
I’m haruka in yosuga no sora

This is a yosuga no sora fan-fic NO HAREM

Yamiya · Tranh châm biếm
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
3 Chs


"Adrian pays attention to the front, please.." said a man with glasses standing in front of a class of students...

"Ha yes, sir.." Adrian said as he's been looking outside the window enjoying the cold weather that they had now instead of hot weather...

Adrian was your typical 17-year-old kid in his last year of high school and was beyond bored as now his parents were nagging him about college and after-school stuff...

"Adrian would you like to come to my house today??." Asked a black-haired female as she looked into Adrian's eyes...

"Ashley I know I'm your boyfriend, but I don't always have to go every day you know.." said Adrian as he got out of his seat putting his things in his bag...

Ashley pouted as she clung to his arm, putting it between her breast, and then moved her mouth towards his ear and whispered "I'll do that tonight.", which got Adrian's attention who smiled and nodded...

"I'll be there later then.." he said removing his hand from her breast and walking out of class towards his next one ready for the day to be over...

As the day came to an end Adrian got a call from his father and let out a sigh as he walked out of the school grounds and then called back...


*ring *

"Hello??." The other side of the phone answered Adrian's dad.."

-(Adrian do you know what you're going to do after high school, you almost a graduate you should be getting ready..)-

Hearing his dad again bringing this up he let out a deep sigh as he continued walking...

"Yea dad, I think I know what I want to do.." Adrian had thought about this for a little while not sure if this was the right thing or an impulse but wanted it still...

-(that's great son, what is it??.)

"Military.." Adrian said as a genuine smile came to his face as he said this he was in jrotc in his school and very good as he had lots of badges from helping out after school...

-(umm Adrian I support your decisions and all but why the military..)

"Dad you were in the military and I want to give it a go too, learn things and then see how I like it.." Adrian said as if he was not changing his mind...

-(*sigh* ok then, what branch though).

Asked Adrian's dad as he knew that there were multiple branches to join from…

"I'm going to try and join the marines, the hardest of them all.." Said Adrian as he looked both ways before crossing the street then continued his phone call with his father unknowingly to him that this was gonna there the last conversation.."

Hanging up the call after some time Adrian made it to his girlfriend's house and rang the doorbell waiting on her...

Seeing the door open, Adrian saw his girlfriend Ashley smiling at him as she pulled him into her house...

*sometime later*

He exited her house fixing up his clothes as he turned around to get a final look at her once more only to notice her crying but holding it In...

"Aye Ashley are you o.."

However Adrian didn't get to finish his sentence as he was hit hard from the side by a vehicle, the driver was most likely drunk or something…

As Adrian drifted into his eternal sleep, he noticed a white light in a far distance knowing death was incoming and he couldn't escape, thinking this couldn't be it, Adrian used every ounce of his only willpower left to crawl his way towards this white light be just seen and then finally he got engulfed into it….


'Haru's been sick for some time already and I don't know what's happening, he was just eating dinner, and then suddenly he fell to the floor.." a little girl with white hair said as she wiped some of the sweat of her twin brothers face as he was ill…


Sora was startled as she moved back a bit looking at her brother who was screaming awake…

'What the fuck!!'

Adrian held his head as a horrific headache occupied his head. gripping his head that finally came to an end Adrian or now Haruka his new name finally got a clear understanding of what happened...

Adrian got hit by a car and transmigrated into Haruka kasugano who had gotten sick and died and now Adrian is in his body…

"H..Haru are you ok??, do you need anything.." asked sora as she felt worried for him...

Haru looked towards his sister and nodded before getting up from the bed he was in and attempting to walk to the restroom in their apartment, sora seeing him limp and almost fall twice held him from the side and helped him up to the restroom...

Haru getting a good look around noticed that they had a big apartment in the city as he looked out the window and wondered how nice, before looking at the pictures hanging from the wall of their family...

Sora seeing haru look at the picture, felt sad before deciding to see if he was ok...

"Are you still sad about our parent's death.." sora said as she tightened her grip around him and held his arm tightly...

'Our parents or her parents are dead….'

"U..um yea.". Haru didn't know what to say he didn't remember anything only how the real haru died and how he died from his last life…

Getting into the restroom Haru looked at sora so she can leave and he get his business done but she didn't get the hint…

"Umm sora can you... uh leave so I can you know.." said Haru with a slight blush on his face...

Sora's cheeks turned red before turning around like a robot and speeding away…


Haru entered the bathroom and looked into the mirror to see himself a handsome young teen with silver hair with gray eyes…

"Ehh pretty boys.. huh.."

"Uhh haru here are some clothes,so you can take a shower.." said sora as she left some clothes for her outside the door...

"Thanks sora.." he couldn't get used to this a new sister and a new life…

Haru looked at the shower and entered it as he enjoyed a hot steamy shower in his new life…

Getting out Haru went to his room to notice it empty with only a bed.

'Hm are we moving or something


Looking at the phone sitting on the floor haru bent down and grabbed it, looking at it he Got a message from his aunt and uncle saying that they found a buyer for their apartment and that they would be there in 2 week…

'Great' thought Haru as he laid there on his bed and slowly closed his eyes exhausted from what has happened in one day…