Then, he looked to his right. There, he saw 3 other people whom he equally couldn't give a shit about.
However, a single person there definitely gave a shit about him.
Multiple shits, actually. This person had even thought about Sol while they were shitting... on several occasions.
Uri Von Cillion sat in one of the seats.
She glared at Sol as if he wanted to burn him to a crisp with her stare alone.
Yet, as she looked down at the state of his clothes, her eyes expanded--as though in relief or something.
She seemed delighted to see this.
Sol ignored her, facing the judge. This caused the woman to harrumph.
Lord Obriem raised his hand in the air, "The court is in session!"
Everyone's attention was locked on the judge as he spoke:
"Today's session shall be brief. We will give the defendant and the opposing party to rest on the first day."
Everyone nodded in retortion to this.