
Strange feelings

Olivia's pov

After hours of roaming around I finally located the small mansion.i stood in front of the big gate and was about to ring the bell when a voice spoke from inside

"What are you doing here ".the voice was angry and rough 

"Emmm I'm here to see Rona ".I stammer with a scared voice 

"He never told us you were coming".the voice replied back 

"Just tell him Olivia is here ".I pleeeded.

The voice was silent for a minute before I noticed the gate was opened.i hissed in relief and walked in .when I got in I saw different men standing in different Coner of the mansion.

"Come with me ".one of the men told me and led me inside the house .I followed him and he took me in.when we got in,I wanted to sit in the sitting room when he spoke up

"Boss asked me to bring you to his room ".the moment he said those words I felt uncomfortable and wished I never made that decision of coming here .I followed the guy to Rona's room.he knocked on the door and imediately the door opened by itself.

"Go in ".he told me 

I walked into the room with fear .when I got inside I looked around but couldn't find Rona .I sat on the chair and silently wished I could run our of the room.

Few minutes later Rona walked in while talking on the phone .he stare at me for a moment and I felt my body react to it .he looked away while still talking on the phone before he ended the call and sat on the bed opposite me .

"Why are you here ".his voice was really cold 

"Hey".I greeted with a shy smile

He stare at me for a moment before speaking up

"That doesn't answer why you are here".he spoke in an angry voice . imediately I flipped at the sound of his voice and couldn't look his way .I bend my head and looked at the floor.

He must have noticed I was scared , because he stood up and walked over to the fridge .he brought out a juice and kept it on the side table .

"Drink ".it was more like a command.

I raised up my head and took the drink .I drank the juice making sure not to have a eye contact with him .we sat there in silence till he spoke up 

"Why are you here ".this time the voice was calm .I hesitated for a moment before speaking up 

"I came to check up on you ".I spoke in a whisper.but I knew he heard me 

"Why".he asked 

I was silent for a moment before looking at him .his facial expression was calm and I knew he wasn't angry with me so I spoke up

"You weren't picking up my calls and you told me you will come pick me up today ".I told him while staring at me .his facial expression changed but I couldn't guess if he was angry or calm .

He was silent and kept on looking at me .I avoided his gaze and looked elsewhere

"Why do you care ".he asked .i heard him but  didn't know what to say .I didn't have an answer to his question.he noticed I was silent and couldn't answer him.he stood up from the bed and walked over to me .

"You should leave ".he told me in a calm voice .the moment he says those words I felt my heart torn to pices and I felt like he was rejecting me .

"Why should I leave".I asked in a calm voice not wanting him to see that I was sad 

He stare at me for a moment like he was trying to read through me .I avoided his gaze so he wouldn't see the sadness in my eyes 

"Because  I want you to leave ".he said those words and imediately left the room .as soon as he left the room the guy who brought me in came in and told me to follow him.i stood up from the chair and followed him out of the room.i left the room and left the mansion.when I got out I found a taxi and went home .I got home and went straight to my room.i got to my room and lie on the bed .

For some strange reason I was sad that Rona asked me out .I should be happy at least he was tired of me and wants me out of his life,this is what I always wanted then why do I feel so sad .I hissed in frustration before taking my bath,i  changed my clothes and walked to the coffee shop