
I'll Come Back For You

SPOILER ALERT: THIS BOOK CONTAIN MATURE CONTENT Ziyad Abrisam is a very genius child, when he was five years old he had to move to England to study there. Abri is usually called to meet a beautiful little girl named Alice Keana who also has the same privileges as Abri. The two of them depend on each other, but unfortunately, Abri has to go to live with his grandfather in China. Abri then sent a message to Papa Alice, Andrew, to say goodbye to Alice and Abri would return fifteen years later. Will Abri keep his promise to Alice? follow the story in the story I'll Come Back For You

Sholikhatin_Nikmah · Thành thị
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161 Chs


Syifa then reflexively closed her eyes as Zio kissed and crushed her lips. This is the second time Zio kisses Syifa after doing the first one last night. Zio and Syifa kissed for a long time until both of them were almost out of breath, then Zio broke the kiss on Syifa.

"Syifa, what do you feel when I kiss you?" Syifa, who was still gasping for air, was embarrassed. She then buried his face in Zio's firm and broad chest.

"I'm scarry sir..." Syifa's face was getting redder, and now she really didn't dare to look Zio in the eye. Zio laid Syifa's body on the bed, and Zio cradled his wife. Zio really has to start giving Syifa a lot of touches so that she gets used to her husband's touch.

"Syifa, you are my wife. So you don't have to be afraid if I touch you." Shiva nodded and turned his head back.