
I'AM~Gecko Moria

As soon as Moria crossed over, Moria fainted with the cute “Thunder Eight Trigrams” on Moria face, and then he woke up and became the future Seven Warlords of the Sea- Gekko Moria. But this was not the worst. In the dim cell, Kaidou-crew iron whip spent countless days and months with Moria. Until one day, Shadow Shadow Fruit’s ability awakened, Moria finally showed a hideous face. Moria's apparent biggest enemy is Kaidou, who was responsible for the death of his old crew twenty-three years ago during a clash against the Beasts Pirates at Wano Country,and because Kaidou his spent countless days be whiped, almost can't wait to get his revenge against Kaidou

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66 Chs

Chapter 54 Fighting Kaido

"I actually lost in strength in the frontal battle!"

"I lost to a former defeated general!"

Kaido, who was facing the sky in the gravel pit, grinned, and his tone was somewhat self-deprecating.

Although Moriah's attack did not cause him any harm, it was extremely insulting.

Who is he, the man known as the king of beasts, how could he possibly lose to others in power.

"Morlia, I'll let you know what real power is!"

Kaido, who was angry, stood up and his body changed.

The skin turned into blue dragon scales, and the muscles were smooth and powerful.

The head turned into a half-dragon and half-human appearance, and the body below the waist turned into a dragon, just like a snake man, except that Kaido was a dragon man.

"That's... the form of a dragon man!!"

Looking at Kaido's image, Moriah frowned and secretly guarded.

As we all know, the animal-type devil fruit ability is the strongest in the form of the orc.

With both strength and speed, Moria dare not underestimate Kaido at this time.


At this moment, Kaido suddenly disappeared from Moriah's eyes.

"It's so fast!!"

Moria's expression changed, and when her thoughts just started, Kaido in the form of a dragon had come to him, and the mace waving in both hands had a tinge that made Moria's heart tremble. The force slammed into his chest.

"The armed color is hardened!"

Without evading, Moria's mind moved, and the armed color instantly covered the whole body.

He believed that with his current shadow golden body strength and not-weak armed arrogance, it should be no problem to block Kaido's move.

However, before Kaido's mace hit his chest, Moriah knew that he overestimated himself and underestimated Kaido's attack.

"Liu Ying is domineering!!"

Moria's complexion changed, and an invisible and extremely penetrating armed color domineering directly penetrated the skin and entered his body for destruction.

Just as the defense of the internal organs of the human body is definitely not as strong as that of the skin and muscles, the organs such as the heart under the shadow gold body will not be as strong as the skin and muscles no matter how strong they are.

So, Moriah is injured!

"Thundering gossip!!!"

Also at this moment, Kaido looked at Moriah with a cold light in his eyes, shouted loudly, and slammed his mace hard on Moriah's chest.

At the same time, the powerful and condensed Liu Ying domineering also directly penetrated Moria's body, slamming behind him, and the rocky ground annihilated a smooth circular passage with a diameter of ten meters under this force.


Moria felt a pain in her chest, her internal organs were torn apart, and a mouthful of blood spurted out of her mouth.


"Boom!" "Boom!"


a baseball, Moriah was hit with a home run by Kaido's mace and flew directly out of Skull Island and flew out against the sea.


Moria, who flew away at high speed, brought a wind pressure and pressed a circular trench on the sea, and the waves spread to both sides.

"Liu Ying!!!"

"It's really powerful!!"

Blood spilled from the corner of Moria's mouth flying on the sea, his face was shocked, and he had a strong desire for Liu Ying's domineering.

"This kind of power must be mastered, only Liu Ying can defend Liu Ying!"

Thinking in her heart, Moria controlled her body to stop instantly against the inertial impact that was still on her body at this time, and floated on the sea. .

Feeling the open wound in the body's internal organs, Moria's mind moved and devoured the recovery of life energy.

"That guy... actually can fly, is that the ability in that form!"

Seeing Moria floating on the sea, Kaido on the island moved, a little surprised.

"And...the breath is not weak, the blow just now doesn't seem to have caused much damage to him."

"What the hell did this guy Moria go through in the past month, and why has his strength improved so much!!!"

Kaido At this time, I was still a little shocked. With this strength, if Moria wanted to defeat, there was only a protracted battle. Without fighting for a few days and nights, it would be impossible to tell the winner.

And it has to be a life-and-death battle, otherwise, with Moriah's ability, he can leave at any time and get out of the battle.

"It seems that it is very difficult to conquer this guy."

Kaido's eyes flickered, Moria's strength and ability made him understand that it was impossible to conquer.

"It turned out to be like this..."

"Then only... let's fight happily!!!"

Thinking of this, Kaido laughed out loud, and a heart that was eager to fight was burning.

"Hey!" The

dragon tail swayed slightly, Kaido floated in the air like a flying dragon and flew towards Moria at high speed.

Kaido in dragon form can fly in the air like a blue dragon.

"Morlia!!!" On

the way to Moria, Kaido shouted, his expression excited.

It's rare to have a man who can compete with him in strength and defense, and Kaido won't let this fight over easily.

"Have a good fight!!!" Moria,

who felt the fighting spirit in Kaido's heart, also laughed and flew to Kaido, and he put aside the matter of fighting with Kapuyo.

Anyway, his purpose is to temper the domineering of the armed color, and Kaido is stronger than him and has Liu Ying, so he will fight Kaido first.

When his armament color is as strong as Kaido's, or when Kaido is no longer able to hone his role, it's the same to go to Garp to fight.

You can even fight Kaido today and Karp tomorrow.

"Anyway, I have the ability to swap positions with Shadow Servant. The right to choose is in my hands." Moria smiled inwardly.


"Hey!" On the

sea, two circular water waves flew past at extreme speed, quickly approaching each other, it was Moria and Kaido who were flying at high speed.

"Thundering gossip!!"

As expected, Kaido, in the posture of a baseball player, twisted his body at high speed and swung his mace with both hands, and slammed it out.


Moria was speechless.

"If you don't shout, I thought it was just a normal attack."

I complained inwardly, Moria's hand was not slow, and the right hand condensed the domineering look of armed force, and punched it.


"Bang!" The

fist collided with the mace, and the intense wind pressure exploded at the two positions like a compressed air bomb.

The sea surface below the two was affected by this wind pressure, and a semi-circular sea pit with a diameter of 100 meters was sunken directly downward.


The mace and the fist kept shaking, and both sides were exerting force.

"What a strong power!!!"

Feeling the power transmitted from his fist, Moria sighed in his heart, and then his eyes narrowed slightly.

"Why not use Sakura?" Looking at Kaido, Moria asked with a frown.

In this attack, I don't know why Kaido didn't use Liu Ying's domineering, but only used the armament color to harden his domineering.

"You know Liu Ying!!"

Kaido was surprised, this kind of armored and domineering look is only called by the people of Wano Kingdom, and Moria...


Kaido suddenly laughed: "That's right, After all, you are a man who has been in Wano country prison for three years, and it is normal to know Liu Ying!"

Hearing this, Moria's eyes flashed coldly.

"One day, I will make you my shadow slave!" Looking at Kaido, Moria said silently in her heart.

Kaido continued: "As for why I don't use Liu Sakura..."

Of course it's unnecessary! Kaido wasn't ready to use Ryu Sakura after the previous attack left no damage to Moriah.

After all, using Ryu Sakura consumes a lot of domineering, and... Kaido doesn't like using Ryu Sakura, he likes the power of armed color domineering and hardening.

Of course, if you think about it this way, you can't say that to Moriah.

After all... Kaido

suddenly changed his face and roared at Moriah: "Who do you think I am!! Your subordinate?? How dare you ask me!!"

The tooth stick pressed against Moriah, as if being insulted.



Moria's expression changed slightly, and he cursed inwardly. He felt a huge force coming from his fist, and he blocked it with all his strength.

"Touch!" In the

end, after the two wrestled with each other, Moria used her right fist to explode and press down for an instant, and took the initiative to fly back.

"Don't try to run away!!" As soon as

Moria retreated, Kaido immediately followed. He was afraid that Moria would use his ability to leave, and he had not had enough fun.


Hearing Kaido's words, Moria was stunned, then the corners of his mouth twitched, looked at Kaido, and grinned, "You're not qualified!!

" together.
