
Time to go home

Rona's POV

“My father was always Below your father despite he was the brain of the business”.he shouted angrily

“Your father treated my father like trash and my father was always second while your dad was always the first in everything “.he shouted angrily.

“That's a fucking lie, and you know it .my father adores your father, he sees your father as his blood, I remember how my father always tell me how he cherish and respect your father “. I spoke softly.

“That's not true”.he shouted in anger.

“If he respects my father as you said, then why is my father second after him”. He asked in anger.

I hissed and move closer to him, but he crack the gun at me again, indicating I should stay away.

“You know, all those people you kill that you thought were your father's killers were men who actually works for my dad “.he spoke with a big grin on his face. 

“I and my dad were the master planner in the death of your father. I, personally, blew your father's brain our “.he chuckled evilly.

“I still remember the shock look on his face when he saw me and dad pointing a gun at me .your old man couldn't believe it “. He chuckled evilly while staring at me with a big grin on his face.

“Tell me you are joking, Darlington “. I begged 

This can't be real, how can someone I see as family stand right before and tell me he is my father's killer when I thought I've killed them all.

“This is one thing I hate about you Rona, despite be a bloody Mafia boss you still have a soft heart like your stupid father “.

“Shut up “. I shouted in anger and held my head with my hands in pains.

“Why, why would you kill him, what did he ever do to you “. I felt my heart clench in pains, not because of was being reminded of the death of my father, but by hearing all these from someone I considered family.

“Why “. I whispered in pain

“You turned me into a monster “. I shouted in anger, 

“Because of your action, I became someone I never wished to become “. I shouted in so much anger and range 

“Oh stop it Rona”.he chuckled softly

“You should be thankful to me, for making you a strong man today”

“I never wanted it, I fucking did not want it “. I shouted in range

“Well, sorry you didn't have an option”.he spoke evilly.

I hissed and groaned in frustration

“You took up this job just because of me right ?”. I asked, 

He smirked evilly and walk around with his gun still pointed at me.

“I have been looking for the opportunity to kill you for the past five years, but you were always ahead of I and dad .when I got the information that you were the one guiding the MR chin I decided to take up this job and surprise you, so here we are “.he spoke with a victory smile on his face.

I groaned in anger and stared at him with so much hatred and anger.

“Never, for once, did I imagine you and your father could do a thing like this "

He chuckled softly and pointed the gun at me with a devilish look on his face 

“It's time to join your lovely father, don't worry about Rita, I will personally take care of her when you are gone “.he said those words while flashing a mischievous smile at me.

“You won't dare “. I shouted in anger

“Watch me from your grave “.he said those words and pointed the gun directly in my head.

“Say your last prayer

“And don't worry about that girl of yours, I will also take care of her “. 

The moment I heard those words from him, I felt anger boiling in my blood and I couldn't hold it anymore.

“I will kill you “. I shouted in anger 

“Oops, sorry you won't be alive to do that “. Saying those words, he pointed the gun directly at me and I knew he was about to shoot, but quickly I moved away and fell on the floor so that he missed his target.



I heard two gun shots, but only one was shot at me.

“Rona”. I heard Mike's voice, 

I chuckled softly and fell on the floor

“Damn it Rona, why did you not shoot “. He asked with concern written all his face.

“Because I never imagined myself killing him “. I said those words while staring at his lifeless body. His brain was blown out and his eyes were opened.

“Are you okay “. Mike sat on the floor and pulled me to him.

“I'm fine”. I chuckled softly

“No you are not, where were you shot”.he asked while scanning around my body.

“Here “. I removed my hand from my left stomach

“Shit”. Mike shouted in panic 

“Rona”.he calls out 

“I can hear you Mike “. I whispered in pain, 

“Hold on, the doctor is someone around “. He begged.

I nod my head in agreement and stared at the lifeless body of Darlington.

The pains in my left stomach was becoming unbearable, and I knew I was losing it

“Rona, please stay awake”.he pleaded 

“It hurts really bad “. I shutter softly.

I was in pains, not the pains of being shot, but the pains of what I just discovered.

“Rona, please relax, the bullet he used on you was a special bullet that is why the pain is unbearable, but the doctor will soon be here.

“I understand”. I murmured in pains

“Is he dead “. I asked 

“Yes”.he whispered

I nod my head in agreement and stared at his lifeless body again 

“What a fuck up world we live in “. I murmured.

I heard footsteps and turn around only to see some of my men with the doctor. He noticed me on the floor and rushed to me 

“Oh my God Rona are you okay “.he asked while tearing off my cloths.

“Yes”.those words did not finish from my mouth before I lost consciousness.

I could hear voices and whispering around me, but I couldn't get what they were saying. I was having serious headache, and it feels like my body was boiling in pain.

Hissing in frustration, I tried to move my hand and place it on my head and gently rub it to see if I could reduce the pain I was feeling.

“He is awake”. I heard Mike's voice.

“Rona, can you hear me “.he spoke in a tired and worried tune.

I tried to move with my eyes still closed, but then I felt a sharp pain in my left stomach, then I remembered I was shot.

“Can you open your eyes “.a voice I think was the doctor's, spoke up 

I hissed in pain and slowly open my eyes, the Moment I open my eyes I saw the worried face of Mike and the doctor smiling at me.

“Welcome back to the land of the living”.the doctor spoke with a big smile on his face.

I hissed in pain and slowly sat on the bed, I look around and noticed I was still in the same room in China.

“Where are the boys “. I directed that question to Mike 

“Everyone is fine boss, we only have few injured men, and they are being taken care of, and we recorded no death “.

I close my eyes and hissed in relief, this was good news.

A soft knock on the door got our attention, Mike went to the door and open it. Walking in was Mr Chin, who has a big smile on his face.

“Rona, my good friend, you are finally awake “.he walked over and stood before me

“Glad you made it, one of the men was caught, and he confessed that it was my opponent who sent them. We have some evidence against him and right now, he is in jail and I won the election all thanks to you "

“It was nothing”. I whisper

“It was nothing for you, but it was for me, thank you “.he said those words sincerely.

“I have sent your remaining balance and even added some extras to it for your injured men, once again it was nice doing business with you “. He gently taps my shoulder before leaving the room.

“Welcome back boss”. Mike handed a glass of water to me. I took it and drank all hurriedly, 

“How long have I been gone”. I asked when I noticed Mike was putting on a different shirt from the one I last saw

“Two days, you've been gone for two days “. I hissed softly and stared at my left stomach, which had a badge on it.

“You are healing really fast, you just need to bed rest “.the doctor stood up and check my temperature before he left.

Mike hissed softly and sat on the chair beside me.

“How is everything”. I asked 

“Everything is fine, we are just waiting for you to wake up "

I nod my head in agreement and slowly close my eyes.

“She, has she called “. I whisper

“Who “. Mike asked 

“You know who I am talking about "

Mike kept quit for a while before speaking,

“You were the one who told me to block her number “. Hearing those words, I hissed in frustration and open my eyes.

“I think it's time to go home “.