
I'm a Daemon, so what? (Tensura/Multicross)

A normal guy reincarnates, but just when he's getting his life together, he gets summoned to another world. Watch as he navigates the treacherous waters of the Cardinal World and makes some friends along the way. Harem Multicross This is a cross post of a fic I have on another site, I will post daily for now, but may spontaneously stop if this stops being worth it. I plan to divide the chapters into parts as well. Anyways, thanks for reading! Support me or read ahead on: https://www.p@treon.com/theogbasilisk My discord: https://discord.gg/VxR5Gn72Fp

theogbasilisk · Tranh châm biếm
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125 Chs

Chapter 7 Part 3

"Hey Ramiris, I'm going to head back to Tempest, feel free to visit if you want!"

"Hmm? Oh yes! Make sure to have offerings ready for me!"

"Yes yes, I'll have some sweets ready."

- Kagali -

She glared at Yuuki as she said, "Why are you stopping me! He killed Footman!"

Yuuki looked at her with a serene smile, "You aren't thinking properly, you're angry, I understand that, even I'm angry, but we have a plan. A plan in which we can gain a True Demon Lord. If you just go out and kill him we won't get anything out of it except satisfying your thirst for revenge. Footman's death would be wasted. Instead we will use him to further our goals, and only once his use has dried up will we kill him. We can make a new body for Footman with all the corpses of the humans and monsters from the invasion. Finding his soul should be easy then."

She stared at Yuuki as she calmed herself. He was right, like he always was. Her mind was clouded by anger, Footman was dead, and that Daemon was going around acting as if everything was alright. No, there would be a reckoning. 

"Push the information of two Demon Lord Seeds residing in Tempest, along with adding that Rimuru Tempest killed Shizu Izawa. Knowing Hinata, she will do something rash, she can get the Church to attack Tempest in order to take out the potential threat of two new True Demon Lords early, and hopefully she can take out Rimuru Tempest on her own. The combined forces of the Church's Holy Barriers can weaken the Daemon enough for them to be able to finish him off, there has been no sighting of him leaving Tempest City so he should still be there."

"That isn't enough, he might still be strong enough to survive, the Daemon killed Footman, and Tear said that the Daemon did it fairly easily, the only reason she was able to escape was that Charybdis was more important to him." She said

"And that is why we will have Clayman help, he will be with his army preparing to invade Eurazania. He can attack once the Daemon is tired out together with his army. He can claim he was testing out some new Self Proclaimed Demon Lords in order to justify himself." 

Hmm, Yuuki's plan could work. They had two Demon Lord Seeds, with one of them being at least on her own level if Clayman's words were to be believed, and he wouldn't lie about such a thing. She couldn't imagine how strong he would be if he ever awakened, thankfully he hasn't and even she would have trouble against the joint forces of the Church, Falmuth and Jistav, that should be enough to deal with him. Yes, she can control herself and her thirst for revenge if it is for the plan's success. After all, once both she and Clayman awaken they will be able to take on those old monsters.


- Clayman -

He looked at his assembled army as they were preparing for the invasion of Eurazania. Soon he will ascend into his true power, soon he won't be the weak one of the group.

He smirked as he thought of Milim's situation, there is nothing to be afraid of now with Milim under his control. Even that Daemon wouldn't stand a chance against a serious Milim.

He looked at her standing beside him, how the mighty have fallen, just a little while ago she had said that a mere Clayman couldn't control her.

He raised his hand as he said, "Khukhukhu, how does it feel Milim? How does it feel to have to obey other people?"

As he was lowering his arm to slap her he stopped all of a sudden, what is this feeling? For some reason he feels like if he hits her right now, something bad will happen later.

Sigh, well anyways, Milim should be enough to finish off the slime and Daemon if they survive the attack on Tempest.

Now that he has Milim, there is no Demon Lord he has to fear. 

He heard a knock on the door to his office, "Clayman, I hope I'm not interrupting." Oh, it's just Frey.

"No, come in."

As she entered she said, "Once Demon Lord Carrion has been dealt with, my debt to you will be paid off."

"Yes Frey, after this your debt will be paid."

"I see, I'm leaving to prepare then."

Soon, soon all will be ready.

- Hinata Sakaguchi - 

She waited for the perfect opportunity to attack the slime.

As she was waiting she got a message indicating that the attack on the Monster Nation Tempest had started, a Holy Field was established around the area significantly weakening the monsters. All that was left was for Falmuth, the nation leading the attack to deal with the monsters.

She sent a quick message telling her subordinates to monitor the attack, and not to interfere until there was an opportunity to deal with the Daemon. They couldn't let another Daemon awaken into a True Demon Lord, after all, the only Daemon who has awakened is the strongest Demon Lord around, Guy Crimson. She did not want another Guy Crimson around to threaten the humans.

She noticed the arrival of the slime, she needed to personally deal with the slime. It is the killer of Shizu after all, she needed to avenge her teacher.

- Raiden -

She followed Vesta to his laboratory, he needed her help charging some things up with her lightning as lightning is also a form of something called electricity.

She saw no reason to refuse as her Master was living in Tempest, the better things were in Tempest, the more comfortable her Master would be.

She did have to deal with that annoying Dragonewt's courting attempts, but she simply ignored him.

She has been training herself intensely both in the art of being a proper maid, and her own strength. She is learning Holy Magic and cooking from Shuna-san, she will make up for her weakness, soon she won't hold her Master back anymore.

After all, her master shouldn't have to deal with those who do not understand his greatness, that is the job of a maid.

According to Shuna she was a terrible cook at first, but through sheer grit and determination she broke her limits and ascended into propper chef status. It was a grueling and difficult journey, one of the hardest things she has ever accomplished in fact. But she did it, all for her master. 

Maybe he will praise her for her cooking when he gets back?

As she was heading back to Tempest after completing her task she felt a barrier form around Tempest.

She quickly flew as fast as she could towards Tempest, but she couldn't get through the barrier no matter how much she tried.

As she continued to try and break through the barrier despite the injuries it was giving her, she hoped that Saeko will be able to handle whatever is going on inside. 

- Rimuru -

He looked towards Ranga, "Master, why did you give her your beloved mask?"

Hmm, he himself didn't know, "I don't know, it just felt right for me to give Chloe the mask, almost like destiny. I'm sure Shizu-san would rather her have it anyway, who knows, she might even follow Shizu's path and become a Champion! Better yet, become a Hero!"

"Surely not!"

"Hahaha. Alright Ranga, it's time to go home."


"Hmm? I sense something off… Ranga, get into my shadow."



What is it Great Sage?

You have been enclosed in a wide-range barrier. All spatial interference skills that would permit exit are sealed. Spatial Motion cannot be used.

Oh man, he has a bad feeling about this.

He saw Souei teleport next to him, "Souei! What happened to you! Are you a body double?"

"Rimuru-sama, you must get away from here." 

"What happened?!"

"Enemies, far more than we cou-"


It seems something happened. Just what is going on?

Even Ranga can't come out of his shadow.

Notice. You have been enclosed in another wide-range barrier, the use of skills within this barrier has been sealed.

He used his resistance skills, but his magic abilities were still limited.

If the one who set these barriers is out there, he is going to have a tough battle ahead.

Souei and the rest can't even use Thought Communication to get in contact with him due to the barrier.

Why did this have to happen to him?