
Chapter 35 So How Come We Never Knew Anything About Them And Camilla?

-Third Person's POV-

"Okay. Let's just say that you guys are going to give her a 'happy' welcoming reunion or whatever-" Luke said.

"Ohh... I see what you did there." Ruby stood up.

She brightened as she gave Luke the look, but Luke didn't understand what she meant, thus the room filled with an uneasy vibe straight away.

"*Ahem With the 'happy' and *ugh! Never mind, you guys are just no fun.." Ruby grunted after clearing he throat.

"I was being sarcastic about, I never thought you would take it this seriously," Luke told her.

Luke always does this frequently to the group, you know, being sarcastic. And especially when it comes to a point when he's getting an another person's hope up. By at this point, not all of them are surprised by it but somehow Victori still doesn't get on why he was being sarcastic for? Like she can't help but somehow felt like or get the feeling that there is definitely something behind the way he is reacting right now.