
I'll Save The Female lead

As I found myself thrust into this bewildering situation, I couldn't help but wonder if fate had a strange sense of humor. Here I was, once the top A-rank agent, now trapped in the role of a notorious villainess in a reverse harem novel. But why did it had to be the villainess? Well, I don't care! But now that I'm here, I'll enjoy my life to the fullest that I couldn't before. Plus, my family is real rich. Though an issue soon occurred. The female lead keeps sticking to me! I tried to get rid of her by distancing myself since I don't want to end up in the chaos like in the novel… But the female lead is just so adorable!! What would happen if the once fearsome antagonist was now trying to protect the very person she once tormented?  "Sabiiiii!" Ann's voice chimed, her eyes sparkling with innocence. It was hard to resist her charm, and I found myself softening despite my initial intentions. And it seems the so-called main suitors are suffering from collective amnesia. They flocked to me, oblivious to the fact that Anne was the true focus of their affections. "Stay Away! I will not give you my lovely Ann," I declared, my frustration mounting. "Who said I wanted her?" The chaos continued with the supposed fiancé as well, who seemed convinced that our engagement was set in stone, "You are my soon-to-be fiancée! Please compose yourself"  "I refuse to get engaged to you and to compose, whatever that is". "Don't you think you're quite rude to your soon-to-be Fiancé?"  "I'm not rude, you're too nice! And I told you I'm not getting engaged to you" "Thank you, my Lady"  "…Are you dumb?!!!" What in the world of strawberries was going on indeed? It was a baffling and comical twist of fate. But as the days passed, I found myself navigating this bizarre world with a newfound determination. If I was going to be stuck in this story, I might as well do it my way. And who knows, maybe I could turn this chaotic tale into something truly extraordinary.

Roaimi_Maali · Kỳ huyễn
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87 Chs


"So...What do we do now?" I asked. Aiden and Anne shrugged whereas our escorts were standing like statues.

"Wait till the result is announced, I guess?" Anne said.

"It'll take hours that way!! There were over a hundred students!" I whined.

"No, it won't. The results will be announced in half an hour. Magic check is used for grading the tests and it is done in seconds, the half hour they take is to arrange the scoreboard which shows the students' rank." Aiden explained to which Anne and I slowly nodded.

"How do you know about all that?" I questioned. "It's common sense. Every normal person knows that" Aiden said.

"I didn't know that," Anne said.

"Me neither," I added, agreeing with Anne.

"I said 'Normal' person" Aiden said, highlighting the word 'normal'.

It took us a while to understand the sarcasm he attacked us with. "So you're saying we are abnormal?" I asked, widening my eyes.

"I didn't say that" Aiden said with a straight face as Anne and I squinted our eyes.

"But that doesn't mean I did not mean that" Aiden added as I looked at him in disbelief.

'Is he taking revenge for earlier?' I thought, eyeing him up and down.

"I mean you are not ordinary people. You are extraordinary people" he said with a slight smile.

'That is not in a good way either, right?' I said to Anne through my eyes.

'Nope, it isn't' Anne replied.

"Anyway. After the result is announced for the first round, we have to prepare for the second round, which is the main round" I said as Anne and Aiden nodded.


A voice from behind called out as I turned around towards the direction the voice came from. It was the girl from earlier, the one who was sitting in front of me.

"Oh hey~" I said as I passed her a smile which she also returned.

'Oh my, I didn't notice earlier since she was back facing me but she is quite a soft beauty' I thought, admiring her soft features.

Her light pink hair and emerald eyes were just beautiful.

"I was passing by but your cute bickering caught my attention so I stopped by to introduce myself since we didn't get introduced to earlier" she said with a soft smile.

'Her voice is so sweet as well. Is she an angel?' I thought, fangirling over her not realizing, I was openly staring at her.

"Sabi!!!" Anne shouted in my ear that made me return to the world.

"Huh? Wha- Oh? Y-Yeah, I'm sorry. I'm Sabrina. Sabrina Niam." I said as I extended my hand which she gladly shook.

"I'm Ivy Folls. You can call me Ivy'' she said with a smile.

"Beautiful" I said, unconsciously and when my voice reached my ears, I slammed my hand over my mouth as Ivy giggled.

"Thank you" she smiled as I smiled back awkwardly.

I looked towards Anne. She was pouting like she was angry over something.

'Is she jealous?' I thought as a chuckle left my mouth, witnessing her cuteness.

Then Ivy also looked over towards Anne who immediately changed her expression to sweet one.

"I'm Anne Romet" Anne said with a smile as Ivy smiled back. Then her gaze averted to Aiden as she panicked and bowed.

"Greetings, Your Highness. forgive my rudeness, I didn't notice you earlier" she said while bowing.

"Oh, it's okay. Being with these two already makes me non-existent. You're not to blame" Aiden said as he gestured to her to raise her head whereas Anne and I giggled at his statement.

"Are you alone, Lady Ivy?" Aiden asked as she shook her head.

"No, I'm with my escort over there," she said, pointing in a specific direction.

I looked towards the direction she was pointing to and froze when I saw a scary looking guy, looking in our direction and as soon as he spotted our gaze, he passed us a smile which I hesitantly returned.

I looked towards Anne and Aiden, they had a similar reaction as mine.

'Oh My God, I almost had a heart attack. Why is his smile also scary?' I thought, averting my gaze from him.

"Good, that's...nice," Aiden said with a forced smile.

I could see he was also shocked by the escort's scariness. Even our escorts looked kind of shaken by his enormous build.

"He looks a little scary but he is really sweet," Ivy said with a smile.

"A little?"

Me, Anne and Aiden said in unison as Ivy looked at us, innocently.

"Students attention please! Score board has been installed at the main hall. You can look up your scores now. Students who have passed the exam, Congratulations and please proceed to the selection chamber for the second round after examining your results. Thank you."

An announcement was heard and students started to rush towards the main hall, crushing us under their feet or should I say only me.


I said, rubbing my butt while I was still on the floor.

"Are you okay? Lady Sabrina?" Ivy asked as the scary knight placed her down from his shoulder and the same went for the rest as well.

Anne and Aiden were immediately held above by their knights whereas mine was looking...guilty.

"Are you okay? Sabi?" Anne asked, running towards me. "I think so" I said as Aiden and Anne helped me get up.

"A-Are you okay?...Miss" Sir Ryan said as I passed him a death glare and he shut his mouth.

"You're really okay, right?" Aiden asked, handing me my bonnet that fell off earlier while I was dusting my dress.

"I'll ask you the same question when you get crushed under people's feet like a mashed potato!" I exclaimed, snatching my bonnet from his hand.

"I'm sorry Miss. Before I did anything you were already on the ground. That's really incompetent of m-" Sir Ryan was saying but stopped when I shot daggers at him through my eyes.

"It's okay. I guess" I sighed and wore my bonnet, "Shall we go and see the results now?" I said as everyone nodded. I shot one last glare at Sir Ryan before leaving as he gulped.

"Poor lady" Sir Zen said to Sir Ryan as he passed a glare at him whereas Sir Zen laughed at his reaction.

"Excuse me" I said while I made way past students who looked dejected, maybe they failed?

"Ugh! Finally!" I heaved a sigh as I finally reached the scoreboard and I turned around to see others and found them still struggling in the crowd and Ivy was in the air, held by her scary escort.

After a couple of minutes, they at last reached the scoreboard.

"Did you see the score?" Anne asked as I shook my head.

"I was waiting for you all. I wanted to see our results together" I said.

"Oh, Sabi…" Anne said as she looked quite touched.

We averted our gaze to the scoreboard and it didn't take me more than two seconds to spot my name since it was in the top three.

I secured second position with ninety-eight marks out of hundred whereas the one who secured the first position was none other than Aiden with full marks.

"As expected of our Nation's Treasure" Sir Zen said, complimenting Aiden who looked as if he knew what result's gonna be.

'Hah...I let you take that position, kiddo' I thought with a smirk plastered on my face.

"Congratulations, Milady! You scored so high. You are also a genius" Sir Ryan exclaimed, happily whereas I looked at him and turned my head, still angry about before.

"Woah, Ivy! You are also in the top three" I exclaimed, looking at the scoreboard. Ivy scored eighty-five marks, securing third position. She smiled shyly.

"What about Anne?" Aiden asked, looking at Anne who was still searching her name.

"There are only seventeen students who cleared the exam? So many students failed?" I asked, shocked.

"Woohoo!! I made it!!" suddenly Anne shouted, gaining our attention.

"What really?" I asked, excitedly.

"Yeah! Look!" She exclaimed, pointing towards her name.

"That's so grea-oh...You're last?" I said looking at her score. She scored fifty-one out of hundred, just one number apart from failing.

Well, at least she's happy.

"Attention please! Students who have cleared the test, please gather in the selection chamber!"

The announcement was made.

"Shall we go together?" Ivy asked to which we all nodded except for Anne. I pinched Anne from behind as she shouted,


Everyone looked towards her in surprise.

"Ah? I mean...Ahh yes~ Of course you can come. No need to ask" Anne said, covering up as Ivy nodded happily and we all headed towards the selection chamber.