
A strange Rona

Olivia's POV

The constants ringing of my phone woke me up from my sleep. I checked the time and saw that it was pass midnight.I hissed softly and went for my phone. I checked the caller and saw that the call was from Derick. Why would he be calling at a time like this. I felt anxious and quickly pick up the call 

“Derick are you okay “. I asked when I picked up the call, 

“Yeah, sorry for bothering you” 

“It's okay “. I quickly replied.

I was scared earlier today when he left for Rona's place. I've been trying to reach him, but his phone was going through. Now hearing from him, my mind was at peace.

“Sorry, I just have difficulties sleeping, so I thought of calling you “. I smiled when I heard those words from him, at least he thinks about me.

“Alright, we can talk for a while "

“Really “. He asked 


I could hear him took in a deep breath before hissing softly.

“Can I ask you a question”. He asked softly

“Yeah, what is it “. I asked

He took in a Deep breath and hesitated for a while before he spoke up 

“Do you love me oli”. He spoke in a low, soft voice.

“Why are you asking this “. I asked 

“Don't worry about that, I just need your answer”. 

I stood up from the bed and hissed softly. I did not know what to say to him .yes I love the way he treats me and I love spending time with him but could I call that love?

“Olivia”.his voice brought me back from my thought.

I hissed softly and ran my fingers in my hair, what should I say to him.

“Olivia, are you thinking about your answer”. He spoke in a low, calm voice, but I knew he was hurt.

“No, Derick, that's not it “. I hissed and took in a deep breath, I knew whatever I said will make a big impact in our lives 

“Derick can we talk about this when me meet “. I begged.

I could hear him hissed softly over the phone before he spoke up, 

“Why can't you tell me over the phone “. His voice was rough and calm.

“It's already late, goodnight”. I quickly ended the call before he could say anything.

I stood up from my bed and walked around the room .what was wrong with me .why couldn't I tell him I love him when I think I do. I sat on the bed and wondered how my words might have hurt him. Tomorrow, I will talk to him by tomorrow. I hissed in frustration and went back to bed.

The next morning was a Saturday and aunt was on a morning duty.

“Olivia”. I heard aunt voice at the door of my room. I stood up from the bed and let her in.

“Good morning, aunt “. I greeted. She smiled at me and sat on the bed.

“I came to inform you to start arranging your things “. She spoke in a cold voice while avoiding my gaze. 

“Aunt”. I tried to speak, but she cut me off, 

“Whatever, I am doing it for your own good. You don't know who you are involved with “. I knew aunt never wanted me to leave, but she feels she was protecting by sending me away.

“I can take care of myself, aunt “. I pleaded, hoping it would change her mind.

“No, oli, you don't understand”. She stood up and taps my shoulder before leaving my room. I hissed and sat on my bed .this is it, there is nothing I could do to change aunt's decision. I lay on my bed and thought of different plan to carry out, so I could change aunt's mind, but all were useless.

I heard my phone ringing and I went for it. I checked the caller and saw that it was from Rona. I hissed and kept back my phone, but he kept calling. With anger, I picked the call and spoke up, 

“What the hell is your problem”. I shouted, 

The line was quiet for a while, and it felt like he has a dropped the call. I checked my phone and saw that the call was still on.

“Rona”. I called out

“I'm outside your apartment, allow me to see you for just a minute please”.his voice was so calm and fragile.it felt like it was a different Rona talking to me.

“Please oli”. He begged, 

I bit my lips nervously before speaking up, 

“I'll be out in a minute”. I ended the call and could feel my heart beating.my head was telling me to avoid him and not see him again, yet, my heart was yearning to see him.

I stood up from the bed and left my room. I got out from the apartment and saw Rona standing by his car .it was odd to see Rona standing by his car because the Rona I knew would always be in his car, so he could tease me around.

I stared at him and noticed his expression was cold and those mischievous look I normally see on him were gone .he locked eyes with me and I could see his eyes were dull, and it felt like he hasn't slept the whole night.

“Hey “. He did not let those words leave my mouth before he pulled me to himself and hugged me tightly. His grip on me were so tight, and it felt like he was trying to squeeze me to himself. He hissed and gently stroke my hair before releasing me from his grip.

“Sorry about that “. He apologized.

Rona apologizing for hugging me .this was strange and new and for strange reasons I didn't like it. 

“It's okay “. I spoke up, 

He nods his head and stared at me with a sad look that made my heart clench in pain .what was wrong with Rona and why was he acting this way.

He brought forth his hand and handed a small box to me, 

“What's this “. I asked while staring at the box in my hand.

“Open it and see “. I stared at him before opening the box. I open the box and saw that it contain a diamond necklace with the name printed little bird on it.

“Is this real diamond”. I asked, 

“Yeah “. He replied nonchalantly.

I stared at the necklace and saw that it was indeed beautiful. And it looks way too expensive.

“Why are you giving me this “. I asked 

“Nothing, I just want you to have it “.he flash a smile to me which I knew was fake.

“This is way too expensive”. I spoke with a frown on my face.

“It's a gift, and you can't reject a gift “. He smiled at me and check his wristwatch.

“Are you going somewhere”. I asked because I knew Rona to always dress casually, but this time he was putting in a suit.

“Yeah, I'm going to China”.

“Why “. I replied quickly.

He raised a bow and stared at me before speaking up, 

“I'm going for business”. He spoke softly.

I frowned and stared at him. For a strange reason, I never wanted him to leave.

“How long are you staying”

“A week or more “.he replied causally

“What “. I shouted. I was supposed to be leaving this country in few days and here he is telling me he was leaving the country. Does this mean this would be the last time I will see him. I bit my lips nervously and looked away.

“Are you okay “. He asked when he noticed my mood.

“Yeah”. I replied quickly.

He stares at me for a while and I felt myself melt in his gaze.

“Promise me you will take care of your when am gone “. He spoke almost like a plead. I stared at him and knew something was definitely wrong.

“Is everything alright “. I asked out of curiosity.

He shakes his head and smiled at me .but I knew the smile was fake.

“Forgive me for what happened the other day, you know I will never think of hurting you “. He spoke calmly.

I hissed and closed my eyes. Seeing him like this have erased all the memories I have of that day with him .all I was concerned and worried about was why he was acting strange.

“The job, the job you are going for, is it a risky one “. I asked.

He hissed and check his watch again.

“No, is not, don't worry about me .just please take care of yourself”.he moves close to me and kissed my forehead. He took a step backwards, and I felt that something was definitely wrong.

“Are you okay “. I asked while staring at him.

He chuckled softly and stared at me, 

“I'm okay, stop worrying about me “. He stares at me one more time before reaching for his car handle.

“Take care of yourself and goodbye”.he smiled at me and got into his car.

Why do I feel like this was a goodbye, like I wouldn't be seeing him anymore. I stood in font of our apartment and watch his car lost out of my sight. I felt tears drop on my cheek and for some strange reasons I felt sad, heartbroken, and scared.