
I'm a butterfly?

MHA butterfly that's it

shaksss · Tranh châm biếm
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3 Chs


'who this beautiful girl?' thats the thing in my mind right now.

First you must be thinking what's happening. Well I think I got transferred to different world because I can see a girl that should be my mom holding me like a child. And the fact that I can't control any part of my body except my eyes.

While my mom talked to me like I a anime character, I look around the room. And the is big, I don't think we're at their hospital.

By the golden bedroom style and the expensive looking things.

While I'm looking around my mom put me at my crib while giving me a bottle of milk. Which is good because I'm hungry and sleepy at the same time. You baby.

As my mom come out of my room I started to drink my milk while thinking my past life which to me is like a cool movie. But a boring one nonetheless.

Just a guy who has so many drama going on his life but anyone can relate to like being in love and being lazy because why not.

As you're reading this you must be asking why am I totally chill about " transferring to another world and body thingy".

Well as my a lazy guy with ton of free time I was sweep to the culture of Isekai and stuf so this is like the common sense in our culture. Ok and that's the end of the past life stuff, now new life.

In my crib:

'what to do now?' I thought while sucking my milk while starting to sleep.

'first is to know the world Im into'

'then think what to do'

And that's how i decided what to do.

don't care

shakssscreators' thoughts