

3rd person POV 

After Olivia left. Rona and Derick exchanged a death look at each other.

Derick walked up to Rona and stood before him angrily. He folded his hands, so he could be able to control himself from hitting Rona

“What the fuck is your problem”. Derick shouted angrily.

Rona gave him a hard look before moving closer to him,

“I'm not hitting you right now all because of Olivia, I Don't want her to see the beast in me”. Rona spoke those words while staring directly at Derick.

Derick Chuckled evilly before speaking up, 

“I dare you, Rona, I dare you to hit me “. Derick challenged him.

Rona bit his lips so hard, so he could suppress the anger boiling in him.

Derick noticed he wasn't making an effort to do it and smiled to himself, 

“It seems I was right, you can't do more than a church dead rat “. Derick said those words while staring at Rona.

Rona hissed in anger and closed his eyes for a while before he opened them. He twisted his fingers to suppress his anger .he thought of how Olivia would feel if she finds out they both fought each other in front of her apartment .he hissed in frustration and walked away, 

“Seems like that is the only thing you are good at, always walking away “. Derick spoke in a mocking voice. Rona, halts the moment he heard those words from Derick .he quickly walked up to Derick and held the collar of his shirt .he raised his hand and was about to hit Derick when he realized what he was about to do and the effect it will have on Olivia .he hissed in frustration and brought back his hand .he still held on to Derick collar who was also holding Rona's collar 

“You are lucky Derick you are fucking lucky”. Rona said those before leaving Derrick's collar .he stared one more at Derick before walking away.

Derick straightened his collar before getting inside his car. He hissed in frustration and hit the wheel of his car angrily .he can't lose Olivia to Rona, not in this lifetime or another .he turned on his car and angrily drove off .he took the way back home because he couldn't bear to face Olivia in that mood .he got home and walked straight to his room. He sighed in relief when he realized his dad wasn't home.

He pulls off his jacket and shoes before sitting on the bed.

He ran his fingers on his hair in frustration and signed heavily.

If only he knew things would turn out like this he would have made Olivia his, the moment he met her, things won't have been different now. He signed heavily before laying on his bed. He will get Olivia and will get her at all cost .he assured himself before sleeping off.

Rona got home and angrily went to his training room .he walked up to the punching bag and punched it angrily .he let out all the anger he was holding back out .he wished he was able to kill Derick right at that spot .but again the thought of Olivia held him back .he punched the bag severally before he stopped. He looked at his hands and noticed it was wounded. He hissed and turned around and saw the worried face of Mike standing at the door.

"Is everything alright, boss “. Mike asked while moving close to Rona

“I'm fine, make sure I'm not disturbed”. Rona and those words and left the room. He went to his room, removed his clothes and went to the bathroom.

The thought of Olivia filled his thoughts and he couldn't help but hissed in anger and closed his eyes, so he could remove her from his thought, but it was fruitless. He hissed in frustration before leaving the shower. He grabbed a towel and step out of the bathroom. He walked inside his room and took out a comfortable pair of clothes from his closet.

He sat on the bed and put on his laptop to work on some documents when he noticed his phone beeping. He reached for his phone and saw that the caller was Rita .why was his little sis calling, he thought to himself. He quickly picked up all the placed it on his ear 

“Hey little sis, what's up 

“Rona “.the voice came out as a whisper, but He could recognize it anywhere

“Little Bird “. He asked in a confused tune!