

Rona's POV

“You have to take up this trip”. Mike angrily stood in front of me with an angry look.

“Tell them I can't make it to China”. I told Mike without looking at him.

He stared at me with a worried look before leaving my room.

I haven't been able to leave my room for the past two days since my break-up with Olivia.it was slowly killing me and I couldn't do anything about it.

I hissed and took another sip of the drink. I closed my eyes and all I could think of was my little bird.her beautiful set of innocent brown eyes. Her tender black skin and how she was always shy around me.

I ran my fingers in my hair in frustration and opened my eyes. I was in a big mess and I knew it.

A soft knock on my door brought me out of my thought.

“Come in “. I saw one of my men walking in.

“What is it “. I asked.

“She's here “.he replied.

“Who “. I asked confused.

“Your girlfriend I think “.he replied, confused.

“Olivia”. I asked in shock 

“Yes boss”.

“Why is she here “. I asked 

“No idea, but she is here with a friend”.

I hissed in frustration and stood up from the bed. I wish to see her and hold her in my arms .but she has made it clear that she doesn't want me, and I think that will be the best for us.

“I don't want to see her “.

He stared at me with a worried look before leaving the room.

I hissed in anger and frustration before drinking all the drink in the glass.

I pick up my phone and called the person at the gate.

“Is she gone “. I asked 

“Yes boss, she just left”. I hissed in frustration and threw the phone on the floor.

Few minutes later, Mike walked in.

“I heard she was here “.he spoke up, but I did not reply him.

He stared at the phone on the floor before looking at me.

“You should give yourself a break”.he said those words and picked up the phone from the floor.

“I'll repair this “.he said those words and left my room.

I angrily and roughly ran my fingers in my hair, before opening another drink.

The next day, I was in my office when one of my men walked in.

“What is it “.

“She is here again “.the moment he said those words, I felt my heart pounding and I became restless.

“Why is she here “. I asked, 

“I don't know, and this time she came alone”.

I really want to see her, but she, staying away from me was the best for her.

“I don't want to see her “. I said those words and went back to typing on my computer. He left my office, but I couldn't concentrate on work. I hissed and shut down the computer.

A few minutes later, Mike walked into my office.

“I think you should at least see her “.it sounded like he was pleading on her behalf. I stared at him and noticed he was a bit worried.

“Is she okay “. I asked.

“I don't think so “.he replied quickly.

Hearing those words from him got me anxious and worried, and this time I couldn't help it.

“Send her in “. Mike smiled at me before leaving the office.

I ran my fingers in my hair and prepared myself for whatever she has to say.

“She is in the sitting room “. Mike informed me.

I stood up from the couch and made my way to the sitting room.

The moment I got to the sitting room, I saw my little Olivia lost in thought and was murmuring something to herself. She was so lost in her thought that she didn't notice my presence.

“Why are you here”. Instantly she looks my way and I groaned in anger when I noticed how dull her eyes were.it was obvious she was going through a lot, and it pains me that I wasn't there for her.

“Little Bird”. I called out. 

Immediately I said those words, she stood up from the couch and ran to me while hugging me so tightly.

I felt my heart clench when I heard a little sob from her.

“What's the matter “. I asked while gently caressing her hair, but she totally ignored me and kept up crying.

I hissed in frustration and pick her up bridal style to my room. 

When we got to my room I sat on the bed and made her sit in my laps. She buried her face in my chest and kept on crying.

“Tell me what's the problem”. I pleaded, but she was quiet.

Seeing her in such condition breaks my heart and I felt my heart itching.

Few minutes later she stopped crying.

“Little Bird”. I called out.

She moved away from my chest and stared at me. I hissed in anger when I noticed how dull her eyes were.

“What's the matter”. I asked while gently caressing her cheek .she stared at me for a moment before bringing out her phone from her pocket.

“What is it “. I asked while taking the phone from her.

The moment I saw the picture in her phone, I felt anger run through my blood and I nearly hit the phone on the wall.

I took in a deep breath and calm myself down,

“Did he touch you “. I asked in anger. 

“No”.she whispered.

“He is blackmailing you with this picture “. I asked in anger.

“Yes”.she whispered and couldn't look at me in the face.

“This happened in the party right”. I asked 

“Yes, after you left”.she replied 

I felt angry and mad at myself if only I had stayed a little longer this wouldn't have happened to her.

“He told me if I don't get his money by today, the picture will be in the net”.she spoke almost in tears.

“It's okay “. I kissed her softly on the cheek before standing up from the bed.

“Sit, I will be right back “. I kissed her forehead before leaving the room.

I left my room and met Mike at the doorway.

“I need you to get someone for me within an hour “I handed Olivia's phone to Mike, 

“Alright boss”.he took the phone from me and walked away.

I close my eyes and calm myself down. Heaven knows what I will do to him when I get him.