to him?"
"I know him but I'm not-"
"Ehem. My lovely classmate, please remember our previous conversation and think carefully before you respond."
I cut in without removing my gaze from Nestor or lowering my gun.
At my flippant words, I watched Ivy's face turn red, pale, and red again in quick succession.
"You- you just apologized for threatening me! And now you're doing it again?"
"That was that, and this is this, and the term threat is so dramatic. Didn't we have a nice chat and you showed me your jewelry? I even fed your turtle for you. Do me a solid just this once. It's the last time, promise."
"You-…you're a bastard!"
"So you've said. Anything else?"
"Ivy. Is he threatening you? Should I handle him?"
As Nestor asked once more while looking at me with a blank expression, Ivy hesitated once before shaking her head.
"It's fine. We're classmates, and he saved my life once. I can vouch for him just this once."
Even though he looked unwilling, Nestor still sighed.
"…Fine. You put that away. No weapons in my store."
"I prefer having it in my hand considering the fact that you tried to kill me. No offense."
"Please, if I wanted you dead, you would be. Take a look around while I get the item you want. Once I'm out, pay and get out. I'm closed."
"Throw in 10 free item for causing me distress, and it's a deal." I immediately began bargaining with a smile.
"You can get one thing. Just one from that little box in the corner. You have to pay for everything else. Ivy come here."