
Zhang Ye saves the day!

In the music festival arena.

The music was restless and the fans were screaming!

Amy was getting all excited and also started screaming!

Xiaodong was following the beat and humming along.

Only two people were behaving differently from the others. One of them was Ning Lan as she could not stand this kind of music. The other person was Zhang Ye. He had a speechless expression and did not seem at all interested in the performances.

Li Xiaoxian asked, "Teacher Zhang, you don't like this?"

Zhang Ye looked at her and said loudly, "Ah?"

The music was too loud.

Li Xiaoxian also said loudly, "You don't like this?"

Zhang Ye grimaced and said, "They're all singing in foreign languages. I can't understand a thing."

Amy turned around and shouted, "This is what real heavy metal is!"

Zhang Ye simply responded with a hur hur.

Ning Lan was amused and gave a hur hur of her own.

Amy said in surprise, "This is so good!"