
If only I was with her .

Rona's POV

"Rona, you shouldn't be working out when you are not properly healed ". Mike has been murmuring those words to me in the gym room, but I ignored him.

Since yesterday after I saw Olivia that way I have been troubled, everything in me was telling me to go to her and know what the problem was, but I wanted to stick to the deal I made with her.

Act like we were strangers.

I hissed in anger and kept on punching the bag with anger.

"Rona " I heard Mike's voice asking me to stop, but I ignored him and kept on punching the bag.

"You will injure yourself".he murmured

"Get out ". I yelled and kept on punching the bag.

"Rona". I heard Rita's voice behind me, 

I took in a deep breath and stop punching the bag.

I walk to the table, pick up the bottle of water and drank all.

“Why are you back so early ". I directed those questions to Rita.

She hissed softly and sat on the couch.

"What's wrong ". I asked when I noticed her dull mode.

She hissed softly and nervously bites her fingers, I knew when ever Rita does that it means she was finding it difficult to say whatever she wanted to say.

I stared at her with curiosity before seating beside her.

"What wrong ". I asked, 

She kept murmuring words that I couldn't understand.

"Is everything okay ?" Mike asked, sounding worried.

She shakes her head and place her head on my shoulder.

"What is it, " I asked while I gently caress her hair.

She did not say a word, rather she started sobbing.

I was confused and wondered why she was acting this way, but then I decided to let her cry for a while, maybe that will help ease everything.

I kept on caressing her hair while she cries on my shoulder, after a while she stopped crying.

"Rona ".she calls out to me.

"I'm here little sis, what's wrong "

She took in a deep breath before speaking up.

"She told me she lost to me and announced me the winner ".she murmured 

"Who ". I asked confused

"She called me winner, yet I don't feel any joy or excitement in me"

"What are you talking about ?" I asked confused.

"Please let me finish Rona" .she demanded, 

I nod my head and did not say a word.

"For the past few months I have been wanting to hear those words from her, for her to come to me and declared she lost to me, and today she did, but I felt nothing ".she murmured in tears.

I stared at Mike, who gave me a confused look.

"The first day I saw her walked into the class, I developed a hatred for her for no just reason.I hated her color, her beauty, and her innocence that one could easily see. She has everything and was just too perfect, but she never knew ".

I stared at Mike confused, hoping he will get a clue, but he didn't.

"I hated her so much that I kept on looking for a way she could fall into my trap, and she did, I reported her to you hoping you would teach her a lesson but as fate would have it you fell in love with her ".

Hearing those words, then realization hits me, she was talking about Olivia.

I stared at Mike who also have the same expression on his face, he also knew who she was talking about.

"I tried all I could to make you leave her, but you couldn't, then my hatred for her increased when Derrick Started picking interest for her ". Rita hissed softly and removed her head from my shoulder.

"Today I walk up to her to provoke her like I always do, but something was different in her ".

Even Rita noticed it.

“She told me I have things she never had and wondered why I hated her this much ".

"Before the whole class she called me the winner, that I won whatever competition I was having with her, that I won, and she had lost to me ",

"Olivia said all that?" I asked, sounding worried.

"She declared she lost to me, yet there is no atom of happiness in me, it felt like this is not what I wanted ".she murmured in tears.

"She asked me to stay away from her that the next time I come closer to her that she will kill me and I knew she meant everything she said ".

"Olivia said these things ". I asked, confused.

"Yes she did, and I think you should check on her, something is definitely wrong with her" Rita spoke firmly.

Hearing those words from her, I felt fear run in my blood and I became restless.

"Don't worry Ron's I'll look into it "

"Thank you ". I murmured, 

Mike smiled at me before leaving the gym room.

"I'm so sorry, Rona ". Rita apologized sincerely.

I hissed softly and pull her to myself.

"You are my only family in this planet Earth and I love you so much, I want you to always remember that, okay ?"

"Okay".she murmured and relaxed in my arms.

I hissed in relief,, but I wasn't at rest, my thought was on Olivia and what was wrong with her.

I knew I would never forgive myself if anything happens to her, I will definitely blame myself for it. 

"I'll be in my room ". Rita stood up from the couch and walked away.

I left the gym room and went back to my room, I step into the bathroom, but I wasn't at rest.

My mind was restless and scared to hear whatever Mike must have found out.

"Boss". I heard Mike's voice in the room.

Quickly, I step out of the shower and tie a towel on my waist and rush to the room.

I step into my room and saw Mike already seated on the couch with a worried looking face.

"What's wrong ". I asked while seizing my breath.

Mike hissed softly and shakes his head in regrets.

"Where is she ". I asked in fear,

"She is fine ". Mike murmured.

I took in a deep breath in relief and walk up to Mike

"What is it ". I asked while staring at his worried face.

He hissed and ran his fingers through his hair.

"Olivia's aunt is dead, she died a few hours ago, "Mike murmured.

"Shit". I muttered out those words in regrets.

"How did that happen ?" I asked, 

"She has cancer of the blood and also needed a kidney transplant. From the information we got, Olivia wanted to give her one of her kidney, but they didn't match ".

"Shit ". I whispered in regrets and sat on the bed.

My Olivia was going through all these alone, and I wasn't there with her.

"Olivia ".he murmured

"What's wrong with Olivia ".

"She lost consciousness and is still unconscious".

Hearing those words, I stood up from the bed.

"Prepare the car, we are going to hospital".

"Yes boss ". Mike stood up from the couch and left the room.

I hissed in anger and regrets, if only I was with her maybe I would have been able to do something.

I open my closet and brought out a casual wear.

I put on the clothes and left my room in a hurry.

I got to the sitting room and noticed Mike and Rita murmuring words.

"Let's go ". I did not let those words finish from my mouth before I left them in the sitting room.

Mike sat in the driver's seat, while I sat in the passenger's seat.

"Calm down Rona, she will be fine ".he assured me.

I hissed and roughly ran my fingers in my hair.

That wasn't my problem, my problem was how will I be able to face Olivia after all these things that happened to her.

Mike stared at me before driving off.

The drive to the hospital was quiet and tense.

I was scared and restless.

"We are here ". Mike's voice brought me out of my thought.

I got out of the car and walked into the hospital, I walked to the reception desk and asked the nurse which room Olivia was admitted.

"Sorry sir, she can't see anyone".she spoke firmly.

"Why ?" I asked, 

"That's the words given to us ".she spoke firmly.

"Who is your boss ". I asked 

"Why do you want to see him ".she asked, 

I felt anger run through my blood, but I calm myself down.

"Rona". I turn and saw doctor Philip walking towards me.

"I was asking for you ",

"Why don't you let him see me, don't you know him ".he asked the nurse on duty.

"So sorry, sir".she murmured.

"Please come Rona". I followed him and walk to his office.

"I'm not here to see you but Olivia ". I spoke firmly.

"I'm taking you to her, make sure you don't try to wake her up ".

"Why ?" I asked, 

"Just don't wake her up, "he demanded and stood in front of a door.

"She is inside",

"Go in I'll be back ".

I took in a deep breath and open the door of the room only to see Olivia already awake staring at me with anger and hatred.