
I'AM~Gecko Moria

As soon as Moria crossed over, Moria fainted with the cute “Thunder Eight Trigrams” on Moria face, and then he woke up and became the future Seven Warlords of the Sea- Gekko Moria. But this was not the worst. In the dim cell, Kaidou-crew iron whip spent countless days and months with Moria. Until one day, Shadow Shadow Fruit’s ability awakened, Moria finally showed a hideous face. Moria's apparent biggest enemy is Kaidou, who was responsible for the death of his old crew twenty-three years ago during a clash against the Beasts Pirates at Wano Country,and because Kaidou his spent countless days be whiped, almost can't wait to get his revenge against Kaidou

TH3_W0RLD_5 · Tranh châm biếm
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66 Chs

Chapter 11 This is… the breath of blood!

call out!

call out!

Without hesitation, the two approached Hank the Bloodhand, and suddenly attacked. The positions were one after the other, and the order of their attacks was also one after the other.

The attack was sudden!

The speed is also very fast!

The one in front is Shadow Servant Onig. Unlike other Shadow Servants who cannot use Armament Haki, his Armament Haki is actually not weak, but unfortunately it was killed by Moria's sneak attack.

Therefore, facing Shadow Servant Onig's punch in the face, Bloodhand Hank was momentarily astonished, which caused him to react untimely. Regardless of other Shadow Servant's attacks, he could only do his best to move his head backwards. At the same time, both hands grabbed Onig's wrist.


Onig's punch still hit Hank the Bloodhand's face, but that was all, the right wrist where Onigg made the punch was firmly grasped by both hands of Hank the Bloodhand, and he couldn't move forward Yihao.

This punch did not cause much damage to the blood hand Hank. He was also a strong man who could cover Armament Haki.

So Bloodhand Hank laughed!

But he still laughed a little earlier.

Just before his smile fully bloomed, and also the moment when Onig's attack was resisted, Shadow Servant Victor held the Armament Haki Shadow Knife and pierced the blood hand Hank's back.


The shadow knife not only pierced the bloody hand Hank covering Armament Haki's back, but also continued to pierce his heart.


Before the bloody hand Hank's smile settled, he spit out a mouthful of blood, and his whole body seemed to be emptied and soft.

He knew that he was going to die, but he wouldn't let Moria get better.

"Maria is here!!!"

Bloodhand Hank shouted out these words with all his strength. Obviously, he felt that only Moria could kill him by breaking his Armament Haki.

Perhaps this is the self-confidence of people's mystery!

Zi Zi Zi… Zi Zi!

After Bloodhand Hank was unable to condense Armament Haki because his heart was attacked, the ordinary shadow attendants rushed forward, waving the shadow knife in their hands and instantly stabbed him into a hornet's nest.


"This bastard!!"

When the other five pirate captains heard the last cry of the bloodhand Hank's life, they also saw the shadow servant Victor hidden in his hooded windbreaker.

But because Victor was close to Moria in height and body shape, they didn't doubt that it was Moria.

"I'm going to kill you, just a sneak attack bastard!"


"You chopsticks, we have the ability to be positive."

The werewolf Vox was very angry. Originally, his companion was attacked and killed by Moria, but now Moria is still using this trick, adding anger to his anger.

The four of them were similar, they were all just a sneak attack by angry Moria, and never thought that Hank the Bloodhand was not strong enough to be killed.

The five immediately turned around and fought hard to fight against the shadow servant Victor.

"This… Another village is bright with flowers!!"

Moria, who perceives this scene, blinked, with some surprises and surprises. She didn't expect to put on a windbreaker that concealed the appearance of the shadow servant Victor, and this unexpected effect could be exerted.

"Kill one more person and move towards the port."

Moria thought, and quickly asked Victor and Onig to take advantage of the time when the five pirate captains were underestimated, let them kill one more person, and then lead the rest away to delay him.

At this moment, there are still thirty seconds before Moria can transform the more than three hundred strong figures.

At that time, it's time for him to slaughter!

"Yes, master!"

Shadow servant Onig and Victor received a notification from Moria and selected the pirate captain closest to them to attack.

Zi Zi Zi!

No accident, facing the siege of Shadow Servant Onig and Victor, coupled with the assistance of countless ordinary Shadow Servant.

The pirate captain chosen by them didn't last long, and was killed in three seconds, stabbed into a hornet's nest.

"This is...?"

Because they were blocked by the Shadow Attendants, the remaining werewolf Vox and the other four were unable to help, and they did not expect to help.

They thought that as long as they had preparedness in their hearts and didn't give Moria a chance to attack, Moria would not be able to treat them.


Just now, the attack of Shadow Servant Victor and Onigg completely broke the Armament Haki on the pirate ship that was killed.

This is a powerful kill, not a sneak attack!

That means that as long as the shadow servant Onig and Victor besiege one of them, they can't hold it.

Because everyone's strengths are similar, even the strongest of the remaining four, Vaux, is only a little stronger with the body strengthened by Zoan Demon fruit power. In essence, everyone has the same Haki, and they can't stop them from thinking of Moria's shadow servants. Victor's attack.

"You guys gather to me!"


Vox, who instantly wanted to understand the danger, roared like the other three pirate captains.

The other three pirate captains naturally understood the current dangerous situation.

Fortunately, the three of them were very close to Vaux. The moment they heard Vaux's words, each exploded in strength, temporarily broke through the Shadow Servant's siege, accelerated, and came to Vaux.

Zheng Zheng Zheng!




The four pirate captains converged for an instant, and the siege of the shadow servants also came like a tide.

However, the cooperation of the four seemed to be run-in in an instant under the threat of life.

The tacit cooperation of the four attackers made it impossible for the Shadow Servant to enter.

Shadow Attendant Onig also tried to break through, but was beaten into the air by Volks in an instant. Victor did not have a chance, nor did he make a move, hiding behind many Shadow Attendants.

Therefore, the four Pirate Captains of Volks haven't discovered the identity of the Shadow Servant Victor, and thought it was Moria.

So Victor and Onigg moved towards the harbor while fighting as Moria ordered. The four Pirate Captains of Volks didn't feel anything wrong, or that they had no time to detect anything wrong.

Although the siege of countless shadow servants was not exposed by their guards, it was also because they wanted to guard against what they called "Maria" sneak attacks.

So they are highly concentrated at this time, and they don't have time to feel the difference in the aura of the shadow servant Victor.

"Ten seconds left!"

A triumphant smile appeared on Moria's face.

And at this moment!

More and more people came out of the shops and pubs on Happy Street because they were disturbed by the battle.

At this time someone finally discovered the anomaly!


At the entrance of a happy shop, a man with a somewhat drunken nose and mouth unusually raised his nose and mouth. He sniffed the air with his nose, then his face changed slightly.

After a change in his body, he directly activated the Zoan Devil Fruit ability and turned into a wild dog, and then sniffed again.

"This is… the breath of blood!!" The man's face suddenly became horrified.

In his sense of smell, the entire Pirate Town, except for the central area, was filled with a faint blood mist, not thick, but a lot of it.

Looking at the direction of the port again, there was silence there, except for the battle between countless shadow servants and the four captains of the pirates, no one could be seen.

Except for those who stayed on the boat, his companions slept in the hotel on the other side of the port.

Thinking of this, the man had a slight premonition in his heart.

"Chuan Gou, Pei Gou, don't you have any trouble!"

The man was anxious, did not relieve the Devil Fruit ability, maintained the form of a wild dog, and ran frantically towards the port.

"Is that guy crazy?"

Others were a little surprised and puzzled when they saw the man running away like wild dogs.

But not everyone is like this. Some people are more sober. At this time, they saw that there was no direction to the port except Shadow Servant and Victor, who was also regarded as Moria by them.

They also began to have some vague premonitions in their hearts.

"Don't you think that the battle has not been short until now, why is it so quiet over there?"

"I didn't hear the slightest movement of other people!"

Someone looked at the direction of the port and spoke out everyone's questions.

Indeed, in the battle for so long, the movement is not small, it is impossible that everyone can't hear it in sleep.

But the fact is, except for the Shadow Servant and the besieged captain of the pirates, no one else was seen, everything seemed very quiet, weirdly quiet.

"Could it be…"

Everyone's complexion changed, and then Yaoyao headed again, thinking that no matter how crazy Moria was, she wouldn't kill everyone.

After all, there are at least tens of thousands of people over there, among which there are more than ten pirate captains with more than 200 million Baileys.

And with Moria's strength, it is impossible to deal with so many powerful people at once.

"It must be impossible, they just slept a little deeper."

"Or went to hide in other places!"

Everyone didn't want to believe the guess in their hearts, and quickly denied it in their own minds.

"Don't you think that the black figure who attacked Hank the Bloodhand with Moria just now looks a bit like Onig!"

Another speculative word came out. After hearing this, everyone's complexion changed again, and then they heard: "I heard that everyone on the Onig boat was killed except for a girl, but no one was found. Corpse."

"Do you guys say…"

Could it have been made into that kind of shadow monster by Moria! Everyone said the answer in their hearts.

At the same time, they also remembered Moria's Shadow Fruit ability, which seemed to be able to create zombies with other people's shadows.

Although Shadow Servant does not look like a zombie, it does not rule out that it is!


The moment they wanted to understand these details, the four captains of the pirates suddenly changed their drunken state, and they became clear in an instant. After a roar, they all ran towards the port.

Some of their crew members were in the hotel and some were on the boat, but now they saw the countless shadow attendants, and they were also frightened.

So many dark shadows, if they are all made of human shadows, who knows if they have their companions among them.

They have to check it out quickly. If it's okay, they have to take their companions away. Otherwise, who knows what Moria this lunatic will do?

But if Moria really kills their companions.


"Nothing to say, Moria must die!"

At this moment, the four captains of the pirates rushing to the harbor are all heavy in their hearts, their eyes flickering, and they secretly make up their minds.

at the same time!

The guards on Happy Street, as well as the guards of the dark forces on the night shift, also went to check out those hotels and restaurants.

Like the captains of the pirates, they didn't give much hope to the staff in charge of the hotel.

But you still have to confirm it yourself before you can make a decision.

Do you want to kill Moria, or pretend you don't know.

Not for a while!

The people who went to confirm came back and came to the door of the biggest happy shop on Happy Street, where a charming Onee-san was waiting.

"Sister, everyone has disappeared, only some blood is still there."

"Like those people who disappeared on Onig!"

After the confirmed person finished speaking, he glanced at the shadow servants who were besieging the four-person ship, and the meaning was self-evident.

"Are you going to kill?"

Behind Onee-san, a bodyguard in a black suit stepped forward and asked. At the same time, Ling Li looked towards the direction of Onig and other shadow attendants.

"Need not!"

Onee-san turned to look at Yaoyao, the tallest house in the Pirate Town, and smiled.

"This is not our obligation, we are only responsible for running the business here."

"The one who protects this place is the pirate group of the lord. I believe the Red Bone Deron lord who is stationed here will give us an explanation."

After listening to Onee-san's words, the security forces of the dark forces also calmed down, staring indifferently at the final struggle of the four pirate captains in the distance.

That's right!

The four of Vaux had their last struggle.

Because Moria had completely shadowed the more than 300 people, and then they all joined the action to encircle and suppress the four.