
Chapter 1 - On the Dance Floor


"Here is your order sir", the waiter said when putting my ordered drink on top of the table.

I decided to drop by here in a bar along Santa Rosa Laguna service road. I just came from work and I don't want to go home yet. I love staying in this bar because of the ambiance. Unlike other bars in the area, this bar is peaceful not too crowded. The place isn't so big. There are just around 15 tables inside and they are surrounding the dance floor at the center. Each table can accommodate 5 to 8 people and if you are alone, like me most of the time, there are tall chairs along the bartender area where you can sit.

Since I'm a regular guest here, Eric the waiter knows me already and he allows me to sit on my favorite spot. I always sit on the table at the far left end side of the bar near the window. The window overlooks the parking lot outside. I love this spot because I can see the entire bar and the dance floor. Also, I can spend my solitude moment without anybody bothering me.

Each table is lit with a yellow dim light giving it a cozy feel. Staring at them put me to thinking why wouldn't this place was turned into a coffee shop in the first place. It's small, cozy and has solitude feel in every corner. If this is so, I would definitely be in here every day.

My name is Mikhael Aflonso and I'm 25 years old. I am a call center representative in a contact center in Santa Rosa Laguna. I actually haven't finished my college yet. I have to stop because my mother cannot support my studies. I dreamt of putting up my own coffee shop one day. But to do that, I have to take a college course related to it, and it's not cheap. I was able to enroll in Hotel and Restaurant Management course but I just finished only a year of it because of financial problems. I cannot bear seeing my mom carrying all the loads for us.

I did not lose hope of going back to school one day, this has always been in my mind and hear. But for now, I've decided to find a job, earn and save for it.

Being here in the bar is like a heaven for me. I come here whenever I'm stressed at work; whenever calls are queuing, a lot of complaints from the callers, or the occasional turned mandatory overtime on the production floor.

I just order a bottle every time I'm here. Luckily, the floor manager is not pulling me out of the bar for occupying a full table for myself with one bottle only. The atmosphere in this place never fails to relax me. Despite being in a BPO industry, I work day shift. I am handling an Australian account so I don't have to work graveyard. There is no time difference here in the Philippines. Like regular employees, I got to work in the morning and leave in the afternoon. On tragic days, we leave at 7. I just got out of work late today because I have to finish some papers before leaving my station.

I usually stay here for about an hour only or just until I finish my drink. I came in late today so get caught up with a lot of customers already. Luckily, no one yet is eyeing the extra seats on my table. I could still enjoy the luxury of being alone here. It's almost 9pm and customers are starting to build up so I just waited for a few more minutes before I decide to leave.

I raised my hand gesturing the waiter for my bill when a group of people on the table on the other side of the bar catches my attention. There were about 5 of them on it celebrating while drinking; three boys and two girls as I stare and count. Even the place is dimly lit; I am sure that one of the boys is gay. Judging the way he throws facial expressions to his friends, his non-stop flaunting talks with them and the very audible laugh that obviously being heard by people on the table surrounding theirs, I'm sure is positive. I just throw myself a smirk for the guy for he is good looking despite being so.

All of a sudden, the music started to play signaling the opening of the dance floor for everybody. Unlike other bars, the music is not that wild and upbeat just enough to invite most guests to do the dance floor. Most music being played is just slow rocks and alternatives. They play danceable tunes depending on the crowd. And the DJ always seems to know what music to play by just looking at everyone.

The waiter approaches with my bill. I was about to pay him when it's very noticeable that those five people on the far end table stood up and started dancing. The music is so inviting that almost all people in the bar starts dancing too. All are slightly drunk, dancing, and having fun. Not to brag but I was a dancer too when I was in high school and a cheer dancer in college in our department so for sure, I can keep up with these people.

The DJ started to play a famous American song popularized by a Black American woman. Everyone cheers to the tune and started dancing.

I was going for my wallet already and pay my beer when this guy on the dance floor catches my attention. He is wearing a see through black tank top and jeans that is cut above knee length. His see through tank top reveals his skins and curves even under a dim lighted room. His chest is very defined and looks so hard. His shoulders and arms are built. I couldn't help but stare at him, like who wouldn't right. I kept my stare at him across the bar but still couldn't figure out the face. The bar is dimly light, the disco lights are moving around and his back is turned on me most of the time. There are only fractions of a second that he faces my direction and fast. A lot of people are dancing around him also aside from his friends, maybe trying to make a move on him.

The music starts playing and the crowd starts dancing. And to no surprise, this guy rocks the dance floor. The DJ plays a slow music and this guy matched it with his slow moves; a slow, attracting, non-sexual, captivating slow moves with his body. The way he waves his hips, he is definitely a dancer. I should know for I am a dancer myself. His moves are different, they're hypnotizing. He is dancing for just a minute and a lot of girls are circling in on him already and do sexy dancing as well. There are like four girls around him dancing and obviously the guy didn't let those girls take the lime light out of him. He made sure he still owns the dance floor so keeps on dancing.

I may not have a closer look on him but the way he dances and the looks on his face, I'm sure the guy is already drunk. Not to mention the reddening of his shoulders and face which are very obvious under his see through tank top. His move started to become flirtatious already to the tune unlike his earlier moves that is more up-beat and techno.

The chorus of the song starts to play and the steps are seemingly obvious to most women on the floor. All of them start dancing in unison, cheering and laughing to the beat. And as expected, there they are, the women who were circling this gorgeous man on the dance floor doing their sexy dance on him again. Each is making their moves on him. And to everyone's surprise, the guy didn't let himself get overwhelmed. He returns those flirtatious moves with his own flavor of moves; hips thrusting, body waving, head banging and sensual self- touching. All these turned the dance floor on fire.

The song was on its last chorus signaling the end of the song. I turned my head to the waiter handing him my money when a woman abruptly pull the gorgeous guy towards him and starts throwing him with passionate kisses. All other women around them stopped dancing in shocked. The people around them also start to stare. The woman is drowning the guy with kisses all over not paying attention to the onlookers. When she stops, people are thinking it ends there. But the gorgeous guy pulled the woman by the waist and returns the kisses. The crowd applauds in approval.

I smiled and tried to ignore the scene. People nowadays are very wild, straight forward and liberated, I thought to myself. Self-expression is the new tune. I was handing my money to the waiter when we heard a loud shout coming from the dance floor.

"Hey, that's my girlfriend!!!", shouted the guy on black shirt and jeans and was collaring the gorgeous guy. The boyfriend is about the swing a punch on him.

"Stop it Jake, your acting like a brat. Damn it!", stopping his angry boyfriend.

Despite the scene, the gorgeous guy remained silent and not moving. He is just staring at the guy who collared him and remained standing watching the woman and his boyfriend screamed at each other.

Finally, the woman managed to subdue his man and immediately walked out of the dance floor. A man anchored the gorgeous guy by the shoulder and carried him to their table. When I looked where they sat, it's surprising that he is friend with those five people I came to notice earlier. How did I not notice him there?

After paying, I stood and walked out of the bar.

"What a night", I whispered to myself while walking away from the bar.

The night is cold and quiet, not much jeepney on the street since it's almost late.

I keep thinking about the event in the bar and the thought of this gorgeous guy won't slip out of my head. Despite of the commotion brought about by the flirty girl's boyfriend, he stood calm. He seems unaffected by the rage of the boyfriend. His composure seems unbreakable at that moment. And the way he looks, no one will forget it. I may not have a clear picture of him in my mind but he is definitely a guy to remember.

A smile lined my face at the thought of him.

"When will I see him again.", I thought to myself. I'm a regular to that bar and I really haven't seen him before. It saddens me to think that maybe it is just a random night for them visiting the bar. They're just there to celebrate or something.

I caught up with the first jeepney that pass and take a ride.

I sadly stare by the window thinking when I will ever see him again.