
I’m in Love with the Crazy Prince.....HELP!

Destiny is funny thing! Milan, a commoner/pickpocket, meet the devilish charming prince and end up being his “pet”. One might wondered if it’s a good fortune or a tragedy.

FrozenPisces · Kỳ huyễn
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8 Chs

Chapter 6

All my leg power gathered when that singer's fans run toward me with a love-struck expression to snatch the jacket on my body. I ran hard, until.....


Without knowing, I trip on a rock and crash straight to the ground.


"What are you doing here?"

Prince Macron was standing across from me with an annoy expression. I also don't know what to tell him so I smiled and pretend there's nothing.


"What is it, master?"

"Your mouth's full of blood!"

"For real? What do I do?"

"Give us that jacket!!!"

All the fan girls that follow earlier come to surround me and start pulling the jacket left and right. There's sound coming from the left sleeve, shows that it almost tear away and the right sleeve also being pull out as well.

"What the hell is this?"

Prince Macron that pushes away by the girls start shouting, but it seems like no one give him any attention.

"Why does everyone ignore me? Look over here."

"Shut up, you ugly duck"

"....." the prince eyes open wide.

"Go stand over there! it's none of your business here."

"You.....how dare you talk like that to me? What's your name, what's your parent name? Where do you live? Tell me now!!!!"

"Sigh!!!! I'm not free, don't you see we're trying to get the jacket? Go away!"

That's all I heard, so I don't know if the prince was being chase away in other method or not. Plus, I'm a little busy right now with all the girls pulling right and left. Oh my life, why is there always a problem?!


A gun sound shocks all the fans stiff and turn to look at the noise direction. A black suit man stand not far from us shot his gun up to the sky. Then, he turn the gun to our location, everyone is on the ground now.



All of the fan girls scatter left and right, only left me and the prince to stand at the same spot. I stand still because I have no more energy to run after battling out with the fan girls. Looking at the prince, he looks like one of those brain damage kid who doesn't know what to do.

"Master, why aren't you moving? Go hide!"


Out of frustration, I grab his hand and rush to hide. When try to look around for the shooter, the black suit man already gone.

"Master....did you see the black-suit guy earlier?"

"How can I know? I'm just a nobody that no one notice."

"What's wrong, master?"

"I'm a nobody, useless"

I guess he was traumatizes. Well....from birth, people showered him with compliments, giving the upmost respect....until today, just being incognito as a commoner for the first time, the prince already been chase away and treated as a nobody.

"Enough with self-pities! Master, you don't see the black-suit man shooting, scaring everyone?"

"Black-suit.....oh, I saw him"

His surprises reaction shows that he's back!

"Earlier, he shot to the sky then turn to aim the gun at me"

"It means that he's not here for this prince...what? I'm not even good enough to assassinate??"

Is he alright?

"Master, who don't you go to class?"

"Cause I'm a nobody"


"...you dare scream at my face, you pig with a dog face!!"

"Now I have another new nickname?"

"This prince was busy looking for you, otherwise I'll be in class by now. And look at this, you don't even wear the dog outfit, what am I suppose to walk to class?"

"Student also have to bring a dog to class? Is this a university or a zoo?"

"You're right! No dog, this prince can still take you to class."

"Master is wise"

"But after school, you still have to put the dog outfit back on."


Last time I'm in school, I was only 10 years old which mean my education level is very low, that's why right now I don't understand anything that the professor is saying. On top of that, every student in this class seem to be that singer, Allen, fans and they've been staring at me for awhile now.

"Hey you!"

>.<! Probably the fan and want to snatch my jacket again.

"Master, what do I do? She talks to me."

"Someone talk to you, just greet her back."

"Should I ?"

"At least it's better than a nobody like me"

I turn around to the girl that called me from behind, she looks lovely and her other 2 friends also seem friendly.

"You're a new student? I've never see you before."

"Ahh....." I'm not a student, the man sitting near me is "No, I'm not. What can I help you?"

"Where do you get Allen's jacket?

Of course...

"I met him accidentally outside the building trying to hide."

"Trying to hide?"

"Yeah! He was running from his fans, so he ask for my help and we exchange clothes."

"Exchange clothes? Which mean you saw his body?"

"He took my dog costume and left his jacket with me."

"Oh, so it's like this. How dare you take a precious dog costume to exchange with a shredded jacket?" The prince reprimanded.

"Crazy talk"


This is not my voice, but the three female students that heard Macron talk bad about their idol jacket, so they scream out loud.

"How can a dog costume be more valuable than Allen's jacket?! Everybody want to have this jacket as souvenirs."

"And if the dog costume was royal-gifted?"

"Still not as valuable as Allen's jacket"


"You guys seem to idolized this Allen very much."

"For sure! Allen is a most popular singer in this time and if you ask who is the awesomeness, it definitely be Allen, even if you ask to compare....." one of the girls look left and right before saying in a low tone " compare with the crown prince, I still like Allen more."


"Master, clam down" I whisper to the prince.

"Allen is friendly to us, but that prince is very evil according to the rumor. He never does anything for the good of the country and he's the one that cut the brake on his sister's car."

"Nonsense, where did you hear all this?" Prince Macron.

"From people in the palace! don't worry about it, haha. And I'm speaking to this little girl that wear Allen's jacket, not to you, a nobody!!"

"A nobody.....really?"

"Master....." I glance at the handsome face with pity. "Er...let not talk about the crown prince anymore, if other people heard us, we'll be in trouble."

"Okay, you're right."


"So are you a member of Allen's fan club?"

"What is that?"

"Which mean you haven't join yet. Here! Take this website" that girl hand me a piece of paper "go to this website when you get home and join the membership. Then you can brag about Allen's jacket! I guarantee the members will have you as their mistress."


"It's a special position, called Allen's Mistress"


"Right, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Fraya and these two, you don't have to care about them. They're just one of my people"

"Ah.....nice to meet you, I'm Milan Sarang Loveratida."

"This is a human name?"

" I also never heard a name like yours before as well."

I turn to look at the prince with anger. Right....since when did he care about my name? He just called me pig pig everyday!!

"My Father name me after a song, he said it make us unique from other people."

"Then I'll call you Milan."

"And this is my friend, his name is....."

"No need, I don't want to know."

"....." Me with my mouth wide open.

"..." Prince Macron -_-

"Judging from his face, I already know I don't like him. Sorry.....I'm a direct person."

Oh boo...what a pity? My little evil prince.

I follow prince Macron from behind while he's mumble to himself with a sad expression.

"I'm a nobody", "I can't compare to sister"....etc something like that!

Wanting to see the outside world, but he comes to meet such a situation. Used to all the respect and compliments, and now that he comes to meet people treating him like this, I guess it right to be sad. But it's suit him though, I also hate his face, it just that I can't do anything about it.

"Master, you should stop feeling down. To be honest, now that you look like this, I don't feel good either."

"Why do you care? I'm a nobody, I can't even compare to that singer. If there's no more of him, it would be good...."

"Don't think too much...huh?"

And the prince turn to look at me with a gentle smile and said in seriousness.

"If he's no longer here, this prince will have a place in the people heart."

"Master, what are you planning?"

"Give me that paper with the website."

"Why? A new friend give it to me."

"And what make you think that you can use a computer. Back to the palace, you will be in a pig cage and that is not your new friend, you're not even a student.

"But she also doesn't take you as a friend!.....Ops! This pig apologize, this pig is wrong."

Prince Macron become quite, looking into the distance.

"Fine, take it! Master, if you make a face like this, I feel uncomfortable." I don't like him, but it doesn't mean that I like seeing him act different from his evil self. " you're not planning anything bad, right?"

"What if I do, and what if I don't?"

"If you really do bad thing, people will hate you even more and make the those girl idolized....."

"You're right!....sigh! It's really irritating! How am I not as good as that singer?!!?" The prince stomp the ground like a mad man. "I'm the prince of Balwria, third only to the queen and king, why can't I compare to that singer?! How's he better than this prince? Who can he protect?"

"But he's a friendly and welcoming person, while master is not."

"Should I go learn how to sing?"


"This prince has a good voice"

"Try to sing then"

"Old McDonald, he had a farm...E I E I O"

"Just being a prince is good enough."

"What? My voice is not good?! You want your father to die fast?"

"Master want me to be your mirror, right? I'm showing you yourself right now. If you don't like it, just destroy this mirror then!" I pouted and mumble to myself. "What a useless person."

"What're you mumbling about?"

"Nothing, I just sing to myself"

"How does being a singer make me a better person? I don't understand. Whatever...I have to learn how to make people like me"


"Time to go back, I'll have to go research how and why people like that singer! Wait....where's car park?"

"It still park in front of the university."

"Not so far then, hurry! Don't worsen my mood!"

The prince march on to the university gate while I follow behind, running to keep up. Seriously! Nothing satisfied this lunatic! Keep bringing up about killing father as a threat, I really wish that someone would just assassinate him! Pray'!

"Boom! Run!"

Right then, the prince's driver ran out of the car and shake his hand, signaling us to run away and the car explodes.


My body fly back a few meter from the explosive power, metal pieces scattered all over and I try to pull my body back up. Calming myself down, I look at the car that still on fire before turning around to find its owner who stands still, watching his car on fire in anger.

"Master, are you okay?"

"Wonderful! On my first day of school and they already want to kill this prince...must be the people from the palace."


"It's definitely people from the palace that want to murder this prince."