
I'AM~Gecko Moria

As soon as Moria crossed over, Moria fainted with the cute “Thunder Eight Trigrams” on Moria face, and then he woke up and became the future Seven Warlords of the Sea- Gekko Moria. But this was not the worst. In the dim cell, Kaidou-crew iron whip spent countless days and months with Moria. Until one day, Shadow Shadow Fruit’s ability awakened, Moria finally showed a hideous face. Moria's apparent biggest enemy is Kaidou, who was responsible for the death of his old crew twenty-three years ago during a clash against the Beasts Pirates at Wano Country,and because Kaidou his spent countless days be whiped, almost can't wait to get his revenge against Kaidou

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66 Chs

Chapter 30 Oh… Uh…!

"Ha ha!"

"Ha ha!"

A series of "hehe" sounds like magic sounds, making Moria unable to sleep.

"What's wrong?"

Opening her eyes, Moria looked helplessly at Perona in the shadow attendant's arms.

"Ha ha!"

Perona's face was pale, her lips were chapped, and her hands rubbed her belly, making a "hehe" protest against Moria.

"What do you mean?"

"It's just that you almost fell from five kilometers in the air by accident. Didn't I rescue you in the end?"

Moria spread out her hands and said with no good air: "As for the face that has been scared to the present, it is still getting more and more serious."


Perona stared at Moria with widened eyes, and opened her mouth, "Heh" she couldn't come out anymore.

"It's okay, don't bother me!" Moria closed her eyes again.

"Ha ha!"

"Ha ha!"

As soon as Moria was about to go to bed again, Perona was anxious, making "hehe" attacking sounds constantly in her mouth.

"I can't hear! Can't hear! Can't hear…" Moria kept Hypnosis herself.

The strong willpower quickly made Moria accustomed to Perona's "hehe" sound, just when he got used to being about to fall asleep.

"Oh… uh…!!!" Perona said a difficult voice.


Moria suddenly woke up from her sleep, sat up straight, looked at Perona, and happily asked, "You just…talked???"

"Ha ha!"

"It turned out to be an illusion!" Moria closed her eyes and continued to lie down.

"I'm hungry!"


Moria turned over and stood up. This time he heard clearly, and looked at Perona, who was also delighted, and said, "You… finally can speak!"


Perona's delighted face froze for an instant, and then a small dry mouth opened, and he gritted his teeth and said word by word: "I…hungry…I'm hungry!"

"…" Moria's cheered face was choked.

Looking at Perona who kept rubbing her belly, she looked at her chapped lips, her face pale, and she looked weak.

Moria was embarrassed and touched the small corner on her head, as if she had made a big mistake.

From the night before until now, I haven't eaten Perona.

Of course, he didn't eat it himself, but he has life energy.

The life energy is like a concentrated nutrient express. It is the essence, so that Moria's body is always in a full state, not feeling hungry, and the body is also very good.

So he never thought of going to find food, and the Shadow Servant also didn't need to eat. As a result, he forgot that there was a Perona that needed to be fed.

"I'm hungry!"

Perona said again, this time the words went smoothly.

No way, she was afraid that if she said something wrong, she would be starved to death by this fascinating man.

"I see, I'm waiting, I'll find you something to eat right away."

Moria returned with an awkward expression, and then began to think about how to find food for Perona.

Looking at the endless sea all around, Moria's mouth twitched, feeling that he had made a wrong decision before.

"Why are you here?"

Moria was a little regretful, this vast sea, there is no island, how to find food.

"Fly back to New World!"

In the end, Moria could only make the giant eagle turn around and fly back, and when he found the island, he could cook something for Perona.


"You said it would be fine if you said it earlier, now where you can find food for you at any time."

Moria had a headache, but looking at Perona, who had closed his eyes and said nothing at this time, his heart suddenly hurt.

"This little guy doesn't know what he's gone through before. When he's hungry, he won't tell him or make trouble, just endure it!"

Judging from Perona's appearance, it was obvious that his body was really intolerable before he spoke to Moria, otherwise he might continue to endure it.

"This kind of behavior that others don't give food and would rather be hungry without making a sound? It looks familiar!"

Moria frowned, thinking of the little human slave girl in the original book who was taken aboard by Fisher Tiger, just like Perona at this time, she endured everything.

"To achieve this level, without experiencing some painful torture, you will not develop this kind of behavior that is almost instinctive."

Looking at Perona, who was already weak at this time, Moria's heart burst out with invisible anger, but it quickly dissipated again!

Moria looked sad, and he thought of what he had done on Vico Island.

In essence, he was not a good person, and he would also take action against civilians in order to improve his strength, which is actually not much different from the traffickers of the slave Perona.

Maybe in Marine's opinion, people like me are also scumbags! Moria laughed at herself.

"Forget it, in the future, the strength will be strong, and there shouldn't be this kind of opportunity to attack the civilians."

Moria Yaoyao decided to let him go. If you are not a good person, you are not a good person. In this world where the weak and the strong eat the strong, you can live as you like.

"This little guy, it must have been difficult before!"

Looking at Perona's pale face, Moria frowned, then let go, and sighed: "After this time, let's get you settled first!"

It is obviously inappropriate for Perona to continue following him. He will continue to hunt the strong in the future. This process is not smooth and will be very dangerous.

And if you continue to follow him, you will be rewarded by Marine, and Perona will be in danger.

He could switch positions with Shadow Servant to leave this move, but Perona wouldn't.


"Perona has to be sent to live in a sea with few pirates."

For this sea area, Moria already had an idea in her mind.

But for now, let's think about how to solve Perona's food and clothing problem.

"This little guy has lasted until now, his body has reached its limit, and he has no time to find food."

Flying back from the giant eagle to New World, only a few minutes have passed, I feel that Perona is about to die, I have to eat something right away.

"How to do?"

Moria frowned, and couldn't think of a way to solve Perona's food and clothing problem.


"Try the life energy!"

Seeing Perona's shadow in the sun, Moria muttered to herself, her eyes brighter and brighter.

"it should be OK!!"

After thinking about it, Moria looked certain, and his heart was not as good as action. He quickly manipulated the shadow to blend into Perona's shadow.

"Hmm… this is?"

Moria raised her eyebrows slightly, somewhat surprised. After his shadow merged into Perona's shadow, he felt Perona's psychological emotions, and even something deeper.

"Maybe it can be remodeled!"

Moria has a feeling that he can transform Perona's shadow to make Perona's shadow his shadow servant, and then use the shadow servant to control Perona, achieving an effect similar to mind control.

"In other words, as long as I control Perona's shadow, Perona will follow him like other shadow servants."

"Oh, it's amazing!" Moria smiled.

"This is the favorite ability of the big guy behind the scenes!"

Although Moria is not behind the scenes, he really likes this ability.

"It's decided, let's develop this ability first."

After making a decision in her heart, Moria hurriedly input his life energy into Perona's shadow through her own shadow.

Very smoothly, the life energy was naturally absorbed by Perona's body. It seems that Perona's shadow absorbing life energy is the same as the body absorbing life energy.

It can also be seen from this that Moria can control the ability of living people by transforming the shadows of living people. The key to this or that can be achieved lies in this special connection between shadows and living people.

With this special connection, the ability to control the shadow master by controlling the shadow can be realized.

"The next thing is to do a few more experiments, it should be able to develop this ability." Moria thought to himself.


Having absorbed the life energy, Perona's complexion became ruddy and his breath became healthy.

However, the little guy fell asleep and didn't wake up. He had small mouths one by one. Obviously, he had everything about food in his dreams, so he was having fun eating.

Moria smiled and said to the giant eagle under him: "Return to the original position!"