
I'm a fucking hyena?

this book should have ZERO expectations. one . still in highschool. two. English is NOT my first language. three this story is off the top of my head. everything in this story will be off the toughest of me. the genius author. anyways I hope you enjoy the book about a guy being reincarnated as a hyena with 0 recollection of his previous life. armed with his wits and a possible mutation he will shock the planet and become the ruler of the savannah. and hey maybe he will have some kids here and there

amarril14 · Hiện thực
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3 Chs

eating and power?

Glaring at my opponent I bare my teeth for intimidation. Calling my bluff she runs towards me aiming to bite my head!

Using my under developed legs strength to the fullest I leap to the side barley avoiding the could've been fatal attack.

Moving forward as fast as I possibly could I ram my shoulder into my enemy making her stumble to the side.

While she's dazed I close the distance leaping forward I bite her neck.

Ignoring my enemys high pitched yelp I push her to the ground and pin her biting her neck a bit harder.

Glaring into her eyes I make sure to get a point across 'thats right fucker your life is in my hands' I think as I release her.

Letting out a growl I walk back over to my mother and sibling, noticing a look of apprehension in my sibling and is that pride? In my mother's eyes.

Ignoring them I lay down against my mother closing my eyes I rest .

(1 week later)

This week has been uneventful. Other than the occasional brawl between me and the other young hyenas nothing has happened.

Walking with the group of hyenas me and the other hyenas come across a group of wildebeest.

'damn there's like 50 of them' I think as I notice the large group of giant animals with horns.

Suddenly the hyenas surrounding me begin to let out a noise akin to a laugh as some of the males charge forward eagerly, heading for a wildebeest that appears to have been just born.

Then chaos insues. The group of wildebeest run around in obvious panick watching my mother and the others rush towards the baby wildebeest I watch eagerly, ready to learn how to hunt.

Observing the males serpersting the baby from its mother I notice my mother and a group of like five females charge towards the baby wildebeest biting it's fucking ass.

Hearing the wail of the baby wildebeest something akin to bloodlust overcomes me as I eagerly rush over to the now fallen wildebeest.

Pushing through the group of hyenas I notice the males being blocked off by the females, some desperate males that try to get a share get punished by the females.

Walking forward I feel my mouth water at the ripped open stomach of the former wildebeest lunging forward I bite the intestents.

Ignoring the large amount of blood pooling in my mouth I continue to greedily eat the wildebeest insides.

'I should be disgusted, but this dosent taste half bad' I think.

If I were to describe the taste I'd say it taste like a hamburger but with a thicker undertone and much much much more juicy. But that's mostly due to the blood

Soon once me and the other young hyenas got our fill the females moved forward literally shredding the wildebeest in a matter of 15 minutes.

Once there done what's left is only a pile of bones with some meat hanging off of it.

The males with a downcast look move forward to eat the scraps,'damn I will be like them if I don't get strong' I think as I notice them fight over bones.

Once we return to what I assume is our 'home' I head over to the rock I usually sleep against and I notice 2 hyenas that look older than me.

'they aren't fully grown but they aren't still babys either' I think as I walk past them.

'if I want to get stronger I need to work on my body' I think I begin to do laps around our small little area.

Once I'm done after my tenth lap I walk over to a rather large rock. 'I know hyenas don't typically use their paws in fights due to them being blunt and incapable of doing any damage but what if I train myself into being able to use my paws in a fight'.

Getting a bit closer to a rock I raise my right paw, slamming my hand against the rock I grunt. ' damn that hurts'

Counting as I continue to hit the rock, once I reach 100 I stop. Looking down towards my paw I notice a slight warm sensation underneath all my fur and skin.

'whats happening to me?' I think as I feel my slightly aching paw numb. Once the numbing feeling disappears I notice my paw feels stronger.

Looking over back to the rock I raise my paw and slam it down as hard as I can, once my claw impacts with the rock I notice that I managed to chip off a piece of the rock.

'WHAT THE HELL' I yell internally as I look down back to my paw.

'do I have some form of rapid adaptability' I think as I raise my left paw repeating the same process that I did with my right.

Once again the warm sensation returns but this time on my left paw. Once the numbing part ends I raise my left paw and slam it down with all my might.

This time instead of a small part of rock flaking off a massive chunk of the rock falls off, 'heh nice' I think as I look down to my paws I notice some changes to my paws.

Both my right and my left paw seems to be more rigid and noticabley muscular. My blunt claws now seem a bit sharp and my forearms seem to have bulked up aswell.

' damn I am ripped' I think as I begin to flex my front legs my muscles noticeably visible on my baby hyena body. 'If I train my whole body by the time I'm an adult I may be able to take on a lion!' I think as I eagerly return to my training.

a bit shorter than normal but it is what it is. another hyena fact. did you know that baby's no matter the gender are at the top of the hierarchy. also majority of the time, males are at the bottom of they hyena hierarchy but on rare occasions a male can lead the entire group of hyenas. albeit they luck out with the genes.

amarril14creators' thoughts