
Chapter 4 The World Is Indeed A Small Place

The car drove and those thoughts never left my mind.

When I arrived home Claire was already in the kitchen, drinking tea.

"Hello sis, welcome home. How was your first day?" She asked.

"Disaster actually. Also, why are you already in your pajamas? Isn't it just 6:21 PM?"

"Oh, that's because our class schedule changed. Our class now starts at 8:30 AM."

"That means we won't be seeing each other a lot these days."

"Yeah, it is indeed a shame. How I do love seeing you every day." What?

"But don't worry, we can still have some 'sister quality time' on the weekends." She continued. 'Sister quality time' hah?

"What do you mean by disaster though?"


"You know 'you're day'. You said it was a disaster."

"Oh 'that'. Yep! I meet two 'rather' interesting people at school."

"Really? Already." She exclaimed giving me sad puppy eyes.

"Are you acting sad right now?"

"It's just that everything is happening so fast."

"Eh? Aren't you the one who insisted that I should start approaching people?"

"Aye. My sister is finally slowly growing up *huhu." I'm sorry what? Since when have I never 'grown up'?

"Anyway please tell me more!" Her eyes sparked.

"About the two girls?"

"YEAH 'them', the two people who got your attention."

"Fine then."

I explained from the beginning how I first meet Sophia.

"She sounded like a very optimistic person."

"She is, she kinda resembles you in a way. Which is kinda adorable."

"Are you being serious right now sis?"

"What's wrong?"

"I told you to look for a new friend. Not another me."

"But it's a new you."

"But she's not me-"

"And you're not her. That is why you two are completely different."

"Did you just alter my words at me right now-?"

"Anyyway. *chuckle. Despite her being nice, it is also one of her biggest disadvantages."

"What? Why?"

"I haven't gotten on that part yet, somehow she gets bullied for it-"

"What bullied? Is she being bullied right now?"


"But why??? She's such a good person!"

"That's what her friend also says so."

"Her friend?"

"She's the second person, just as you said I find an 'interest' at"

I then told everything that happened, even the scene at the library.

"So that's what she thinks huh."

"Yeah, and I can't help but feel guilty about it."

"You shouldn't feel guilty about it Sis."

"I shouldn't?"

"Yeah as far I've heard from your description, I think this already happened a lot of times though the two of them never truly got to talk about it. And It just so happens that you were 'there' at that moment. Not to mention Sophia, even after her friend explicitly explained her hatred towards us, she still pushed you unto her without thinking through her friend's feelings."

"Uh-huh, which is something I don't understand. Her friend kept talking about how our father schemed with this other businessman against a small company. I mean, I can't even get the full story because she insisted on never forgiving me either way."

"I find that strange too. You said you never knew about this and she still holds it against you?"

"Yeah, repetitively! And she won't believe a word I said! Like it's true though! How am I suppose to know anything about father's cases when I've never taken an interest in them in the first place!"

"But she does sound concerned about Sophia's well-being."

"That's what I think so too!"

I sighed angrily and made my way to my room. With Claire behind me of course.

"These girls. In fact, it's not just the two of them, but all of them! Did you see the way those people just ignored the whole situation in that hall?!" I complained and started changing clothes.

"Yes, I also think it's unusual."

"I just wanna crap the shit out of them! Kids like them definitely need a thrashing once in their life."

"You would do that?"

"Yeah, of course, I'll even do it with a smile on my face."

"*chuckle Would you look at that." Claire started laughing.

"Hm? What are you laughing about?"

"Ah it's nothing, I just find it really adorable as you keep talking on and on about those two. Now, I'm even more curious about them."

"And Why would you do that?" I dropped on my bed after changing into my pajamas.

"Because I just want to. In all the years I've known you, Big Sis. I've never seen you being concern about other people's business aside from me, Of course. So I can't help but be curious about it," She smiled and lay down beside me.

Looking at her with such happiness makes me happy about it too. This isn't so bad actually.

The next following days were the same. Both of them still refused to talk to each other. Sophia's still Sophia, so there's always a smile on her face. I asked her a few times as she continues giving me tours around the school if she's okay. She said she is but I can see that she's certainly not.

I also checked up on Sam from time to time, yet didn't approach her. Sam didn't reveal it but it's obvious that she too was conflicted with their fight.

Damn. Is this what it feels like to be caught up with your two friends fight? Hah! What am I saying? Can I honestly say the two are my friends though?...

Before I knew it, it's already the weekends.

I was really bored at home and was about to call Sophia when I remember never asking for her number.

And Of course, I don't have her number. I thought and toss my phone to the bed.

I exhaled deeply of the mere thought that maybe I never actually acted as her good friend. And what's worst is that I am the reason they fought in the first place.

Just then my phone began ringing. I jump toward the bed to see it was Claire calling.

"What is it bitsy?" I answered.

"Uh are you home right now?" She asked on the other end of the line.

I can hear her panting and somehow a distant sound of people's voices sound far away.

"Yeah, I'm home, why? Where are you right now? Are you not home?"

"No, I'm outside right now. Sis something happened..." She sound concerned.

"What is it? What's wrong? Did something happen?" I asked in a worried tone.

"It's grandma. S-she."

"Grandma? What happened to her?"

"Sis, s-she is."

"Claire. What is it? It's okay just take a deep breath and tell me what happened to granny."

I can hear her taking nice slow breathes on the other side. What's going on? Did something happen to granny?

"Okay, now what happened bitsy?"

"Granny s-she fell off the stairs." Claire talked.

"She what?"

"She's in the hospital right now, Sis. Dad gave me a call about visiting granny. I think she's *sob. I'm scared that she might not make it *sob" Of course, he's the first person to know about this, yet he still won't bother ever visiting.

"Okay, Claire stay right there with granny. I'll be on my way to you now, so send me the location."

"Okay!" She answered and hang up.

I quickly grab some change of clothes from my wardrobe and change quickly. I grabbed my phone and a handbag. Then hurriedly went down the stairs. I got into the car and told my driver the place Claire gave me.

"And please make it quick," I added.

"Yes, Ms." He answered and swiftly turned on the engine.

After several minutes, we finally arrived at the address. The hospital was near the countryside. Granny didn't like the city, so after grandpa's passing, she requested dad on letting her live in a rural area.

"Please be careful Ms." The driver spoke.

"Yes, I will. Also, make sure to park the car somewhere it doesn't get too much attention," I replied and shut the car door.

I hurriedly made my way to the hospital and quickly walked up to the nurse's reception.

"Hi Is there an Eliza Brown here? She's 71, I heard she recently got admitted this morning." I asked the nurse.

"Oh yes there is. She's in room 32. Are you perhaps the patient's guardian?" She said after looking through her computer monitor.

"No, I'm her granddaughter. Thank you."

I run while scanning through each room I pass by to find her room number. 12...15...22... Why does this somehow appear to be deja vu? Hah! Of course, the room numbers here are easier than at the academy.

In no time I finally arrived at granny's room. 32. *huff *huff

"Granny!" I called out after opening the door while continuing wheezing.

"*huff *huff W-what's wrong?-" My mouth dropped when I saw granny. I was anticipating her to be in critical condition as she was already slowly getting older by the day, not to mention her and her clumsiness is always outrageous.

But then there she is. Claire and her. Happily eating fruits themselves by the window, while I was in a complete frenzy mood. Look at this two. Especially Claire, wasn't she on the verge of tears when she called me?

"Are you serious right now? *huff." I said in disbelief.

The two turned and now that they knew that I knew that I was tricked, they innocently smiled. T-THESE TWO!

"What *huff is *huff wrong with you two!" I snap.

The two laughed nervously.

"Claire, how can you say something like that. Grandma not making it? What if she actually doesn't make it this time?"

"This time? *hehe You made it sound like this happen all the time." Grandma grinned.

"That's because it does granny."

"*chuckle What are you talking about? I'm not that clumsy-"

"Yes, you are granny, you are so remarkably clumsy. And it's a miracle that you make it through all of them unscathed."

"That's simply because it wasn't my time yet Camilla."

"And can you also stop talking about 'your time'? You are not gonna die, grandma. So stop with the 'death talk' already."

"Sis, give grandma a break-."

"And you, when are you gonna stop with that trick?"

"What's wrong with it? You fell for them every single time."

"Gosh. I had better things to do-"

"See! That's exactly why granny and I have to go through all those excuses just for you to come here. It's because you always say things like you're busy and whatever, but guess what? You exactly sounded like father every time."

"I am not like father-."

"Alright girls, shut it." Grandma snap.

"Sorry, granny." We both apologize.

"We shouldn't be doing this. I'm so sorry Camilla for making you worry this old lady."

"You're not old grandma." Claire and I both assured her.

"*haha Thank you for such sweet words girls. Truly, and I'm sure your father has a valid reason for not visiting me this time." This time? Since when has he ever visits?

"I-I'm sorry for saying those things to you grandma. I shouldn't have been so harsh for you." I apologize.

Grandma smiled warmly and said, "It's alright pumpkin. I would much rather have you yell at me all day than you ignoring me all day as you did before."

That's right. I still remember those days, back then I was in such a dark after mom died that I just, shut myself out with the people I love most. Especially grandma. After mom died, grandpa soon left too, leaving granny all alone.


"Hello everyone," The nurse enters the room.

"I'm just gonna give be giving Mrs. Brown her medicine."

"Thank you, nurse. Why don't you girls go and get yourself some snacks while this old lady gets her medication."

"You're not old."

"See you later then."

"We'll be right back."

We said and left the room.

"She seems so cheerful every time I look at grandma. You won't even notice if there's something wrong with her."

"Well... That's grandma for you. Mom's like that too you know. Maybe it's because she got her personality from her."

I sighed and Claire quickly got on.

"Hey. What's wrong?"

"Oh, it's nothing." I smiled.

"Let's go get something to drink first. I believe I saw a vending machine around here somewhere." Claire said and lead the way with me behind her.

"Oh! There's one." She pointed, quickly grabbing pennies from her purse and inserting them into the coin slot.

"I'm sorry for what I said earlier bitsy, I'm sure you did it for my sake too." I apologized.

"You said earlier that you had better things to do back there, what was it?"

"Oh, it's nothing important."

"Are you having a hard time because of 'them'?"


"The two friends."

"Oh. Yeah..."

"Are they seriously still fighting?" Claire tosses a soda to me.

"Uh-huh, It seems like none of them are yielding on it too. I even wanted to check up on Sophia, but I can't."


"Yeah literally can't, because I don't have her number."


We settled our thoughts to ourselves. When Just then an old lady grabbed Claire's arm.

"Huh?" We both uttered, clearly confused about the situation right now.

"Amie, what are you doing out here? You're supposed to be staying by my side." The old lady smiled.

"Uhh." Claire turned to me clearly giving me 'that look'. What I meant by 'that look' is when she wants me to help with her whenever she also wants to help somebody.


"Where's your room ma'am?" Claire asked.

"Ma'am?" The lady was confused.

"Oh uh, Ms.? Mrs.?"

The lady then gave her the frustrated look.

"*pft! *chuckle."

"Are you seriously laughing right now, Sis?"

"*haha Apologize Bitsy, I mean she's clearly referring to you as her daughter. So why are you calling her formally?" I notified.

"Where is your room, mom?" She tried again.

"Close enough. It's in room 36 sweetie," The granny spoke.

"Alrighty then."

We then made our way to her room. Which is just the room above grannys'.

"We're here," I said.

"Alright mom, now that you're in your room now. Why don't you go inside and take a rest?" Claire smiled.

"But I want you to stay with me." The old lady said downheartedly.

Claire glance at me and asked with her facial expression.

'What should we do?'

'Finish the job, obviously' I responded.

"Okay mom, maybe just a little bit then." She smiled.

The old lady opened her room happily and quickly lay down on her bed. Claire sat at the seat beside her and holds her hand. The two are obviously occupied so I made my way to the bathroom and when I came back, Claire was talking with a girl... A girl with orange hair?

I can't look at her firmly as she was facing the opposite direction. So I walked gradually closer. I was then able to hear their conversation more distinctly now.

"Thank you again for helping my mama." The orange girl thank.

"I-It's not that hard, really," Claire told her.

But just then Claire noticed me. I swung my arms around, clearly signaling her not to call me out. And of course, she didn't get the message.

"Sista!" She called out.

Shit. I thought to myself.

The girl turned and yeah...

I now come to the conclusion that the world really is a small place. Because it turns out that girl actually is the one and only Samantha. Crap.