
I'll Tell You Every Day

The female lead who died miserably under the hands of her scheming half-sister is reincarnated but does not choose revenge. Instead, she chooses to live for herself, to chase after her dreams, and to fall in love again. Author's Note: A slice of life, sweet and fluffy romance novel. Recommended for those who like light reading. Not recommended for those who want to dive into the action at once.

Anri · Thành thị
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
173 Chs

Chapter 18

Liu Jin frowned and furrowed his brows.

'So that bastard finally decides to show up!'

"I will be downstairs in a minute."

The maid bowed and left the room.

"Daiyu, let's go. There's someone I want you to meet." He then took Daiyu's hand into his and headed down to the living room.

Upon reaching the room, he saw the boy sitting on the couch lazily. He had brown curly hair with a fringe that stopped at his brows. He had a small face, slanted eyes, and fair skin.

Liu Jin covered Daiyu's ears and began talking.

"Fucking bastard! What took you so long to contact me?" Liu Jin frowned.

The boy, who was startled at the small voice cursing him, looked towards the door and smiled mischievously.

"Whaaaa! Jin! You're so cute!" He burst out laughing. He didn't expect that a young Liu Jin would look this adorable!

"Shut up! You have no right to talk!" Liu Jin gritted his teeth in anger. The boy looked like a K-pop idol with his hairstyle. Who was he to call him cute?!

"Oh my god is that Xiao Yu?!" The boy jumped to his feet and ran towards them.

"Xiao Yu! It's me! Your handsome big brother, Zhihao!" He introduced himself but Daiyu could not hear. Liu Jin's hands were still covering her ears.

"Stop lying to her. Which part of you is handsome?!"

"Do you really wanna know?" Zhihao smirked mischievously while raising his brows up and down. Liu Jin rolled his eyes and let go of Daiyu's ears.

"Daiyu, this is Zhihao. Stay away as far as you can from him."


"Is he a bad person?" Daiyu asked and Liu Jin nodded solemnly.

"Stop lying to her!" Zhihao gritted his teeth.

"Hi Daiyu! I'm Zhihao, Jin's best friend! Come, come! Come call me Zhihao-gege!"

"Daiyu, listen to your Jin-gege. Stay away from this pervert as best as you can."

"Pervert?! You're the pervert! Your whole family are perverts!"

"Shut up! Stay away from my innocent Daiyu!"

Daiyu giggled heartily. She liked this new big brother. He made her Jin-gege look so happy!

"Hello, Zhihao-gege!" She smiled at him brightly.

An arrow struck Zhihao's heart.

"So cute!"

"Hey! Stay away from her!" Liu Jin slapped the back of Zhihao's head.

"Ouch! Bastard!"

Daiyu giggled as she watched her two big brothers squabbling.


Qian Ru stood inside Wang Jing's office. The Wang Mansion was situated on top of a cliff and the office had a view overlooking the entire city.

Wang Jing stood in front of the large ceiling to floor windows, looking outside.

"Explain yourself." The old man ordered without even glancing at the maid.

Qian Ru lowered her head.

"I… I had no ill intentions. I sincerely thought that the child –

"The young mistress." Butler Tang corrected her.

Qian Ru gritted her teeth but complied.

"The young mistress. I sincerely thought that the young mistress stole the jewelry."

"And what made you think so?" Wang Jing asked, still looking out the window.

"I received a call from… Xia Xiulan. She told me to be careful of the new young mistress. She was worried for you, Master Wang!" Qian Ru raised her head and looked pleadingly at the old man.

"She was worried that the new young mistress would cause trouble for you. Growing up on the streets, its plain to see that the new young mistress had no manners! She wanted me to be vigilant, because children like her could easily cause mischief. So when the jewelry went missing, I went to look for them inside the new young mis –

"There is no new or old young mistress. There is only one young mistress. Now, and in the future." Wang Jing bluntly stated.

Qian Ru gritted her teeth in anger, her hands balled into fists.

"Master Wang! How can you be so cruel?! The child may be born out of wed-lock, but she is still your grandchild!"

"I never said that she wasn't my grandchild." Wang Jing turned around and looked at the maid.

"I had instructed that woman to get rid of that child. I even paid her handsomely. The choice to keep the child was hers. And as such, the duty to raise that child… is likewise hers."

"But –

"But what? Is it my duty to pay for my son's mistake? It was my son's choice to sleep with her mother. It should be his responsibility as well."

"But he's gone!"

"And so that responsibility ends there. You keep going on about how unfair it is to that child. But what about me? Is it not unfair to me?"


"Should I raise a grandchild that I did not want to have? Should I raise a grandchild that reminds me of my own son's death?! Why should I?! Why should I torment myself when her very face reminds me of my son's murderer?!" Wang Jing's voice thundered across the room.

Qian Ru trembled. She did not understand what the old man meant. Nevertheless, she continued to speak.

"But the child is innocent."

"And so am I. We are both simply victims of her mother."