
Knowing Rona

Olivia's POV

“The towel and some cloths is at the door “.  I could hear Rona's voice from outside the door, 

“Thanks you, you can go now “. I murmured

He chuckled softly before speaking

“What are you hiding from me? “. He spoke in a mischievous voice.

“Get out”.  I shouted in shame

I could hear his loud laughter before he left the door.

I hissed softly and pick the towel from the door before taking the cloths from the door.

“These are your clothes “. I murmured

I look at the clothes and saw that it was a short and a big pullover.

I put the clothes in my nose, and it smells just like Rona.

I put on the cloths and came out of the bathroom.

“The clothes look good on you “. He spoke with a big grin on his face.

I roll my eyes at him and walk into the room, 

“Come eat “. He pushed out a chair for me, 

I sat on the chair while he sat opposite me.

“Are you also eating? “. I asked 

“Yes”. He replied firmly

I stared at him before staring at the food tray in front of me.

“But there is only one tea cup here “.  I said those words while staring at him.

“Yes, I can see that, “. He spoke with a big grin on his face.

“What about yours?”.  I asked, 

“We are using this cup “. He spoke those words and pick up a bread and starts applying the sauce on it.

“Have it “. He brought forth his hand and gave the bread to me.

I brought forth my hand and wanted to take the bread from him, but he took it away.

“Open your mouth”. He said those words as a command.

I stared at him and swallowed nervously before opening my mouth and taking a bite of the bread

“That's good, now you can start eating”. He took the remaining bread in his mouth.

I stared at him before picking up a bread, I applied the sauce and slowly took a bite.

I could feel Rona's gaze on me, and I was becoming uncomfortable. We ate in silence until we were through.

Rona moved the tray aside and stood up from the chair.

“You still have enough time before your aunt comes back from her shift”.he spoke firmly

“How did you know? “. I asked in shock, 

He chuckled softly, but did not say a word.

He sat on the bed and stared at me with curiosity.

I took a good look at him and noticed the bandage on his stomach.

“How's your wound? ”. I asked, 

“I'm fine, don't worry about me.

“Allow me to do the worry “. I murmured but I knew he could hear me.

I stood up from the chair and walk up to the bed and sat beside him.

“What happened in China”. I asked softly.

Since Mike said those words, I've been restless and wanted to know all that happened in China.

“Nothing”.he said those words coldly and stood up from the bed and turn his back to me.

I stared at his back and noticed there was a serpent tattoo from his back neck to his shoulder.

The tattoo was well drew and perfectly designed.

I stood up from the bed and move closer to him.

I brought forth my hand and gently ran my fingers on the tattoo

“Beautiful”. I muttered out.

He hissed softly before turning back to me, 

“What are you doing”. With a deep, rough voice.

I swallowed nervously and move away.

“Why do you have this tattoo”? I asked, 

He took in a deep breath and sat on the bed.

“It's a symbol, every leader of the serpent mafia has it “.he spoke coldly.

“I see”. I muttered out

“So when did you have yours “I asked.curiously

“Four years ago when I lost dad, I was forced to take this responsibility”.he spoke in a low voice.

I stared at him and could see that he was hurt by saying those words.

I moved closer to him and sat on the bed by his side.

“It's okay “. I said those words while placing my hand on his shoulder.

He stared at me for a while before looking away.

“You can talk to me “. I assured him 

I noticed he was carrying a big burden on him, and he was bothering him.

“Rona”. I called out

He turns around to faced me.

You know you can always talk to me “. I begged 

He looks away and hissed softly.

“Dad was killed when I was twenty-two in my final year in school”.

“You went to the university " . I asked surprised 

 he chuckled softly and stared at me for some time.

“What makes you think I wasn't done with school “. He said those words with a surprised look.

I bit my lips and nervously look away.

“I don't know “. I murmured 

He chuckled softly and stared at me with wide eyes like he was trying to pierce through my soul.

“I went to school oli, and even finish my school”.he spoke proudly

“Wow, I never knew I exclaim”.

“You won't, I don't talk much about school “.he spoke coldly.

I stared at him and realized he must have gone through a lot these four years to turn into a person like this.

“I was in school in France when I got a call that dad was shot dead, but I refused coming immediately because of school “.he hissed softly and ran his fingers in his hair.

“Dad business and everything went on hold for some months until I was done with my exams.I came back and took over the serpent gang.

“I vow to kill everyone who was involved in dad's death, and I thought I've killed them all, never knew the main killers were closer to me more than I thought”.he spoke in so much pain.

“My father's killer was his very friend and yet I never knew”. He shakes his head and look at me in pain.

I tap his shoulder and comforted him.

“It's okay”. I said those words while tapping his shoulder.

“It's not okay, it's not fucking okay “.he spoke angrily.

“That monster made me who I am today, he made me a killer, when I was trying to kill everyone who was involved in my dad's death, just because of them, I became a complete monster”.he spoke coldly.

I stared at him and realized he was full of range and bitterness., it seems like he just remembered something he shouldn't have remembered.

“Rona “I called out, 

He hissed softly but did not say a word.

I took in a deep breath before speaking, 

“Listen Rona, you are not a monster, there is still goodness in you “. I spoke truthfully, 

He turns around and stares at me for a while before looking away.

We sat there in silence until I spoke up, 

“Was he the one who shot you “. I asked, 

He chuckled softly and roughly ran his fingers in his hair.

“His son, who I considered a friend who also killed my father pointed a gun at me, something I could never do”. He muttered out in anger and pain, 

“He looks at me in the face and told me he killed my father, and yet, I couldn't do a thing because I have considered him family”. Rona hissed softly and rubbed his hands on his face in frustration.

“What a fuck up life we live in “.he spoke angrily.

I stared at him and noticed how much pain he must be going through when he realized all this.

I hissed softly and moved closer to him, putting my head on his shoulder.

“I'm sorry “. I whisper

“I'm sorry you have to go through all this”. I muttered out slowly.

He hissed softly before he placed his fingers in my hair and stared caressing it.

I closed my eyes when I felt the touch of his fingers in my hair, it felt so good and pleasing to me.

“Olivia “.he called out.

“I open my eyes and stared at him, 

He met my gaze and stared at me

“You shouldn't be with someone like me '.he said those words seriously.

“I have enemies, and they may come for me one day, I don't want you getting hurt “.he said those words like he meant it.

“You have to stay away from me for your safety”. He said those words almost like a pled.

I removed my head from his shoulder and stared at him.

“Why do I have to go “? I murmured

He hissed softly and stared at me 

“You should be happy with this news, hasn't it been what you have been wishing for “.he asked while staring at me with curiosity.

He was right, this was what I wanted few weeks ago, all I wanted was for Rona to leave me alone, all I wanted was for Rona to disappear from my life for good, but all that was few weeks ago.

“I don't want to “. I murmured loudly.

He stared at me with wide eyes but did not say a word. 

I bite my lips nervously before speaking.

“I don't wanna go away from you Rona, I wanna stay by your side “. I said those words confidently while staring directly into his eyes.

He hissed gently before pulling me to himself in a deep, tight hug, 

“I won't let you do a thing like that “. he said those words like he meant it, and then I knew something was wrong.