
I'm a Daemon, so what? (Tensura/Multicross)

A normal guy reincarnates, but just when he's getting his life together, he gets summoned to another world. Watch as he navigates the treacherous waters of the Cardinal World and makes some friends along the way. Harem Multicross This is a cross post of a fic I have on another site, I will post daily for now, but may spontaneously stop if this stops being worth it. I plan to divide the chapters into parts as well. Anyways, thanks for reading! Support me or read ahead on: https://www.p@treon.com/theogbasilisk My discord: https://discord.gg/VxR5Gn72Fp

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Chapter 28 Part 2

"It's been a few days since I've been back so I'll be paying a visit to Guy in a few days." I said to everyone. We were all gathered in the conference room currently.

It's probably best not to keep him waiting for too long, I don't want him coming over here if possible, who knows what shenanigans he'll get up to.

"I see, you will need a bodyguard in order to show his subordinates their place then Felix-sama! I nominate myself!"

"Oh? But Miss First Secretary, don't you have other duties to take care of? It's best if I accompany our Lord while you stay here." Voiced out Sukuna.

Sigh, these two have been competing for who can stay with me, it's honestly kind of weird hearing those kinds of things from Sukuna but I guess I can only blame myself for his personality.

Before they could continue I decided to intervene. "No, no one will be accompanying me, I have no clue what is going to happen at the Ice Continent with Guy, it may result in a fight and at this point you two will only hold me back. I will be constantly splitting my focus in order to make sure you guys are all okay, and in a fight that can be deadly. You may be able to handle Guy's subordinates but in the crossfire between Guy and I you two will be demolished." 

It may have been cruel but they needed to know the truth. I didn't want them disobeying orders and coming with me anyway, not that there was a very high chance of that, probably a less than 1% chance and even then they would only disobey my direct orders if they felt they had to.

"It pains me to agree but Our Lord is correct, we would only hold him back if there were a confrontation with Rouge." Arcueid said.

"Uh huh, that Rouge was always a monster, not even Vert and Bleu together could take him down, it's best not to hold our Master back." Even Lalatina was being supportive, I'll have to reward her later.

"Heh, as much as I'd love to fight with Vert and Bleu I'd rather we not burden our Master so stop being so clingy Saeko."

Saeko pouted at Megumin's words but seemed to be convinced. I looked down in my lap to see what Kurumi had to say but she just licked my hand. I wasn't surprised, she has always been obedient.

"I will follow your orders Master." I already knew Raiden would listen.

"Please come back safe Felix-sama." I looked to the one who usually kept quiet, "Don't worry about me Ingvild, I'm strong so I'll be alright."

She nodded though I could still see some worry in her eyes. "If you say so then."

"How about this? When I get back, why don't we play some music together? I may not look it but I do have some experience with music." 

Ingvild looked surprised, though everyone else seemed to not particularly care.

"Indeed it is only expected of Our Lord to be skilled at a multitude of things." Arcueid said with Megumin and Lalatina nodding along with her.

"Umu! Felix-sama and I have played music together on occasion, he is truly superb!" Bragged Saeko, of course she would try and brag about something like that.

"Ah! I see then, I would love to play with you Felix-sama!"

I smirked, "It's a date then."

All of a sudden a blush formed on Ingvild's face, "Wah! U-Uhm, I would lo-"

Before she could finish what she was saying I interrupted, "Haha, don't worry I'm just teasing you Ingvild."

"Ah, I see." Eh? Is it me or does she look a bit downcast all of a sudden. Weird, I don't think we have interacted enough for her to be sad about something like that?

Hmm, let me look at things from her perspective, she was summoned here right after she fell into a coma, she's in a brand new world with no allies, she was immediately enslaved and forced to carry out orders she did not agree with, and then on top of that she has no idea about the fate of her loved ones back in her original world. Eventually she gained a friend in Glenda but that is still only one person.

Then all of a sudden she is ordered to attack a Demon Lord. someone said to be an 'Enemy of Humanity', someone so evil that they earned the title of Demon Lord. But to her surprise it's a friendly Demon Lord who frees her and her friend from enslavement, and then offers her a place to live along with a possibility of going back to her original world.

Alright, I can see how a crush might form from that. I doubt Ingvild has much experience with romance so she doesn't really know how to navigate these waters, she's basically just walking blind. 

Hell her inexperience is likely one of the reasons she fell for a guy like me even though I don't interact with her much. Well I can fix that at the very least.

I don't feel comfortable starting a relationship with her just yet, it feels like I'm taking advantage of a clueless kid, but maybe after we get to know eachother better and she learns of my true nature, then maybe something like that can happen.

"Be ready for our date Ingvild, okay?"

Ah, the blush is back, good, a frown doesn't suit her face.

"A-Ah, yes!"

Ah, it seems Megumin is a bit jealous, I'll have to make some time for her soon. Maybe we can go to a dead world and mess around a bit?

"Alright, that's all I wanted to talk about, you all can go back to what you were doing."

Arcueid was the first to leave as she was in the middle of applying the ideas I gave her for increasing military recruitment.

My relationship with Arcueid hasn't changed much since we slept together, she is still loyal and devoted if not more so, the only thing that has changed is that she is much more open about giving me her affection along with much more open about her desires.

A win win in my book.

Lalatina and Megumin soon followed along with Ingvild leaving me with Saeko, Raiden, Kurumi, and Sukuna. 

"Did you two like the upgrades I made to your weapons?" I haven't got the chance to actually see Saeko and Sukuna use their new Legend Grade weapons, but they were both quite happy when I gave them their new weapons.

"Yes Felix-sama! It is far stronger than it was previously and I can channel my power through it more easily as well! And then I can even directly attack one's Spirit!"

"Heh, good, I'm glad you like it. Did you change the name?"

"Yes, it is now True Hercules Edge!" Real creative, but it fits Saeko.

"I see. And what about you Sukuna?"

"It is far superior to the weapons I previously wielded during the Heian Era, in fact if I had such a weapon I would have been able to single handedly rule the entire world." Proclaimed Sukuna.

That's a scary thought but not unfounded. Legend Grade Equipment is just that busted.

"I see… I'm happy you are satisfied with it then." 

Hmm? A Thought Communication from Adalman, that's rare. I've been mostly leaving him to his own devices, I can sense him and his undead army hanging around in the marshlands, acting as the first line of defense.

I wonder what happened?

"My Lord!"

"Hey, what's up Adalman? Did something happen?" I couldn't sense anything unusual, though it seems his undead army has grown in strength, he has a Death Dragon and a powerful Death Knight from what I'm sensing.

"Ah, nothing bad My Lord, I simply wanted to introduce you to one of my subordinates who may prove useful to you, so you have a better idea of our overall strength level."

Ah, that's a good idea. Maybe I can name some of his undead too? Give his army a nice little power boost.

"I see, I'll be there soon then."

"Yes My Lord! We will be eagerly awaiting your arrival!" And with that the Thought Communication was cut off.

"Alright girls, I gotta go meet Adalman or something. You guys don't need to come seeing as I'm just meeting some of his subordinates."

Seeing as they all nodded I teleported to the marshlands.

"Ah My Lord! To be in your presence once again is truly an honor!"

I looked to where the voice came from and was met with a kneeling Adalman, along with two of his subordinates who were also kneeling. One was the Death Dragon, and then a Death Knight.

"You and your subordinates don't need to kneel Adalman."

He nodded and got up. "Yes My Lord!" His subordinates also stopped kneeling.

Adalman hasn't been slacking, he's about as strong as an unarmed Arcueid, that's a level of power that can cause a significant amount of damage, 'The Lake Shore Dyed Scarlet' incident can attest to that.

According to Arcueid, long ago she had formed a pact with a certain Royal Family, she would safeguard the country that those Royals ruled over and in return once a suitable vessel was born to that Family she would possess them. Arcueid, Lalatina, and Megumin were playing their games even back then.

One day Arcueid finally found an ideal vessel so she approached the princess and said she would grant the princess's wish in return for her body.

But astonishingly all that princess wanted was a friend, and so that princess became Arcueid's first friend, after all Lalatina and Megumin could be considered more her rivals rather than her friends.

Arcueid took the role of a guide and mentor for the princess, their relationship grew over several years. 

Unfortunately good things don't always last, The Eastern Empire invaded that princess's country since her Nation was only a vassal to the Empire and their king chose to rebel.

Safe to say that kingdom stood no chance.

Arcueid wasn't able to properly control the princess's body so the princess forcefully terminated their contract allowing Arcueid to take full control of her body, and for the first time Arcueid knew grief.

Arcueid released a spell that killed everyone, no matter if they were guilty or innocent. She used Death Streak, a Magic that destroyed the very souls of whomever they came into contact with.

After getting her revenge Arcueid faked her death, in honor of her friend Arcueid cut ties with the Material World with that body and placed a seal on that body so it would remain untouched. That body is still located under the land of that kingdom.

The reason it was called the 'Lake Shore Dyed Scarlet' Incident was due to one thing… there was a formerly beautiful lake that was dyed scarlet, filled with the blood of the inhabitants of that kingdom.