
I'AM~Gecko Moria

As soon as Moria crossed over, Moria fainted with the cute “Thunder Eight Trigrams” on Moria face, and then he woke up and became the future Seven Warlords of the Sea- Gekko Moria. But this was not the worst. In the dim cell, Kaidou-crew iron whip spent countless days and months with Moria. Until one day, Shadow Shadow Fruit’s ability awakened, Moria finally showed a hideous face. Moria's apparent biggest enemy is Kaidou, who was responsible for the death of his old crew twenty-three years ago during a clash against the Beasts Pirates at Wano Country,and because Kaidou his spent countless days be whiped, almost can't wait to get his revenge against Kaidou

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66 Chs

Chapter 40 Future plans, I want a lot!





Perona flew to Moria on a boulder on the southwest coast of Fant Island, crying, and she was unwilling to accept Moria. Leah settles for her.

"Don't leave me, Lord Moria!"


Perona cried and criticized herself: "I will never urge you to beg for food again, and I will definitely eat on time in the future. I must stop eating."

"..." Moria was speechless and had a headache, begging... for your sister's meal.

"I'm very dangerous. Wouldn't it be nice to give you a stable life?"

Moria couldn't understand. After experiencing hardships, shouldn't he yearn for a peaceful and stable life?

How is Perona different!

"I don't want it, I'm going to follow Moria-sama!" Perona ignored, she insisted on following Moria.

For her, it was Moria who saved her, and after more than a month of getting along, she and Moria were already acquainted.

Now she wants her to be with a few strangers, and she doesn't want it.

"Woo! I don't want, don't leave me, Lord Moria."

Perona continued to cry incoherently, swaying in front of Moria.


"Stop crying, let me think about it!"

Moria was impatient and waved Perona aside.

When Perona heard Moria's words, she immediately gritted her teeth and stopped crying, and quietly came to sit next to Moria.

"One side is a stable life, and the other side is a dangerous adventure. Which side should I choose?"

Moria closed her eyes and pondered, and Perona's reaction caused him to think.

From the past to the present, if he just pursues a peaceful life, he can already do it.

With his current ability and strength, in this world, as long as he is quiet, he can basically live to the end.


Does he want a peaceful life? Obviously don't want to, Anton Perona is for unscrupulous shots.

He wants to become stronger, he wants to enslave Kaido, he wants to rule Wano, he thinks a lot.

He wanted to see how far he could go in this world.

He can't see the finale of the hunter, the primary school Conan and the rise of the national football team, but he wants to see the finale of One Piece for himself.

In short, Moria wants to do a lot, and now has one.

He wanted to form a pirate group as Mopa and experience the feeling of building a pirate group from start to finish.

"Just now, there are three companions to choose from!"

Thinking of the Hera sisters and the flathead brother, Moria smiled.

"With my strength, can't I conquer the three of them, and Hera was saved by me, plus everyone hates Tianlong people, I believe they should not refuse my invitation." Moria thought.

In this way, Perona continued to follow him, and someone could take care of her when he left to hunt the strong.

After thinking about it for a while, Moria also looked away. Perona would follow if she wanted to. Could it be that he couldn't protect a Perona.


Moria stood up and smiled at Perona: "Take you to eat delicious food."

"Yeah!" Perona nodded heavily, a relieved smile overflowing from the corner of her mouth, which made people feel a little distressed.

"Then let's go!"

Moria said, letting Perona fly to his shoulders and sit down, and the two walked all the way to the town of Fante Island.


In the evening, Moria brought Perona back to Hera's house.

"Oh, Hera's younger brother is back!"

As soon as he landed from the air, Moria felt an aura in the house, guessing that Hera's younger brother Sidoro had returned.


The door opened, and the Hera sisters and brothers pulled the Pingtou brother Gangmir out.

"You are that swordsman!" Sidoro excitedly said to Moria, regardless of Hera's anxious eyes.


Moria was stunned for a moment, not understanding why Sidoro thought he was a swordsman.

"I'm not a swordsman!" Moria shook her head.

Sidoro and Hera are both shark-shaped murlocs, both eight meters tall, with bulging muscles all over their bodies, and a sense of strength.

He didn't care when he heard Moria said it was not a swordsman, and said enthusiastically: "Whether it is or not, in short, you are a strong person, how about it, how about a fight."

"You have to challenge me!

" Sidoro, who was pulling hard, Moria smiled, just to let you on board and show your strength, which is not bad, so he nodded and said, "I'll take it."

After that, Moria told Perona to stay away, to Go aside.


"I object!"

Hera was in a hurry, but she knew what kind of strength Moria was, and what if she got angry.

She herself knows what character her brother is, and once he fights, it is difficult to hold back.

What if this angered Moria?

Hera, who was worried in her heart, pulled Sidoro tightly.

But Sidoro, who was eager to fight, could not stop him, not even Hera.

This is also the reason why Hera is in a hurry to come back, because she is afraid that her brother's character will easily cause trouble and be surrounded and suppressed by the navy.

Unexpectedly, in the end, I forgot that there is such an unstable factor as Moria.


Sidoro broke free from Hera and jumped in front of Moria

Hera was helpless and could only ask Moria: "Lord Mopa, my younger brother is not very good, don't have the same knowledge as him, I know you are powerful, you must be gentle!"

"Hey, hey ! "Sister, that's enough!" Sidoro turned his head in dissatisfaction and said to Hera: "I have the highest bounty in the entire East China Sea, a full 96 million Bailey, and I use it for others."

After saying that, Sidoro turned his head To face Moria smiled: "Use all your strength, don't worry, I'm very strong."

"..." Hera was speechless.

The man in front of you offers more than ten times as much bounty as you, and if you show the bounty in front of him, where does your confidence come from?

Hera, who was unable to complain in her heart, could only look at Moria with a request.

"Don't worry! I'll take it easy." Moria smiled reassuringly.

Hera nodded and received it, relieved a lot.

The flat-headed brother Gangmir was silent the whole time, and his face towards Moria was calm, as if Moria was just a passerby in front of him.

"Are you ready?" Sidoro said excitedly, his body trembled, and his fighting spirit was rising.

"Come on!"

As soon as Moria finished speaking, Sidoro instantly appeared in front of Moria.

"The speed is quite fast!"

Moria turned her head to avoid Sidoro's huge fist, and stepped back at the same time.

call out!

The sound of the lingering wind sounded, and Sidoro swept across the place where Moria was standing just now.

"Don't run!"

Sidoro shouted loudly, followed in front of Moria, and punched again, pointing directly at Moria's head.

"Let you do three tricks!"

Moria smiled, bowed her head to avoid Sidoro's fist, and took advantage of the situation to bully her forward.

Before Sidoro's response, Moria condensed a domineering punch and slammed into Sidoro's stomach.


A huge force, like an ocean wave, spread out from his stomach in an instant, and Sidoro's eyes were white, and he almost fainted.


Sidoro knelt on the ground with his stomach covered, his face dripping with cold sweat, and his eyes stared at Moria blankly.

"How can the gap be so big?" Sidoro couldn't believe it.


Hera hurried to her brother's side and asked with concern, "Are you alright!"

"I'm alright!"

Xidoluo Yaoyao's strength was strong for a moment, but it was also scattered. He has recovered.

Sidoro understood that Moria had left his hand just now, otherwise the strength would not spread and condense, and his stomach would be pierced.

"It's fine!" Hera breathed a sigh of relief, then looked at Moria with a grateful smile.

"You are very strong!"

"There is no way that there is a strong person like you in the East China Sea. You should have come from the great route!"

Sidoro looked at Moria with bright eyes, and he longed to fight against such a strong person often.

"Have the mentality of a strong man!"

Seeing that there was no fear in Sidoro's eyes, only the desire to fight, Moria's eyes filled with admiration.

This kind of person is qualified to be my companion! Moria thought.