
I'll become a villain in my next life

"Why? I tried to help people but they just abandoned me! betrayed me! they don't want me to play hero!? then fine I'll be the villain" Those are the last words of 'Riruko Kaido' codename: Ragnarok, a level 5 Esper with the power to control matter and elements as long as has knowledge of the subject as he died from the hands of the very people he protects he was betrayed by his friends, abandoned by his lover, and sold out to the researchers by the very person he trusted...... follow Riruko Kaido as he live out his life in another world with a determination to become a villain.... will he be able to maintain his word to become a villain? or will his past personality preserve the goodness in his heart? will he be a villain or a hero? (Picture not mine. but the edit is mine. just saw it on Google. if the original artist saw this. pls tell me so that I can put the credit to you)

Moe_Cyan_Pile · Kỳ huyễn
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449 Chs

Chapter 419: Dungeon Experience VIII


Quickly using her skill "Shadow Clones", Lilia then issued about 20 clones of herself all over the area, as she directed all of them to charge forward and attack the shadow knight bearing ominous aura in front of her. Under her command, all clones unsheathed their own copy of short sword and begun clashing with the shadow knight.

Hiding among those crowd, Lilia sneakily ran over to the blind side of the shadow knight as she leap up unto the air and stab her short sword towards the small spaces in between its armor. However the shadow knight simply dodged her attacks as if anticipating her ambush, before enacting a wide counter towards her in a form of a slash.

In order to save her life, one of the clones sacrificed herself as it took the attack while pushing away the original body. Once that clone disintegrated into mana particles, Lilia then once more ran up again as she hid her presence within the crowd of clones attacking the shadow knight.

Due to the frenzy of attacks coming from every area and angle, the shadow knight was attacked all over as the clones tried their best to damage its tough armor. Unfortunately no matter what attack they do, the armor itself seems undaunted.

After awhile of attacking and defending, the shadow knight then finally finished analyzing the movement pattern of the clones as he begin to decimate them one by one. At the first three minutes the shadow knight had gotten rid of three clone, at the next minute it manage to kill about 5 clones, a minute after that it had gotten rid off about 8 clones. But no matter how many clones it kills, their numbers weren't decreasing at all.

To be exact in order to dull the senses of the shadow knight, Lilia kept making clones of herself at a rapid pace. Even thought such feat cost mana, she is still able to keep it up due to her having a large mana pool of her own. By abusing her usage of clones, she would be able to hide her presence among the crowd, forcing the shadow knight to think of everything as fakes

Once such mentality is embedded, she would be able to easily sneak within its parameters and deal a lethal blow. From their its actions would be predictable, which would be taken advantage by Lilia in order to finish it off completely.

Of course she occasionally attack it from an unknown angle, but she would only attack it for a short amount of time before disappearing again among the crowd. The reason why she is doing such a thing was to further to agitate the monster causing it to make a predictable mistake. However such a thing was easier said than done.

Throughout the battle, the shadow knight didn't even let its guard down even for one second. Once it realized the endless stream of clones, it then stopped its momentum in killing the clones and shifted over to the defensive. Once it is in defensive, it then begun to observe the clones once more like a veteran soldier.

Naturally this was quickly caught on by Lilia, but even thought she knew of this, she wouldn't be able to prevent such a thing from happening. All she could do was keep attacking.

Zigzagging among the crowd, Lilia did a rapid slash towards the shadow knight who simply tanked her attacks head on. Following that  she slid on its right before she begun attacking its sides using a rapid strike of her short sword. She even tried to kick its ankle with an intention to make it kneel to the ground. However her attacks wasn't able to make it move no matter how hard she tried.

With that she then quickly blended into the crowd once more as she secretly begun enhancing her weapon using various available buff on her skill tree. Since she wasn't able to take it down using simple means, then she had to take it down using big moves with a lot of impact.

After for what seems like a minute of preparations, Lilia then rushed in once more as she attack the shadow knight from behind. But the moment she did such a thing, the monster then finally made its move as it dodged her impactful swing and squarely hit her on her stomach with a punch.

Due to the strength of the punch which caused a huge shockwave to reverberate around the area,  Lilia's consciousness flicker in and out as he sight became hazy as her body received a full shock from the attack. In that short span of seconds, numerous agony coursed through her head as she thought of numerous things.

"It hurts! It hurts! I cant breath! what just happened? how did i miss? where did i go wrong?"

As these thoughts circled all over her head, her whole body was then flung away  as she crashed unto the floor, before tumbling in disgrace. Once her crash finally stopped its momentum, she then started coughing out loud as blood and saliva poured out of her mouth due to how much pain she is in. Even tears started pouring out as she grits her teeth.

Once she was downed, Shelly quickly called out her name in alarm as she tried her best to stand up. But before she could even take a single move, someone then picked her up from behind as it took ahold of her collar while revealing an amused smile

On the other hand, the shadow knight simply walked towards Lilia as all of the clones disintegrated into nothingness once Lilia lost her focus and her supply of mana waver loose upon receiving a huge damage.

Once it got  to a few feet closer to her, a shadow then suddenly pass by it as Kaido simply ran pass the shadow knight and picked up Lilia by her collar like a stray cat. Just like his treatment to Shelly, Kaido simply smiled at her while offering an encouraging words.

"You did great! Even thought its not enough, You were still able to to take down three of them... You have so much room for growth, i cant let you kick the bucket now"


"Cant talk? understandable... since you did so well, ill give you the reward of crossing to the finish line first"

Hearing his words, Lilia immediately realized that Kaido plans to hold the monster back all by himself. Even thought she admitted that Kaido is strong, since he still wasn't able to defeat her in combat, then his strength is somewhat closely the same as hers. If that was the case, then he wouldn't be able to defeat the shadow knight by himself.

"You... Your planning to take it on by yourself?... I cant let that happen!.... you have no chance of winning"

"Awe! your worried, how cute! Unfortunately your wrong I've always been in a handicap, that is the reason why i look so weak... But im stronger than you thought i am you know"

At his words before Lilia and Shelly could react, he then threw them towards the end of the passageway using brute force as he waved his hand in goodbye, leaving him together with the shadow knight.


When Lilia finally left the dark hallway, a viscous aura then erupted towards the surroundings as the shadow knight loses its prey. Naturally all its attention and hatred then shifted over to Kaido, as he was the sole perpetrator of why his prey had disappeared. Once a player had entered the exit of the dark hallway, not even powerful monsters like them could do anything about it, thus the reason for its anger.

Screeching in a tone quite high to be called painful ugly voice, Kaido then quickly blocked his hearing using his psychic barrier in order for his eardrum not to be destroyed by the screech. However despite doing such a thing, the vibrations of wave it produces was still quite apparent to its surroundings which shows its painful destructiveness.

Without a moments delay, the shadow knight then rushes in towards Kaido as it swung its sword towards him following a heavy force pack within.

In response to its attack, Kaido simply smacked away its sword by deflecting it with his psychic covered hand, before blasting out a fiery explosion from its right hand straight to its stomach. In just one explosion, the shadow knight was then blown back by the force of the counter attack, as it screeched across the floor and its armor cracked from the damage it taken.

Quickly chaining up its counter, Kaido quickly shots out a dozen of air slicer toward the shadow knight, forcing the monster to either dodged those blades or parry it with its swords. Following those air slicers, Kaido created a two group of dozen elemental spears categorized by both lightning and earth, before firing them all towards the shadow knight with a snap of his fingers.

From that the shadow knight then had no choice but to further take on the defensives as it tried its best to bypass the wave of powerful attacks. However Kaido wouldn't just simply let the shadow knight bypass his spears and waste his effort. Once the shadow knight managed to parry anyone of his spear, Kaido would quickly charge in near its vicinity in order to retake those parried spears before throwing them back in towards its target.

Since the shadow knight was under the barrage of his attacks, and the fact that Kaido was too nimble for someone who often rely on ranged attacks, the shadow knight had no choice but to fully focus its attention in dodging rather than sneaking in a quick counter.

The flow of the battle was totally within the grasp of Kaido.

Once the spears attacking the shadow knight dialed down to about 6, Kaido then suddenly controlled the earth below the shadow knight in order to trap its foothold in place, giving Kaido a chance to mount on top of the monster and begin Puncturing in between its armor with numerous earthen spikes like a porcupine.

From that the shadow knight gasp a little from being stabbed by those spikes, before it roared and used its aura to blow away any hostile attacks and personnel around him. But once its surge of aura finished its rampage, Kaido then suddenly smack it to the face which was then followed up by a series of combo of punches all over its body.

After the 30th combo, Kaido then once more blasted out an electric explosion's on its stomach, causing the shadow knight to once more blown away before crashing to the other side of the hallway. To be specific the very location where everyone first started to charge through the dark hallway.

Soon after when the shadow knight then gained its footing after being blown away, it then showcased its fury in a form of distorted figure, before slashing the air around him out of anger. Of course this was simply a form of expressing its frustration, due to that nothing would happen even it slashes its sword all over the place.

Once it showcased its anger, it then launched itself forward in a Mach speed of  2.0. In just a single blink of an eye, the shadow knight then arrived before Kaido just in time for him to barely block its attack using its psychic barrier and slid across the floor with his footing in tact.

The moment the shadow knight begun its charge once more, Kaido then quickly kicks up the pace, as he begun freezing everything in his surrounding into absolute zero in just a few seconds. Since absolute zero was quite harmful to anything the ice touches, the shadow knight then in turn jumps into the air to avoid touching the spreading ice itself. As long as Kaido is still spreading the ice, the ground itself will be then never safe at all.

However once the shadow knight was fully in midair, thinking that it had successfully escape the ice, Kaido sent a wave of air stream towards its direction, completely shooting down the shadow knight from its safe zone.

When the shadow knight crashed to the ground, Ice then begun to rapidly cover its whole body, as the monster itself tried its beast to go against the force of nature itself. Unfortunately the ice was too fast in enveloping its whole body, rather than its destroying the ice. In just a matter of few seconds the shadow knight was then fully trapped within the ice unable to even more nor utter a single sound.

Once everything got fully covered in ice, especially the darkness lurking in the corner of the dark hallway, Kaido then begun gathering in heat towards him at a rapid pace, to the point that his whole body begun to glow and cracks forming all over his human skin.

In that moment Kaido released the energy from the monster of humanity borne from science which was meant to kill all living things on earth. The very accumulation of science, the current destructive weapon of mankind. The very epitome of life and death. At that Kaido released the nuclear atomic explosion from deep within the dungeon causing the whole world including outside the dungeon to shook in fear from the force of the very monster of humanity.


Going back a few minutes before Kaido released the full energy of a nuclear explosion inside the dark hallway, Lilia and Shelly then finally passed through the teleportation portal as they appeared in the middle of an area filled with blue crystals. Alongside them were other players who had successfully escaped the dark hallway as they took their time either observing the blue crystals or pocketed them in their inventories.

The only person who who went over to them filled with worry was Gus who had been one of acquaintance in the earlier times inside the dungeon.

"You guys made it out! Un believable! I thought you guys were dead"

In response to his worry, Lilia quickly got up from the ground as she rushed over towards Gus and begged  for his help.

"Quick! He's still back there!"

"Back there? Who?"


"The black haired kid with red eyes?"

"Yes! he's still fighting those shadow monsters, we need to help him!"

Upon seeing Lilia's panic expression, Gus then shook his head in dismay as he replied.

"We cant! there's no way back to the dark hallway once you pass through the teleportation circle Plus he wont actually die, he will just revive back outside the dungeon if he got done in"

Upon hearing Gus words, further worry and panic struck Lilia as she knew that such logic of return revival wasn't possible to Kaido. After all Kaido wasn't a player nor a system holder, thus he doesn't have any safety net if he ever die inside a dungeon. For Kaido, once he dies inside the dungeon, that will be it, no turning back nor revival for him.

However even thought Lilia knows all of that, she just simply cant blurt it all out, After all the information that Kaido was an otherworlder was only a secret between him and her that was shared during their casual talk inside her room.

Thus no matter how much she wanted to correct Gus about the information regarding Kaido, she couldn't.

In that moment another person walked up to them, causing Shelly to held Lilia's shoulder.

"Do i hear it right? That arrogant kid stayed behind and fought those monsters? Just who does he think he is? does he think himself as a hero? Ahahahaha... Welp0 that kid is probably dead by now"

Hearing Cedric's tone of mocking Kaido, Lilia then gritted her teeth in anger as she couldn't believe the audacity he spews out from someone who cowardly ran away a few moments ago. I f one had to say it, then arrogance was only appropriate for someone who is strong, not some second rate who cowardly ran away at the first sign of danger.

The moment Lilia tried to charge over, she then felt Shelly's strength on her grip as she held her back from charging straight at that bastard. Even Gus was quietly holding in his annoyance at such person. Nevertheless Shelly still spoke up in defense to Kaido.

"How can you be sure that he died?"

Hearing Shelly's words, Cedric then begun to talk back.

"Well isn't that obvious? what we encountered in that hallway was something beyond our rank and you think someone who is low rank can go against that monster?"

"Not everything is decided based on rank, Plus he is much more trust worthy than you"

"Why? because he helped you?"

"Yes! but alongside that he is not a coward unlike you"

Upon hearing her words, Cedric then somehow got offended as he held down his anger while replying back.

"Coward? Who me? didn't you see what i did back there? i fought alongside you lot"

Following his words, various cheers and agreements then sounded up from behind him, which almost came from the girls that he actually manage to help. Of course despite them taking the pressure from this blind fans of some internet celebrity, Shelly still stood her ground as she held her head up high.

"Then you should've kept that up and help the whole enemy units while everyone was escape... If you proclaim that your much more better than Kaido, then wouldn't you be able to do the same?"

"Held the enemies back while you escape? what do you think my services is? charity? and why are you even defending that guy? just because you owe him your ticket way here, doesn't mean that you should defend him blindly... now i even wonder who is more blinded between you and me"

Feeling that the argument between shelly and Cedric is starting to accumulate towards violence, Gus then quickly came in between them as he held down both of them while calming them down with his own comforting words. No matter what since their number had been reduced to mere 25 from their original 80, he couldn't afford to lose more manpower due to friction between players inside the dungeon. Plus he still don't know when will the dungeon end, thus conserving strength is a must.

In that moment while this was happening, a quake then shook the whole dungeon as cracks started to appear in the wall due to how harsh the shaking was. Just from its scale alone, such quake had already surpassed their world recorded violent quakes in terms of magnitude. If the shaking don't cease, then  everyone concluded that the dungeon might collapse above them.

Luckily for them the shaking didn't last long, alongside the shaking a system notification then appeared as if congratulating them from  finishing the dungeon.


Congratulations! You have conquered the dungeon!

Beginning to teleport everyone who completed the dungeon!
