
A familiar feeling

Olivia's POV

I opened the door and saw aunt seated in the sitting room with a furious look.

“Where are you coming from “. she asked in a calm voice, but I could notice the anger in her voice.

“From school”. I lied and swallowed nervously.

“You liar”. She shouted in anger.

She stood up from the coach and held my arm tightly,

“Did I not tell you to stay off that guy”.she shouted angrily.

“I'm sorry “. I pleaded.

She held my arm tightly and pushed me to the couch.

“Do you even know who that guy is “.she shouted in anger.

“shit”. I whispered .aunt knows who Rona is.

She moves around the sitting room aimlessly with anger standing before me.

“That guy is one of the most dangerous persons in this country. Olivia, how did you become friends with such a person “.she spoke in anger, but I knew she was worried about me.

She ran her hands in her hair in frustration before sitting beside me.

“By next week, you should be through with this year semester”.she hissed and took a deep breath.

“You are going back to Nigeria”.she said those words while avoiding my gaze. I felt my head spin and my breathing increased.

“No Aunt”. I took hold of her hands and begged.

“No, Olivia, I can't let you stay here “.she removes her hand from my grip and stood up.

“Prepare your things, you are leaving”.she said those words and left me in the sitting room.

I slap and hit myself, hoping it was a bad dream that I will wake up from it .but it seems I was wrong.

How can I come this far and go back home, like this.

What will I tell everyone, what will I say to them. I quickly stood up and ran to aunt room, but the door was locked, 

“Aunt”. I knocked,

“Go to bed oli”.she shouted.

“Please Aunt”. I begged in tears, 

“I said go to bed now “.she shouted in anger. I noticed she was angry, and it would be best to let her be.

I hissed softly and walked back to my room.

When I got to my room, I saw Rona's call coming in. I angrily switch off the phone and threw it on the bed.

I was angry with him because of what happened in his place, and now he is the reason my dreams are shattering.

I hissed and lay on the bed thinking of a way to make aunt forgive. I thought all night before I finally allow the darkness of the day to take over.

The next morning I took my bath and went to the kitchen, but aunt was already gone.

I ate the breakfast she left for me before walking to school.

Few minutes I was in campus. I hissed in relief when I heard no side talks or stares at me.

I was almost entering the lecture hall when a strong hand held me back. I hissed in pain and stared at the person holding me, only to see Derick.

“What are you doing”. I asked surprised.

“Why didn't you tell me “.he spoke calmly, but it was obvious he was angry.

“Tell you what “. I asked confused.

He hissed and ran his fingers in his hair.

“That you were being blackmail”.

“Oh that. I tried asking for your help, remember”. I spoke angrily.

“But you never wanted to listen “. I spoke angrily and removes his grip on me.

He hissed and stared at me.

“I'm sorry “.he murmured.

I chuckled softly and fold my hands.

“But don't worry, I have taken care of him “.

“Taken care of him, did you kill him “. I asked, scared.

He chuckled softly and stared at me.

“I might be a bad person to you, but am not a killer”.he said those words like he meant it.

Yes, he was right, he wasn't a killer like Rona.

“What did you do”? I asked, 

“Don't worry about it “.

I stared at him and noticed concern all over his face.

“I don't know if I should tell you, thank you or not “. I murmured.

“Thank you, will be just fine “.he caresses my cheek and I felt myself melt in his touch .he caressed my Cheek gently before kissing them.

“I miss you oli”.he said those words like he meant it .not knowing what to say to him, I swallowed nervously and looked away.

“The lecture is about to start”.I said those words and walked away from him as quickly as I could.

I got to the lecture hall and found lizy waving at me. I walked up to her and sat beside her.

“You told Derick about it “. I asked 

“Yes”.she replied with a smile.

“Thank you “. I murmured.

“You are always welcome”.

The lecture started and could feel Derick gaze on me. He stared at me so much that I started getting uncomfortable.

After class, I pick up my things and tried to run to the library, so I could escape his gaze .but he caught me.

“Running away “.he asked with a big grin on his face.

“Why should I “. I roll my eyes playfully at him.

He chuckled and moved closer to me, so close that I could feel his breath.

“If you are not running away, then maybe you should have lunch with me “. I shiver when I felt him brush his lips on mine.

He moves away and stared at me, 

“Let's go “.he walked in front of me while I followed him like a lost puppy.

We got to the canteen and I felt eyes on us. Seriously, who wouldn't be staring at us after what happened the last time.

“I'm sorry “.he whispered when he noticed the stares at us.

“Give me a second”.he stood up for the seat and hits his hand on the table.

“One more look at us and I will make sure you never see with those eyes”.his voice was harsh and full of threats.

I looked around and noticed everyone has stopped looking at us.

“Thank you “. I murmured.

“It's nothing, I caused it”.he stares at me before taking a bit of his pancake.

I stared at him and we ate in silence.

“Don't you want to ask how come about those pictures”. I asked, trying to bring up a conversation.

“Don't worry, I've already gotten the details from him”.he said those words casually like it meant nothing.

“Where is he”. I asked, 

“He should be home “.he replied nonchalantly.

I raised a bow at him with a stare, 

“What “.he asked,

“What did you do to him “. I asked while staring at him.

“Nothing serious”.he raised his shoulder while saying those words like it was nothing.

“Nothing serious like what “. I asked,

He hissed and stared at me for a moment before he spoke up, 

“I just made sure he wasn't able to leave home for the next few months”.

“Really”. I asked, shock.

Yeah, I was just being nice “.he raised his shoulder and went back to eating.

“You crippled him “. I asked shocked.

“Just for some months, it's not a permanent thing .and believe me I was being nice because I could have done worse”. I noticed his mood changed when he said those last words.

“Thank you".“You are welcome”.

We ate in silence until we were done and left the canteen.

“Do you still have classes”.he asked 


“Let me take you home “.

I followed him, and we got to his car .he drove out of the campus and drove to my place.

The drive was silent until he spoke up 

“I'm sorry I reacted that way at the canteen” he said those words with his eyes on the road.

“It's okay, I understand”. I replied with a smile.

We got to my place and I asked him in .he came out from his car and walked into the apartment with me.

I got inside the apartment and what I have forgotten about flash in my memory.

I have just a week to stay here and this might be the last time I might be with Derick .the thought of leaving this country and the people behide, breaks my heart that I didn't realize I was crying until I felt Derick hands on my cheek 

“What's wrong”.he asked with a worried face.

I couldn't say anything but melt in his touch. I closed my eyes and felt him caress my cheek gently.

“Tell me what is wrong “. This time his voice came as a pled.

I moved close to him and hugged him tightly. He strokes my hair gently and said things to me, I couldn't understand or hear.

“Olivia”.he called out

“Yes”. I murmured in tears,

He took hold of my face and kissed the tip of my nose.

“You know I would do anything for you “.he said those words while staring directly at me.

“I care for you so much because I love you a lot, oli. I fucking do love you “.the moment he said those words, I felt my heart beat increased and a family feeling in my stomach.a feeling I knew I had when I was with Rona.

A feeling I knew was love, but how could I possibly be in love with two guys at the same time.

I was still in thought when I felt Derick pulled me closer to him and took hold of my lower lips on his before taking my mouth fully in his.

I moan in the kiss and roughly took hold of his neck and deepen the kiss.

Fuck, I'm in love with two guys