
I'AM~Gecko Moria

As soon as Moria crossed over, Moria fainted with the cute “Thunder Eight Trigrams” on Moria face, and then he woke up and became the future Seven Warlords of the Sea- Gekko Moria. But this was not the worst. In the dim cell, Kaidou-crew iron whip spent countless days and months with Moria. Until one day, Shadow Shadow Fruit’s ability awakened, Moria finally showed a hideous face. Moria's apparent biggest enemy is Kaidou, who was responsible for the death of his old crew twenty-three years ago during a clash against the Beasts Pirates at Wano Country,and because Kaidou his spent countless days be whiped, almost can't wait to get his revenge against Kaidou

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66 Chs

Chapter 57 has finally begun, Karp VS Moria




Three hours have passed since the battle between Moriah and Kaido.

The battle situation is still anxious, and the roar of the battle between the two resounds through the sea around Skull Island.



High in the sky of Skull Island, two huge figures collided with each other again at high speed.

Kaido still clenched his mace with both hands and blasted out with the power of thunder gossip, Moria gathered all his strength in his right fist and blasted it out.


In addition to the sharp metal sound like the high-speed collision of metal missiles, the "zizizi" sound of invisible domineering lightning rubbing in the air was particularly harsh.

Unlike the previous collision, as the battle went on, Moria's armament was increasing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At this moment, Moria's armament is domineering, not to mention the level of Kaido, but it is similar, very close.

Therefore, the attacks of the two will send out a domineering invisible lightning.


They retreated after another attack collision.

This time, Kaido wasn't rushing towards Moriah like a rabid fighting maniac.

His temperament seemed to have suddenly changed from a reckless man to a wise man, which was completely different from his previous appearance.

This made Moria look a little suspicious, whether Kaido in front of him was crossed by someone, and why did it change so much.

"Go on! Kaido!"

Kaido stopped, Moria didn't want to stop, his armed domineering quickly became stronger in the battle.

For him, Kaido is a good sparring partner, but it can't end like this.


Moria cut through the air like a bullet, and threw her fist at Kaido.


Kaido moved sideways and directly moved away from Moria, who was rushing in, without taking Moria's attack hard.


Next, Moria attacked several more times, each time being let out of the way by Kaido.

By now, he also understands that Kaido doesn't want to fight him.

Stopping in the air 100 meters away from Kaido, Moria frowned and asked: "What? Don't dare to fight, aren't you the man known as the king of beasts? This is shrinking!"

Facing Moria Kaido was not angry, smiled, and said, "This is the end of the day, don't you want to fight Garp? I'll be watching, I hope you won't be defeated by Garp, or I will I won't let you go."

After saying that, Kaido turned into a blue dragon and flew into the sky far away.

"Fool will continue to fight with you!"

Kaido, who flew away, complained to himself, not very happy in his heart.

In this battle, he originally wanted to find a sparring partner to hone himself, but it turned out that Moria's armed arrogance was rising and becoming stronger in the battle with him.

This made Kaido depressed. In the past, he used to find someone to train with, but now that he is being used as a trainer, it's no wonder that he feels better.

"So, let Garp do this sparring!"

With some kind of inexplicable hilarity, Kaido flew into the high air in the distance, turned around, and looked at the sea east of Skull Island with his head.

There, the naval fleet led by Garp and Sengoku has arrived.

"Kaido isn't much cuter!"

He complained silently in his heart, Moria didn't stop Kaido from leaving.

Flying from a high altitude to Skull Island, Moria faced the direction of the naval fleet, and the fiery fighting spirit in his heart began to rush again.

Garp has arrived, and Moriah is looking forward to this past life making people feel that he is the most domineering man in the world of One Piece.

Because he is a fruitless man, he is a man who is legendary for fighting pirates with a pair of iron fists, armed arrogance, and Roger Whitebeard.

Even if Moria really crossed into the world of One Piece now, there is still a feeling in his heart that Garp is the ceiling of combat power in the world of One Piece, and the strongest in the world of armed arrogance.

"I've heard that other people can fight with Garp, but I've never heard of Garp losing to someone."


Thinking of this, Moria suddenly twitched the corners of her mouth, and a certain image flashed in her mind. After that, he said in his heart, "Except for the pirate Wang Luffy who was at the top of the war."

... In

the sea to the east of Skull Island, ten naval warships were arranged in a line.

On a warship in the middle, Garp and Sengoku stood on the bow facing Skull Island.


Warring States turned his head, looked at the old man who had accompanied him for many years, and said solemnly: "Do your best, don't keep your hands, kill him if you can kill him, the future Moria is too much a threat to the world government. " Don't worry!" Garp

grinned and said, "I'm serious when it comes to fighting."


You have seen many battles, even if your armament is strong and domineering, it won't cause much damage against his terrifying defense."

"Only Liu Ying can kill him with one hit."

After listening to Garp, thinking about the battle just now, he had an answer in his heart, and said sternly: "Understood!"

Sengoku turned back to look at Skull Island, looked at Moria, and smiled: "Then you can fight as much as you like! We will help you watch those pirates with Whitebeard." As

he spoke, he looked across from Skull Island, where the Whitebeard Pirates were.

At the same time, the "Bigmom" pirates led by Charlotte Lingling were one kilometer away from the Whitebeard Pirates.

These are the objects that the Warring States period should be vigilant against!


Garp laughed and flew towards Skull Island with his moon step.

"Karp is dispatched!"

"It's started!"

"It's finally started!"

"Come on, the battle between the actor and the navy hero, the battle that makes people blood boil, let's start quickly."

All the sea areas, have been paying attention to the movement of the navy. The pirates looked forward to seeing Garp's silhouette flying out of the moon step.

The battle between Kaido and Moria has already let them know Moria's strength.

The battle with Garp now is what they are looking forward to.

"I have always heard how powerful the naval hero Garp is, and now I can finally find out!"

Among the pirates who came to Skull Island, many of them were people who had never seen Garp's action but heard of his legend. .

After all, Garp, the legendary sea soldier captured by One Piece, who personally regards many pirates as the pinnacle, everyone wants to know what kind of strength can defeat and capture Pirate King Roger.

That's right!

In today's world, many pirates think that Garp defeated Roger before they caught him.

So as soon as they heard the news that Moria was about to fight Garp, they all rushed to Skull Island, and they didn't want to miss this battle to witness Garp's strength.

"It seems that the navy has given up on encircling Moria, so let's appreciate this battle."

Seeing that only Karp went to the island by the navy, the other warships stayed where they were, combined with Moria's current strength , Whitebeard smiled, probably understood what the Navy meant.

Marko and the others didn't speak, nodded with a relaxed expression, and looked at Skull Island together.

"Mum! Mum!"

Charlotte Lingling, who was already out of shape at this time, grinned.

"Let's get started!"

Charlotte Lingling said, turning her head to look at Katakuri and the other children, and said solemnly: "Kapp is not that guy from Kaido, not the one that Moria can deal with now. , once Moria is defeated, grab Moria for me immediately." "Understood

!" Katakuri and the others responded.

Charlotte Lingling nodded with satisfaction and turned her head to look at Skull Island. She was very aware of Garp's power, and Moria was definitely not Garp's opponent.

When Moria is defeated, she will take Moria back to the cake shop.

Be her husband and have seventeen or eight children with her, and then let Moria marry her daughter and be completely tied to the "Bigmom" pirate group.

Charlotte Lingling thought about all these arrangements, just wait for Moriah to be defeated.


Katakuri deliberately reminded his mother that Moria was not so easy to catch, and he also had an incomprehensible escape ability.

But looking at Charlotte Lingling, who had fallen into self-enjoyment, Katakuri wisely shut her mouth.

At this time, it is very scary to interrupt my mother's thoughts. Katakuri thought.