
Girlfriend for a week

Derrick's POV

Hearing her moans trigger all the organs in me and I wished I could just take her there and now .but then it wasn't appropriate, I was in their apartment, and it wasn't right.

I broke the kiss and kissed her cheek.

“I want to show you something”. I pulled her out of the apartment, and we went for my car. Throughout the drive I kept on wondering what was bothering her but decided to let it be for the main time.

“I remember this place”.she spoke up when we got to the building. we got down from the car, and we started talking the stairs until we were at the top of the building.

“Hmm,”.she exclaims and closed her eyes.

I stared at her and laughed at myself for thinking I would be able to let go of this girl.

“You are staring”.she hit me on the arm and sat on the cemented floor.

“I love this view “.she spoke slowly.

“Yeah, that why it's my favorite place “. I sat on the floor beside her.

“Sadly, it's the last time I might see it “.she spoke those words and hissed softly.

I stared at her and noticed something was definitely disturbing her.

I moved closer to her and pulled her to me so that her head was on my shoulder.

“Tell me what's wrong “. I kissed her cheek and stroke her hair.

She took in a deep breath and hissed softly.

“I'm going back to my country”.she spoke slowly,, but I could notice she was hurt.

“Going back to your country”. I asked confused.

“Yes, aunt is angry with me and decided it would be best I go back home “.she sniffles and wipes tears from her cheek.

I hissed and held her tightly in my arm. The thought of not seeing her brought a sudden fear to me, and I couldn't help it.

“I'll talk to your aunt “. I spoke up, 

“No, she won't listen”.she said those words like she was so sure about it.

“Aunt is furious, and I think it's best to let her be “.she spoke slowly.

I hissed and ran my fingers in my hair in frustration.

“What did you do “? I asked 

She kept quiet for a while before she spoke up 

“I'll prefer not to discuss that “.she spoke seriously.

I stared at her and noticed she wasn't ready to talk about it.

I hissed softly and we both sat there in silence.I stared at her and noticed she was lost in thought.I gently stroke her hair and smiled at her

“If your aunt doesn't want you living with her, then I can provide a place for you “. I said those words, hoping she would agree to it. I can't just lose her, not when I knew I was in love with her.

She kept quiet and did not say a thing, it felt like she doesn't  like the idea.

“I'm hungry”.she murmured.

I knew she was just trying to end the topic.I hissed and stood up from the bed.

“Let's go “. I took her hand in mine, and we climbed downstairs.

We got back to my car and I drove her off to her place.

The drive to her place was quiet and tense. None of us said a thing until we got to their apartment.

“Thank you “.she murmured when we got to their apartment.

“I can still talk to your aunt “. I pleaded, hoping you hear my plead. She hissed and looked away.

“I don't want you to get involve, I'll try to work it out on my own”.she spoke softly.

I hissed in frustration and closed my eyes.

“So you are leaving”. I asked in hurt.

“Yes”. She whispers, 

I hissed and took in a deep breath.

“Can I ask you for a favor”? I asked, 

She stares at me but did not say a word.

“Olivia”. I called out.

“I'm listening, Derick”.she replied softly.

I took in a deep breath and stared at her.

“Be my girlfriend for the next one week, oli, I'm begging you “. I took her hand and pleaded, 

She stared at me with shock written all over her face.

“What are you saying”.she asked.

I took in a deep breath before speaking up, 

“I love you Oli I fucking do, and I want to have the privilege of being your boyfriend in this lifetime”. I told hold of her hands and gently place kisses on it.

“Derick”.she tried speaking up,, but I stopped her with my fingers in her lips.

“Just give me a chance to show you how much I love and care for you “. Pleaded

She stared at me for speaking up 

“I don't want to hurt you “.she spoke softly

“You won't hurt you “. I pleaded.

She hissed softly and ran her fingers in her hair 

“I'm confused”.she whispered

I moved closer to her and caress her cheek.

“I love you so much oli, just give me a chance “.she stares at me for a moment before speaking

“Alright”.she murmured

“For real”. I asked excited 

“Yes”.she whispered with a smile.

I smiled and pulled her to me, 

“Thank you very much oli, you will never regret it “. I spoke while stroking her hair gently

She futures and melt in my touch.

We stayed in each other arms for a while before I released her from my arms. I kissed her cheek softly and smiled at her.

“You should go in “.

She nods her head and smiled at me.

“I will pick you up “.she nods her head and left my car.

I hissed in relief and drove out of the apartment.

I couldn't stop myself from smiling throughout the drive home.Olivia was now my girlfriend, and o couldn't believe it.

I hissed when I remembered she will be leaving for her country. Joke on her to think that I will let her leave just like that.

I got home and parked in the garage.

I walked in the sitting and found dad sitting on there.

“Good day dad”. I greeted dad and sat beside him.

He nods he head and stares at me.

“Why are you smiling “.dad asked while staring at me.

“Nothing “. I murmured with a smile on my face.

He stares at me for a while before looking away.

“Is because of her right “.dad asked with a frown on his face.

“Her name is Olivia”. I spoke with an annoying look.

Dad hissed and took a sip of drink.

“I don't like that girl “. I could notice the hatred in dad's voice.

“You should start liking her because she is my girlfriend now “. I told Dad with a big grin on my face.

Dad hissed in irritation and stares at me 

“I wonder what have gotten into you “.he spoke roughly, but they was no anger in his voice

“Love have gotten into me “. I replied calmly and left the sitting room.

I was in a good mood and I won't let dad spoil it for me.

I got to my room and took my bath before going to bed with a smile in my face.tomorrow was going to be a special day for me and I could feel it in my bones.

The next morning I was awoken up by my alarm.i hissed and roll out from the bed. I check the time and saw that it was few minutes pass 7am.

"Shit”. I shouted and rushed for the bathroom.I took a quick bath and put on my clothes before leaving my room. I got downstairs and met dad at the dinning table having some breakfast.

“Morning dad”. I greeted and was about making my way out when he called me back.

“Why are you so much rushing, have some breakfast”.he spoke calmly. Dad wasn't a perfect father, but I knew he was trying his best to be one for me and I appreciate that.

“No, dad I have to pick Olivia up “.I quickly left the sitting room, but I could hear dad hiss. He must really hate Olivia.

I got to the car garage and pick up a car and drive out

The drive to Olivia's place was tense. I was anxious and nervous for a strange reason. This was my first time going out with Olivia as a couple.I got to their apartment and parked in front if it.

I got down from my car and walked to their door. I took in a deep breath before knocking on the door.

Few seconds the door was opened by Olivia's aunt 

“Hey Derick come in “.she smiled at me and opened the door for me to go in 

“Good morning”. I greeted.

“Morning Derick, please sit”.she smiled at me and left me in the sitting room.

I wanted to talk to her about her issue with Olivia,, but I think that wasn't the right time.

“You are early”. I heard Olivia's voice from Behind me.

I turn around, I saw Olivia standing before me with a big smile on her face .she wasn't putting on a makeup, but she was just beautiful.

“Stop staring”.she smiled

I moved closer to her and kissed her on the lips.

“Good morning baby”. I greeted.

She smiled and shyly looked away.

“Let's go”. She said those words and stared walking towards the door.I chuckled at her behavior before leaving the Apartment.

We got to my car and I drove off.

“Can I put on some music”.she asked 


She put on the music, and we drove to school.

We got to campus and I parked at the parking lot.

“See you later”.she shouted and was about leaving when I held her hand. She turns around and stares at me 

“We are lovers now, we should walk to class together“. I smiled and took hold of her hand as we walked to class.I heard whispers and stares, but I didn't care. The most important things is that I was with Olivia and that's all that matters.