
I'm a Daemon, so what? (Tensura/Multicross)

A normal guy reincarnates, but just when he's getting his life together, he gets summoned to another world. Watch as he navigates the treacherous waters of the Cardinal World and makes some friends along the way. Harem Multicross This is a cross post of a fic I have on another site, I will post daily for now, but may spontaneously stop if this stops being worth it. I plan to divide the chapters into parts as well. Anyways, thanks for reading! Support me or read ahead on: https://www.p@treon.com/theogbasilisk My discord: https://discord.gg/VxR5Gn72Fp

theogbasilisk · Tranh châm biếm
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125 Chs

Chapter 5: Orcs Invade!

Story: I'm a Daemon, so what?

Disclaimer: I own nothing.

Chapter 5: Orcs Invade!


- Felix -

I look around the area as I walk around, you can tell it's a Dwarven Country, everything is industrialized, you can see craftsmen everywhere doing their own thing.

"This way."

Currently we are following the Guard Captain, Kaido.

He is going to bring us to a skilled craftsmen so Rimuru can ask them for help with his village. Maybe I can get Saeko a good weapon made here as well.

"This is the place. I guarantee his skills are top-notch!"

I wonder what grade weapons this smith can make?

Hopefully he can at least craft a Unique Grade weapon.

"Hey, bro, you here?"


As we enter I hear metal banging against metal.

It seems the smith is in the middle of making something.

"Hey Kaido. Give me a sec."


"Forgive us for interrupting." I hear Rimuru say.

"That's my older brother, Kaijin."

As he finishes up we hear a door open.


It's those guys from earlier.

"A slime and a majin? Friends of yours boys?"

"Kaijin, this is the slime we told you about."

"The one that saved us when we were hurt yesterday."

"Oh, so this is the one!"

The Dwarf bowed towards Rimuru, "You have my thanks."

"Oh, really, it was nothing… or maybe it was?"

"So what can I do for you two?"

Rimuru explains his situation, after that I explain that I want a good Ōdachi made.

"I see, I get what you two are saying."

"But I'm sorry… I'm pretty backed up at the moment. Thanks to the impossible order a certain numskull minister put in."

Rimuru looks curious, "Impossible order?"

"We might be going to war soon, so he asked for twenty longswords… by the end of the week no less. I'm short on materials so I've only made one so far."

Kaido looks confused and says, "Then, couldn't you have told him it wasn't possible and refused?"

That's what I'm wondering, it isn't as if this blacksmith is a slave or something right?

"Don't be dumb! I did tell him that, at first! But then that damned Minister Vesta said… Grr damn that minister, he had the nerve to question my abilities!"

Ah, so he used his pride at his craft to his advantage.

"You say you're short on materials?"

"Yeah, I need a special ore called magic ore. And even if we have the materials it will take me two weeks to make twenty swords."

"Hahahaha." The fuck Rimuru?

"Old man… Can you use that?" He says as he spits out some ore of some kind.

"Wait… Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait!"

"That's magic ore! And It's unbelievably pure!"

"It's not even magic ore! It's already been processed! It's a cluster of magisteel!"


"I can make even stronger swords with this!"

"Y-you're sure I can have this? I'll pay you handsomely of course!"

"Well now… I wonder what I should do…"

"What is it you want?"

"I want you to find some fellow artisans who'll come to my village to teach their craft to the villagers, and make my friend the sword he wants."

"That's it?"


"That's easy! You can count on me!"

"All right! Let's get started!"

Well, that's that, I didn't even have to do anything…

Rimuru also managed to help the Dwarves make their delivery on time using Predator.I was able to get a sword made from magisteel and analyze it using Analysis.

The Dwarves quickly began working on the sword I requested and soon enough it was complete.

A beautiful Ōdachi made from magisteel that matures in the image of the user.

Saeko will love this, I can tell.

Before I give it to her I absorb it into Stomach, and Analyse it so I can create copies of it in the future if I need it.

Now that I got everything I need I tell Rimuru that I'm going to head out.

I'm sure Saeko is already contemplating coming to see me, better see her before things get out of hand.

The group invited me to a club of some kind but I refused.

Rimuru made sure to get me to promise to visit his village, he told me where it is, he is trying to modernize his village and create a country where humans and monsters can coexist in peace.

Quite the difficult dream to accomplish, but I have a feeling he can do it….

I asked Rimuru to watch out for the Ogres for me, I told him they likely won't subordinate themselves to him but they would be open to having peaceful relations.

I quickly say goodbye and leave to meet Saeko.

"Felix-sama! Have you already finished your business? I was so worried, I almost went inside to search for you!"

"I'm fine Saeko, and yes I got everything I needed to get. Here I got an Ōdachi made for you, it should be better than the one I gave you before."

"Felix-sama! It would be my honor to wield this blade in your name!"

"Umu, I'm glad you're happy with it."

The blade itself is around the Unique Grade, good enough for now. I can get it upgraded later.

I look towards Rimuru's subordinates and tell them that Rimuru is hanging out with some new friends he made.

Once that's done me and Saeko make our way towards the Dragon's Peak.

I wonder what it will be like up there.

Maybe I can get a Dragon subordinate, that would be cool.

It didn't take us very long at all to climb the Caanat Mountains, my wings and flight abilities made it quite easy.

Saeko is also capable of flying with Air Flight though nowhere near as fast as me so our progress was slowed down a bit by that.

Now my main goal is to get a cool Dragon pet.

Quite a childish reason but who wouldn't want a pet Dragon if they got a chance?

The Dragons that roam the world aren't actually descended from True Dragons, rather they are descended from Milim's friend the original Elemental Dragon.

They are Demi-Material Lifeforms at birth and considered one of the strongest races around.

There are a few evolutions of Dragons, they can be born at any evolution according to Middray alongside evolving normally by gathering enough magicules.

The lowest evolution is Lesser Dragon, they are the Dragons that inherited less of the Original Elemental Dragon's essence than their stronger brethren.

Lesser Dragons are generally around the B+ Rank, easily capable of wiping out multiple villages.

Medium Dragons are the next evolution, most Medium Dragons are Lesser Dragons that have reached full maturity and gathered enough magicules to evolve.

Medium Dragons are around A Rank, strong enough to destroy an entire town.

Arch Dragons are the final racial evolution of Dragons though they can still grow further, Arch Dragons are born when a large amount of Dragon Factor is involved during their birth or the result of a Medium Dragon gathering enough magicules to evolve.

They can be ranked anywhere around the Special A to Special S Rank depending on how much of a grasp they have on Elemental Powers.

That's still strong enough to destroy a smaller nation at minimum.

Now there are a few more pathways for Arch Dragons to take in order to grow.

The first path is becoming an Element Dragon, they are basically Arch Dragons that evolved and gained elemental powers. They still aren't as powerful as the next evolution but they are still at least Special A Rank.

Dragon Lords are the evolution of Element Dragons, they are some of the most powerful among Arch Dragonkind, Dragon Lords and Element Dragons are still classified as Arch Dragons.

The factor of Dragon Lords begins to approach that of the Original Element Dragon, they can easily rival Awakened Demon Lords.

They can be ranked anywhere from S - Special S.

Since all races can gain Divinity I assume Dragons can as well, I don't know anything at all about this evolution as I have no experience with Divinity but I can make some guesses.

They likely do not age at all and are probably around the Special S Rank at minimum.

There are a few other subspecies of Dragons like Wyverns and Basilisks, though they are only subspecies of Lesser Dragons.

Both Wyverns and Basilisks are around B+ Rank.

I'm hoping to find a Medium Dragon at the very least, once I give it a name it should evolve into an Arch Dragon. 

That will be another formidable subordinate for me.

I continue to fly around to look for a good Dragon to tame.

I ignore the Arch Dragons I sense as if I name them it will have significant side effects on me as I am now.

It takes me quite a while to find a Dragon that fits me, most of the Dragons up here have affinities for Fire or Earth. I'm hoping to find one with an affinity for Wind or Water as it will match with the elements I tend to use quite well, and unfortunately Universal Sense does not tell me the affinity a Dragon has so I'm kinda on a wild goose chase.

Ah ha.

I found a Medium Dragon with a Wind affinity, now to get it to submit.

I quickly fly over to where it is, it seems it can feel me as it's looking around warily.

I quickly pressure it with my Aura causing it to be blasted away.


I think I released a bit too much of my Aura huh.

I go to where I sense it only to find it bowing in place.

Aren't Dragons supposed to be prideful? 

"As expected, it can see your greatness Felix-sama!"

Sigh, now's not the time Saeko.

Maybe this one just understands the difference between us?

I fly down to its level and say, "I want you to be my pet, any issues."

It shakes its head in denial, huh it could understand me?

Most Medium Dragons don't have that level of intelligence.

I guess that's good, only better for me in the end.

Hmm, now what to name it.

I want it to be something related to Lightning as that's my favorite element to use.


I got it, "I name you Raiden."

Umu, that name fits.

I watch as it undergoes an evolution, this one doesn't take very long.

Once it's finished there is a bright light, and standing in Raiden's place is a beautiful nude woman, actually now that I look at her she looks exactly like Raiden Shogun.

Can names have that big of an influence?

Phew, really dodged a bullet then with my name.

Damn, she's hot.

Umu, I have good taste.

It seems she evolved into an Element Dragon, not quite at the level of a Dragon Lord but still quite strong, a bit stronger than Saeko in fact.

"I am ready to serve you my lord, what do you require?"

I make some clothes using Material Creation as I reply, "Ah, calling me Felix is fine, here put these on, and are you able to shift to your dragon form at will?"

"Felix-sama then, I will treasure this gift you have given me, and yes, I am able to take my true form at any time."

It's not that deep women, just some clothes.

"I see, could you fly me around then? I've always wanted to ride a Dragon."

"It would be my honor to serve as your mount my lord."

I know I can fly easily myself, but there is a whole other feel to it when compared to flying on a Dragon.

Who hasn't wanted to fly on a Dragon at some point after all?