
I'AM~Gecko Moria

As soon as Moria crossed over, Moria fainted with the cute “Thunder Eight Trigrams” on Moria face, and then he woke up and became the future Seven Warlords of the Sea- Gekko Moria. But this was not the worst. In the dim cell, Kaidou-crew iron whip spent countless days and months with Moria. Until one day, Shadow Shadow Fruit’s ability awakened, Moria finally showed a hideous face. Moria's apparent biggest enemy is Kaidou, who was responsible for the death of his old crew twenty-three years ago during a clash against the Beasts Pirates at Wano Country,and because Kaidou his spent countless days be whiped, almost can't wait to get his revenge against Kaidou

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66 Chs

Chapter 51 Skull Island, where the world gathers

"Kula... la la la!"

"This kid is still very brave! Challenge Garp."

"Just hit this point, I will save your life!" On

the Beluga, there is still a white man with blond hair. Beard, looking at the newspaper in his hand, laughed.

Karp, who is also his old rival, can see the challenge of someone naming names, and Whitebeard feels very happy.

Of course, Moriah, as the challenger, also set the battle location in advance, and the navy will definitely not miss the opportunity to encircle Moriah.

This is inevitable, the navy will not let Garp and you have a good one-on-one match, as long as there is a chance, it will definitely take action to get rid of Moria.

So Whitebeard had to destroy it, block the navy, and let them deal with Moriah flawlessly.

"Go, Skull Island!"

Whitebeard gave an order domineeringly, and Marco and the others naturally had no objection.

Roger died, the golden lion retreated, and now the new world, the Whitebeard Pirates, is the uncrowned king of the new world.

They are confident that they can face everything, and they are naturally willing to accompany their father even if he wants to see a good show.


"Quinn, give Lao Tzu a good look... hic... home, that guy Moria obviously... hic... Wang Ji committed another crime, and actually challenged Garp."

"What do you mean... hic, look down on me, could it be Garp Better than me, challenge him... hiccup... don't come to me."

"Bastard, this time I will definitely catch you back!" On the

ghost island, Quinn stared at Kaido hiccups, after the preface didn't fit. In the midst of scolding and scolding, he turned into a blue dragon, pierced the roof and flew away.

"Hey! The roof is going to be repaired again!"

"Mr. Kaido, can't you go out and transform into a dragon again!"

Quinn complained like a little daughter-in-law, and quickly ordered someone to repair the roof.


the other side!

"Bigmom" Charlotte Lingling also led Katakuri and other children to Skull Island.

During this time, Moriah's Shadow Servant was so powerful that her saliva was drooling.

She is ready to recruit Moria under her command at all costs, even if she pays for a few daughters.



After the news that Moria challenged Navy hero Garp on Skull Island.

People who are interested in this battle, including countless news reporters, as well as various pirates, are on their way to Skull Island.


Navy Headquarters!

Marlene Vando!

In the Marshal's office, Garp and Sengoku were sitting on the chairs beside them.

Cyborg Kong sat behind the Marshal's desk and looked solemnly at Rear Admiral Ellander who was standing straight ahead.

Shen Sheng said: "Report the information you have collected about Moria during this period of time."

"Yes, Marshal Kong!"

Major General Elland saluted, and then said in a condensed voice: "After a month, Moria once again. After appearing, the strength has changed qualitatively, especially the ability to incarnate the shadow giant, which is very powerful, and the expedition fleet was destroyed by this ability."

"The second is the shadow attendant. So far, from the perspective of exposure, including the death in battle. The three lieutenant generals, there are a total of nine shadow attendants under Moria, and they all have the formidable combat power to fight against the lieutenant general."

"But... it is not excluded that these are the only ones."

Elland explained: "Because Moriah has always stayed on the back of a huge black giant eagle, usually at a high altitude that is almost invisible to the naked eye, only occasionally He only goes to the sea for food and purchases when he needs it. In

addition to the fact that he disappeared for a whole month, no one knows how many powerful shadow servants he has."

Gang Gukong narrowed his brows and asked in a deep voice: "It disappeared for a whole month, Your intelligence department has not found any traces of Moriah's activities."

"Uh!" Ellander looked slightly embarrassed, wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, and replied, "Not yet...not yet!"


Glancing at Ellander dissatisfied, Steel Skeleton Kong continued to ask: "Contact with the CP agency, what did they say?" "

Like us, no traces were found." This time, Ellander replied very fast and confident.

Check it out!

Even the CP agency couldn't find the trajectory of Moriah's disappearance in the month. It's really not our naval intelligence department's fault.

It's really that Moriah guy is too good!

Just when Elland's inner drama was rich, Cyborg Kong asked again: "What is the situation on Skull Island? Have you figured it out? Why did Moria choose there as the battle location to challenge Garp?" The

inner drama was interrupted , Ellander's expression remained unchanged, and replied: "Skull Island, an isolated island in the New World near the windless belt, the island is made of uneven rocks.

As for why Moria chose there as the battle location, current intelligence analysis The answer given by my colleague in the office is...there are more shadows under the sun."

"There are more shadows!" Gang Gukong whispered, thinking to himself: I want to use the awakened shadow fruit ability to control more shadows , to increase strength?

Cyborg Kong felt that things were not so simple, and there must be a reason for Moria to choose there, and it was impossible to choose casually.

"Kapp, what do you think... You bastard, don't wake me up yet." When he was not

careful, Karp fell asleep. Cyborg Kong was about to ask him something. When he saw the situation, he couldn't help but get angry. , roared.

Unfortunately, Karp was unmoved and still slept naturally.


He didn't wake up until Sengoku slapped Garp on the head next to him.

"Hey! You've finished discussing, then I'm leaving!"

Seeing that everyone just looked at him and didn't speak, Karp was surprised, touched his head, and walked straight to the office door.

This behavior angered Kong Kong Kong again.

"Bastard Karp, come back to me, I'll ask you something!" Karp, who

walked to the door, turned around and said, "Don't ask, I know what to do, I'll go and arrest that kid Moriah." After that, close the door and walk out of the marshal's office!


Looking at the closed office door, Steel Bone's head buzzed, and he didn't understand for a long time, what Karp knew.

"I didn't ask, what do you know?"

Kong had a headache, but he knew that Garp was like this, so he ignored him and turned to look at the Warring States where the old god was.

"Fortunately, Sengoku is a normal person!"

Kong felt a little relieved, and then waved his hand to let Elland go out.

After Ailand went out, he asked Warring States: "How's the situation on O'Hara's side?"

Warring States replied: "If that woman is from O'Hara, she should go back soon. The five old star's order is, As long as there is information that the woman has returned to O'Hara, the Demon Slayer Order will be activated immediately and O'Hara will be wiped off the map."

"But..." The Warring States frowned slightly: "I see the meaning of the five old stars, even if there is no evidence that the people in Ohara are studying the historical text, they will not let that island continue to exist and become an archaeological holy place. Kong said in a solemn voice: "

This is also impossible. If it was before Roger became the Pirate King, the world government would still tolerate the existence of O'Hara. But after Roger found the final island and became the Pirate King, O'Hara was doomed. To be destroyed."

"The world government will not allow anyone to find the final island and become the pirate king. All possibilities that can read the text of history must be eliminated."

Roger found the final island and became the pirate king, relying on being able to interpret history. The text of Kozuki Oden.

Now that Oden is dead, only O'Hara has someone who can interpret the text of history. Naturally, the world government will not give it a chance to continue to develop.

Warring States also understands this truth, he just feels that it will implicate innocent people and make him feel a little sorry.