
I'AM~Gecko Moria

As soon as Moria crossed over, Moria fainted with the cute “Thunder Eight Trigrams” on Moria face, and then he woke up and became the future Seven Warlords of the Sea- Gekko Moria. But this was not the worst. In the dim cell, Kaidou-crew iron whip spent countless days and months with Moria. Until one day, Shadow Shadow Fruit’s ability awakened, Moria finally showed a hideous face. Moria's apparent biggest enemy is Kaidou, who was responsible for the death of his old crew twenty-three years ago during a clash against the Beasts Pirates at Wano Country,and because Kaidou his spent countless days be whiped, almost can't wait to get his revenge against Kaidou

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66 Chs

Chapter 18 The Shadow of Gravity

Three minutes later!

The same as when Moria swallowed the black knife autumn water, after Moria completely swallowed the shadow of the stone mountain, the stone mountain disappeared, as if it did not exist before.

The original stone mountain of the entire island had only one smooth and flat stone mirror, as if it had been cut from the bottom by a master swordsman.

Perona, who was on the opposite side, watched this magical scene, her small eyes widened, her hands struggling to run out of Victor's arms.

"Um… not bad!"

Moria stood on the spot and perceives it. Now the volume of the shadow space has expanded to a cube with a length, width and height of 40 meters, which is equivalent to a volume of 64,000 cubic meters.

This space, even in terms of the height of this world, which is easily three or four meters, is enough to hold twenty to thirty thousand people.

More than 10,000 shadow servants, more than enough!

"In this way, the problem of the capacity of the shadow space is solved."

"The next step is to see if the intensity of the shadow has changed."

With some anxiety, Moria separated his shadow into his own, and then punched his shadow.


As if the sound of a bell ringing.


Moria felt relieved. Although she knew from her perception that the intensity of the shadow had not weakened, he was relieved after experimenting.


Not only did the strength not weaken, Moria also felt his shadow, with a sense of heaviness, feeling that his shadow became very heavy.

Thinking of this, Moria's eyes lit up, controlling her shadow to fly ten meters in the air, and then falling down like a free fall.


Click! Click!

The shadow is not fast, but it falls on the ground full of rocks. Not only is the rock cracked by being trampled on, but also his feet sink into the rock.

This shows that the shadow is heavy now!


Moria laughed, swallowing the shadow of the black knife Qiushui before, and got the shadow strength of the same material as the black knife Qiushui.

And now that the shadow of Shishan was swallowed, the intensity of the shadow remained unchanged, but he absolutely did not expect that even things with similar attributes like weight could be obtained by swallowing the shadow.

Although his shadow is not 100% as heavy as a stone mountain, it is also half as heavy! Moria secretly guessed.

Such a large weight is carried on a shadow that is only as large as Moria, giving it the power to step on the rock even if it is a free fall from a height of ten meters.

If the speed is faster, wouldn't the power be stronger.

Think about it again, after Moria swallowed the shadows of more than a dozen mountains, he gained the weight of five or six mountains.

At that time, the random blow of his shadow would be the weight of five or six mountains. That power, thinking about Moria, would be very excited.

"The future of this ability is too bright!"

"that is..."

After Moria was excited, she felt the tingling sensation in her body cells and frowned.

"It puts a lot of pressure on the body when using abilities!"

"Just a while ago, I felt a tingling sensation in my body. I can't hold it torn apart when I can use it continuously for more than an hour."

Moria judged to herself, her hot heart gradually calmed down.

Withdraw the ability and let the shadow return to his feet.

"Although the ability is strong, it seems that a stronger body is needed to carry the stronger shadow."

Moria's body and shadow are like balloons filled with water, the shadow is water, and the body is a balloon.

As the water gets more and more heavier, the pressure on the balloon becomes greater and greater.

If the quality of the balloon remains unchanged, the balloon will eventually burst.

Only the quality of the balloon is getting stronger and stronger. No matter how much water becomes heavier, it can carry it without breaking, so that it can withstand more water and more weight.

"So, the question goes back to strengthening the body!" Moria smiled.

After escaping from Wanokuni, he has been devouring the life energy evolution body, and the physical strength has reached the limit he can reach now.

After that, even if he swallowed the life energy transformed into the shadow of a strong man like Onee-san of Grandmaster Six, Moria's physical strength was only increased by a few kilograms.

In short, as Moria's physical strength reaches a certain level, it can no longer make his physical body evolve and become stronger by devouring the shadow of a person who is not as strong as him.

Only the strong, such as Charlotte Linlin, Bullet, and the shadows of people whose bodies are much stronger than him, can make Moria's body continue to grow stronger.

At present, Moria's physical strength, in his perception, should not have the bone type, and I don't know if it is Zoan or Paramecia Deron Qiang.

"The shadow space problem is solved, and the strength is solved, you can go to Bullet!"

"I don't know if Marine has shot against Bullet?"

With a hint of doubt, Moria put all the Shadow Attendants in the shadow space, leaving only Victor holding Perona.

Then Moria turned her shadow into a giant bat.

Just when Moria was about to jump onto the bat shadow and leave, a huge shadow suddenly enveloped Moria.

"what is this?"


"Does this mean to hunt me?"

Moria was a little funny. In the sky, as the distance got closer, a giant eagle with a wingspan of 15 meters swooped Moria from the air at an angle of almost 90 degrees.

Obviously, this giant eagle treats Moria as a delicious food.


When the giant eagle approached Moria 100 meters, accompanied by a gust of wind, it stretched out two sharp claws to grab Moria.

"I have seen someone sent to death, I have never seen someone in such a hurry to send him to death."

Moria smiled, he was about to leave, the giant eagle had bad eyes, and he rushed to die.

call out!


A sharp shadow gun, like a bucket, shot straight up from the shadow under Moria, and instantly shot through the heart of the giant eagle.



The huge force caused the rocky ground to be smashed and cracked, and the giant eagle died without a few plops.

"Speaking of…"

"I have not yet transformed into a creature other than human beings. I don't know what changes will happen to this giant eagle when it turns into a shadow server!"

Looking at the giant eagle, Moria touched her chin, thinking in her mind.

If the assimilation of the giant eagle is transformed into a shadow servant, it is a giant eagle with unlimited physical strength, which can fly continuously in the air.

And this time to snatch Bullet, it seems to be much more hidden from the air. Even if you escape, there is a giant eagle flying away, which is better than the shadow of his own bat.

There is still a place to put Perona!


What an eagle!

With this thought, Moria felt that the giant eagle had come too in time.

With a thought, Moria manipulates the shadow to shadow the giant eagle.


A minute later, a black shadow giant eagle appeared in front of Moria.

"Come on!"

Moria beckons Victor to jump on the back of the giant eagle holding Perona.

Then the giant eagle spread its wings and flew high, leading Moria and others into the air.

In order to conceal, Moria let the giant eagle fly to an altitude of seven kilometers.

At this height, the shadow of the giant eagle will not be left on the sea, and it is difficult to see the giant eagle with the naked eye. Only people with a wide range of Observation Haki can perceive the giant eagle.

Concealment is basically no problem!


"If I knew it, I would find a big bird shadow to serve as a mount."

"This feeling of riding the wind and waves is so refreshing!"

High in the sky, Moria sat on the back of a giant eagle, enjoying the touch of the wind and the open-minded feeling of climbing high and looking into the distance.

At this moment, Moria felt that her vision seemed to have grown a lot.