
I’m Just a Small Flower

[You will have a chance at a new life, a new opportunity to live how you please. However, in exchange, you will have to complete tasks for me. Do you accept to these terms?] [Accept] [Decline] Amir looked up with a layer of confusion in his eyes, feeling as though the ringing in his ears would never go away. He remembered vividly that he was just hit by a car...ah right, that car, that stupid driver, too busy looking at his phone to pay kind to the road. He swore under his breath before picking himself up and wiping away the dust on his pants. Just before he was about to examine his surroundings, a transparent screen full of writing appeared, seemingly glaring at him. . . . He snorted with a smirk filling his face. After all, who would be dumb enough to decline this sweet deal. Who knew that he would have to traverse his new found world, fight off evil beings, all while having to avoid being stepped on

PufferBALL · Kỳ huyễn
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1 Chs

Prologue: His Beginnings

Crows cawed loudly from the outside as if to signify to others that something, whether it be good or bad, was going to happen. Their stark black bodies contrasted the vibrant blue of the sky, with not a single cloud in the sky to hide it's beauty.

Amir, with his chin resting comfortably in his hand, stared at the crows from within the confines of prison. Others however preferred to refer to this place as Mr.Blimley's history class. It was nearing the end of the period and like the rest of his peers, he couldn't wait to rush out of the classroom once this test was over.

The old mounted clock hands moved with a sharp tic for what felt like hours until a blaring ring sounded throughout the halls. Just as Amir was about to dash out the door, a large hand hooked his collar causing him to choke for a split second.

"HEY! What the hell was that for..."His voice dyed out as he turned around to see a large bear of a man looking right back at him.

"Uh...Mr.Blimley, my man. What seems to be the problem,"

His back began to break out in cold sweat, his throat began to feel dry. He was barely scraping by in this class, not to mention how he completely bombed the last test that he swore had something to do with laws. Either way, Amir knew he was in for some trouble. The big man raised his hand to his mouth and loudly clear his throat as if preparing his voice for a speech.

"Mr. Plange, why do you think I pulled you aside?" A long thirty seconds went by with both student and teacher staring at each other in silence. Mr.Blimley sighed and let go of his student's collar.

"Look, me and you both know that you dislike history more than anything, but could you at least try before giving up? What is your mother going to say if she knew about your grades?" Amir gritted his teeth. He felt bad to put this stress onto his mother who was already working hard to support him and his younger brother but at the same time, he found it hard to change. He took a big heave and scratched lightly at the back of his head.

"I know, I know," he began to repeat the words that he has always said to Mr.Blimley to appease him.

"I'll do better next time, this time I promise. I swear," Mr.Blimley knew Amir was just going through the motions to get him off his back. He stepped back and rubbed his eyes out of exhaustion.

"Well if you know, then you know I guess," He stated with a sigh before shooing Amir off to go about with the rest of his days. Amir walked to the door before taking a slight glance at the scruffy looking bearded man before heading off to meet with his friends.

The school hours felt extremely long, with each passing second feeling like a minute. Once the sweet sound of the ear-piercing alarm went off to signify the end of classes, Amir went off with his friends to hang out in the arcade.

It was dark before they knew it. It was half past five and Amir knew that if he went home any later, his mom would most likely call the police in worry. He pointed to the time on his phone to his friends.

"Sorry, I have to go know. You all know how my mom is," Amir waved to his friends before beginning to cross the street in the direction of his home. His friends jokingly jeered at him, calling him a stick in the mud before waving back to say goodbye.

He snickered under his breath. "What a load of dinguses.." before completely turning away his body to focus on going his home.

As he was turning, his eyes looked up to see a pair blinding lights rushing towards him at full speed.

Amir watched as time slowed around him, never breaking eye contact with the car lights. He could see the car moving slowly towards him and from his peripheral, observed strangers just walking by unhurriedly in slow motion.

He wanted to yell in shock, he wanted to get out of the way of the moving vehicle but instead, he just stood in place. It was as if his feet were glued to the concrete street.

Before he knew it the giant metal body slammed into his right side. He couldn't hear what everyone who was crowding him was saying, all he could focus on was the constant ringing in his ears before passing out.

Amir woke up from the ground with an all white space surrounding him.

[You will have a chance at a new life, a new opportunity to live how you please. However, in exchange, you will have to complete tasks for me. Do you accept to these terms?]

[Accept] [Decline]

Amir looked up with a layer of confusion in his eyes, feeling as though the ringing in his ears would never go away. He remembered vividly that he was just hit by a car...ah right, that car, that stupid driver, too busy looking at his phone to pay any mind to the road.

His whole body shook as if he could still feel the impact from the getting hit by the vehicle. Amir quietly swore under his breath before picking himself up and wiping away the dust on his pants.

He heard a squelching noise and looked at his hands dyed red.

Just before he was about to further examine his body and surroundings, a transparent screen full of writing appeared, seemingly glaring at him.

He stood in disbelief. He has only heard of such things from the likes of anime or novels from his younger brother, but never bothered to look into it.

He reorganized himself and pushed his hair back before snorting with a smirk on his face. His hand hovered over the '[Accept]' panel.

"Who would be dumb enough to decline this sweet deal?" Perhaps if Amir did a little reading he would know to question the intent of such a message.

Oh how he would soon never forgive his past naive self for this decision for the rest of his life.

Hi, this is pufferBALL signing in!

So this is my second attempt at writing a story(the first one I didn’t even start). Thanks for reading this first of all. Just to let y’all know early on, there might be some minor angst here and there. Maybe even romance but it just depends on how this book will go. Anyways if you can leave some comments whether it be questions or criticism, I would be plenty grateful. I hope y’all liked this first chapter and if there is anything I should fix, let me know!

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