

Olivia's pov

I ran back to my apartment and lean on the door.i could feel my heart beating really fast .what did I do that for and why did I not feel disgusted by it .I hissed in frustration before closing the door properly and head back to my room.lukily for me my aunt wasn't back yet.

I changed to a more comfortable clothes before charging my phone .as soon as I switch on my phone I saw mutilple messages for Lizzy asking where I was and how I left the party.i texted her and told her I was okay and that we would talk tomorrow at school.i was about going to bed when my phone started ringing.i checked the caller and saw that it was Derick.

"Hey ".I greeted

"Thank goodness oli ,I have been trying to reach you ".he spoke in a worried voice 

"Oh".was all I could say .

The line was silent for a while before he spoke up

"You were with him right?".he asked with so much hurt in his voice .

"It's not what you think",.I replied back 

"Then make we understand".he spoke in anger 

"I was drunk last night and called rona by mistake".I replied back hoping he would believe me 

Derick hissed for a while before speaking up

"Come out

"Come out?".I asked confused

"Yes,am downstairs".he replied back 

" I'm on my way".I replied him and ended the call.i left the apartment and went downstairs.when I got downstairs I saw an angry looking derick.i smiled at him and walk towards him.

"Hey".I waved at Derick with a smile .he ignored me and looked away.

"Are you mad at me?".I asked 

"Isn't it obvious".he replied back without Looking at me .

I roll my eyes plafully at him before standing beside him.

"I was really worried about you".he spoke up 

"I'm sorry ".I replied back 

"Did he touch you ".he asked in a calm voice but I could see he was really angry

"No he did not".I replied back .he gave me a hard look before looking away.

We were both quiet for a while before Derick spoke up

"I'll come pick you up tomorrow".he told me. 

I wanted to agree to it but then I remembered Rona will be here to pick me up ,and I can't let them see each other .that will be trouble.

"You don't have to".I told him in a calm voice

"Why?".he asked while staring at me 

"Because aunt will be dropping me off ".I lied 

He stare at me for a moment like he didn't believe what I said .he hissed in frustration before walking away .I followed him till he got to his car .

"I will see you at school".he told me while getting in his car .I smiled and waved at him before he drove off.

As soon as he left I hissed in relief and went back  home .

I went back to my room and lay on my bed but I couldn't sleep.my thoughts were on Rona and what he must be doing by now .I picked up my phone and called him but he did not  pick up .I called again but still he did not pick up .I gave up and left my phone on the bed.i close my eyes and try to get some sleep .but the sleep wasn't coming.for some strange reason I was restless and couldn't stop thinking of Rona.

I hissed in frustration and pick up my phone.

"Hey ".I texted him .but still got no reply from him .I waited for some minutes but still no reply.

"Goodnight".I texted him again but still no reply from him.i hissed in anger and dropped my phone besides me, before forcing myself to sleep.