
Only Hope

Olivia's POV

I went inside my apartment and met aunt in the sitting room 

“You are back “.she smiled at me and went back to the TV.

I went to the kitchen and took a bottle of water since I didn't have any appetite for food.

I got to my room and was taking my bath when I heard my phone ringing.

I finished bathing and left the bathroom for my phone, I pick up my phone and was about checking who the caller was, when my phone started ringing. the moment I saw who the caller was I became nervous and scared. with shaking hands I pick up the call.

“Hello”. I spoke almost in a whisper.

“My sweet Olivia, how are you”. I could notice the mockery in his voice.

“What the hell do you want from me “. I murmured in fear.

He chuckled loudly before speaking up, 

“Where is my money”.his voice was rough and full of threat.

“I don't have such amount of money on me”. I yelled.

“That's not my business, and remember you have only tomorrow to get me that money, if not your picture will be on the internet, and you know what that means “.

The tone of his voice shows that he wasn't joking with his threats.

“How have I ever wronged you “. I asked in tears 

He chuckled evilly before talking

“I have no business with you so get me my cash and I will be done with you, and remember you have just tomorrow”.he said those words and ended the call on me.

I fell on the floor and couldn't stop the tears falling from my eyes.

I cried for hours before falling asleep.

I woke up the next morning feeling tired and sick from all the crying I did lat night.

I check myself in the mirror and notice my eyes were red and swollen.i hissed and went to the bathroom.

I left the apartment and walked to school.luckily for me aunt has already gone to work if not she would have asked series of questions.

I got to school and saw Lizzy standing by the gate .she noticed me and flashed a big smile to me, but the moment she saw my mood her facial expression changed.

I walked up to her, and we went inside the campus.

“Are you okay “.she asked while staring at me with a worried look.

“He called last night “. I murmured

“Son of a bitch, what did he say “. Lizzy asked while we enter the lecture hall.

I found an empty seat at the extreme and sat on it.

“He called to inform me that I have only today to pay him the money “.

"Shit”. Lizzy yelled.

I looked around the hall and met eyes with Derick .he stared at me for a second before looking away.

I hissed and started bringing out my books from my bag.

“You look terrible oli, did you even sleep last night”. Lizzy asked while staring at me.

“I'm fine”. I murmured.

She was about to say something when the lecturer came in.

Lecture Started,, but my mind wasn't in the class. I kept on thinking of the possible way to get such amount of money,, but I couldn't come up with anything .

I felt tears threatening to fall down my eyes, but I quickly held it back. I couldn't let myself been seen crying in class.

After lecture, I refused leaving the class. Everyone left, but Lizzy was still seating with me.

“What do you have in mind “.she asked.

“Nothing”. I replied, almost in tears.

She moved closer to me and held my shoulder.

“I'm sorry oli, if not for me, you wouldn't be in this mess “. Lizzy sounded guilty.

“Don't blame yourself for this, it wasn't your fault”. I told her and gave her a half smile.

I stood up from the chair and pick up my bag.

“Where to “. Lizzy asked.

“Somewhere I should have been a long time  “. I told her and left the lecture hall.

I left the university and boarded a taxi.

I told the driver where I was going and in a few minutes I was in front of the house.

I rang the bell and a voice came from the speaker

“What are you doing here “.the voice was full of anger, but I did not let that bother me or scare me .what I was going through was bigger than this.

“I'm here to see Rona”. I replied in a strong voice.

The speaker was silent for a while before he started talking.

“Boss has made it clear that he doesn't want to see you “.his voice was firm and full of anger,, but I did not let that bother.

“Tell your boss that am not leaving till I see him “. I said those words and sat at the pavement in front of the big gate.

“Go home before we force you to”.the voice came as a threat,, but I did not bother about it.

“Tell Rona that am not leaving”. I shouted back at the speaker.

The speaker was quiet, and I heard no sound coming from it.

Few minutes later the gate was open, and I saw the guy I saw last night coming towards me.

“Why are you here “.his voice was calm,, but I knew he was angry at me for not listening to him.

“I need to see Rona”. I pleaded.

“I've told you to stay away from Rona for the time being, why are you still here “.

“I need to see him for something very important”. I spoke stubbornly.

He stared at me and shakes his head.

“Now I see why Rona is madly in love with you “.he murmured,, but I was able to hear him.

“Rona is in love with me ?”. I asked in shock.

He chuckled softly before speaking 

“You Know nothing, just go home and give him so time”.he said those words and started walking away, but I called him back.

“ Tell Rona that I won't leave till I see him “. I said those words and comfortably sat on the block besides the gate.

The guy stared at me for a long time before walking away.

Rona was my only hope in this situation, and I won't back down until I see him. Something in me tells me that once am able to see Rona, all this will be over.

I took in a deep breath and said a silent prayer, hoping God will hear me this time.