
I'm A God Of The Harem

The universe was created to give birth, the sun was its incubator, from them it arose to become the future monarch. He who was born in a special and unique way will have a future full of joy and love, as well as short-lived adventure. Start reading to find out more. (This is a Fanfiction by Douluo Dalu - Doupo - Against the Gods - Konosuba) - [I do not own the rights to commonly used phrases and characters, except for the protagonist of the fanfiction.] (No lemon +18)

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Shen Wèizhī after saying a few words to Bibi Don, left with Gu Yuena, because there was little point in staying in the Spirit Hall doing nothing, here he preferred to spend time with his wife. Logically I also bring Bibi Dong, because it wasn't right to exclude her.

Before leaving the Spirit Hall, Bibi Dong asked if he could help her subdue the Elder Hall, commanded by Qian Daoliu, a limit Douluo.

Shen Wèizhī did not refuse, and so the three of them went to Qian Daoliu and then made him submit to Bibi Dong, and surprisingly the process was very simple.

Qian Daoliu only made one request in exchange for his surrender, and said "As long as the inheritance of the God of Angels can prosper, and the rest I don't care. If you can find me a boy or girl with the martial spirit of the angel, I will completely surrender to the faction of the Supreme Pontiff Bibi Dong"

When Shen Wèizhī hears his words, I show a smile and then release his first martial spirit, The Eighteen-Winged Angel. With Qian Daoliu's admiration and veneration, he knelt down praying like a fanatic, while it was clear that he was completely subdued by his martial spirit.

Other than Gu Yuena who knew everything about Shen Wèizhī, Bibi Dong was very shocked to discover that there was someone who possessed the Angel Martial Spirit, especially knowing that this spirit was one bestowed by the Angel God himself.

So it was impossible that there was anyone who could have this martial spirit other than the Qian family, so he didn't know how to analyze what happened.

Qian Daoliu also understood this detail, but decided to ignore it and so was happily at peace knowing that Bibi Dong could have a child in the future, since he saw that the relationship between her and Shen Wèizhī was deep.

After the Spirit Hall was unified under one command, Bibi Dong decided to momentarily leave command to Qian Daoliu, knowing that she would not dare betray him for the simple fact that she would have a son from Shen Wèizhī, thus inheriting his Angelica martial spirit.

Then the three left for the world of Douluo Dalu, thus going to other continents as time passed and the fame of their legend quickly spread throughout the world, thus calling themselves: The Three Heavenly Kings of Calamity.

This title was created by people who saw what they did around, like: they once parted the sea with a simple leaf, so some fishermen saw it and spread the word about that feat.

There was also once that Shen Wèizhī  was seen sleeping comfortably while taking a bath on a lake filled with glowing magma, so some level 91 Douluo titles saw him and spread the matter to their circle, thus spreading quickly.

Everyone knew that even a level 90 couldn't survive in the magma lake for too long, let alone enter it directly, they would become charred kibbles.

There was also a time when Bibi Dong and Gu Yuena had a serious fight, thus destroying a hundred thousand km wide valley, thus killing many people and gaining a bad reputation among the people, but this did not affect the two in the slightest.

There were other, much more impressive stories, but that didn't change the fact that the three were considered Heavenly Kings of Calamity, and wherever they went, there would always be disaster.

Surprisingly Bibi Dong was pregnant from the first time she lost her virginity, but strangely the baby took five years to be born, so both she, Shen Wèizhī  and Gu Yuena, were happy to learn that it would be born in a few days, especially because the three have they bonded a lot thoughevery now and then the two women argued fiercely.

One night, in a forest where there was a palace, in a room, the cry of a child was heard while the male voice of a boy said enthusiastically "he is finally born, and apparently he is a Female with innate power of level 40. My daughter owns the Eighteen-winged Angel and the Incomparable Dragon"

You could see how happy Shen Wèizhī was to discover that his daughter was a unique talent in the history of Douluo Dalu, logically if he hadn't been there.

Bibi Dong and Gu Yuena were also very happy, especially the former who had finally gained the upper hand in their relationship, thus declaring her Domination against her co-wife.

Shen Wèizhī held his daughter in his hand, as he looked at her with a fatherly love that was born unconsciously, then said as the little girl smiled with a sunny smile "from now on you will be called, Shen Xiyue. My first daughter"

Thus Shen Wèizhī's first daughter was born, while on another part of the continent, Ah Yin was now in despair, for she had wandered all over the world but ultimately never managed to reach Shen Wèizhī's location.

From that happy day, five years passed and it was discovered that Bini Dong was pregnant again, and Qian Renxue was born and took the surname Qian, because Qian Daoliu begged Shen Wèizhī to adapt her as his granddaughter-in-law.

He was coldly rejected at first but thinking slowly, he decided to accept his proposal, but Qian Renxue would also keep the surname Shen, so they both agreed and finally life went on quickly.

Shen Wèizhī watched his two daughters playing catch with butterflies, while he caressed Gu Yuena's belly with tremendous joy and happiness, while showing the happiest smile anyone has ever seen.

Last year, Shen Wèizhī got the system upgrade to level 3, and got the pregnancy vial ensured by the upgrade reward, so he gave it to his wife to drink with enthusiasm, and then they got busy that night like crazy.

After a year, Gu Yuena felt she was pregnant, but being a Dragon, she would lay an Egg that would take much longer to split, so Shen Wèizhī decided to use her power of time to speed up the process.

And after a year, the egg the size of a one meter tall child would finally hatch and from there emerged a six year old looking girl who was less than one meter tall.

She had red hair, crimson eyes, an innocent but cunning little face, and finally she could speak human language with ease.

As soon as the little girl came out of the Egg, she immediately said to Shen Wèizhī and Gu Yuena "Daddy, Mommy!" then she ran to embrace the two parents childishly, while those present melted with love.

Shen Xiyue who was now ten years old, went to her new little sister, while Qian Renxue stood behind her shyly while secretly watching the scene in front of her Del, with a trace of envy.

Bibi Dong congratulated Gu Yuena, as she looked at the little newborn baby girl in surprise, because she could feel that her innate power was level 50.

Shen Wèizhī looked at his second wife's surprised face, and said calmly but also with a trace of pride, "She is born with the same Innate power as me, and has three martial spirits.

The Incomparable Dragon, The energy of the Primordial origin, Eighteen-Winged Angel. He possesses the divine physique and my Primordial bloodline, as well as some body parts that have become much more powerful"

Everything his daughter had, he saw at a glance. Only Shen Wèizhī knew what the Physique or the bloodline was, but for now there was no need to delve into the matter.

Looking at her with tenderness, Gu Yuena said, "we finally managed to have a daughter."

"Yes husband, finally" Gu Yuena said with a smile

So the family took care of the new baby girl who was named Shen Hao De, and so they lived for a long period of time, until a problem appeared at the Spirit Hall, where it was revealed that someone was killing level 80 members.

End of Episode 10