
I’m Bitten

In a world where supernaturals roam freely-ish, humans are just food and/or targets for the supernatural species. That was until Daniel found Jade. Or was it his brother? Who knew it would all start by a life or death ritual...

thrilling_romance · Kỳ huyễn
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66 Chs

Chapter 14: Strange Suspicions

Daniel's POV: I was so worried about Jade that I didn't pay much attention when Audrey told me that if the vampire blood was in her system she wouldn't have blood clots. That was until now. I'm starting to get suspicious about Jade, what if she's not telling us something, what if she is something? What if Jade is a supernatural creature that we didn't know about? That's the only explanation is to why Charles' blood didn't cure her. Elizabeth drew a little bit of her blood so she could analyze it back home. Until then Audrey and I are staying at the hospital to wait for Jade to wake up from her surgery. It finished about 10 minutes ago. She has stitches and scars all over her chest, I saw it when they took her into surgery a few hours ago. Elizabeth is going to keep us posted until she finds something that explains all this nonsense. I'm sure Jade's body is just having a bad reaction to vampire blood...

Jade's POV: I woke up sitting in the hospital. I remember coughing up a bunch of blood and not being able to breathe! What the hell happened to me? I noticed Daniel and Audrey were sleeping outside my hospital room. There's no way I'm sitting in this bed any longer, I need to go home. I ripped the IV out of my arm and with very little strength I pulled myself out of bed. My stomach didn't even hurt so now I had to leave. I put my clothes on and when I tried to sneak out the door I was quickly stopped by Charles to my surprise. With an evil smile he said, "Going somewhere, darling?" "Can't I just get one moment to myself. You know, no vampires or...evil people. A normal day maybe!" I replied all snarky and sassy. He gave me a look and said, "Well I heard about your accident and I came to check on you. I'm just as curious as everyone else is to why you got blood clots anyway. You had my blood in your system, you should've been healed by that. So tell me darling, what exactly have you been hiding from us?" "What do you mean hiding? I'm not hiding anything..." I trailed off. "Well somethings up because my blood doesn't seem to affect you. Would've been a shame had I killed you earlier!" "Charles, let me get one thing clear. Vampires don't get to control me and push me around. I slept with Daniel because I like him, I'm being nice to Audrey because she's friendly and not a psychopath like you and Nathan. Elizabeth, well I guess I haven't officially met her yet! I'm tired of letting vampires ruin my life. I refuse to let your crazy brother kill me in some ritual, only giving him more power. That makes it pretty hard to kill him don't you think!" I answered. I know exactly what's going on. I didn't have control when those blood clots appeared, but what I do know is that I'm not going to let the bad vampires live. I make acceptions to the vampires I find useful, or ones I like. It sort of depends on the person! Vampires took everything from me, it all started with this family, now I'll get my vengens...

Daniel's POV: I woke up to Charles sitting next to me just talking nonsense. I asked what he was doing here and he said, "Well finally you're awake, why don't you explain to me what your little lady friend Jade is!" "What do you mean? She's just a human as far as we know..." I was honestly stumped on this one. She's just a normal girl, and besides, her body accepted my blood at the motel, maybe it's just not accepting Charles' because he's basically the devil, besides Nathaniel anyway. Charles said, "I believe I know her motives, she's definantly not human if she isn't lying about what she said!" I replied, "Well...are you just going to stand there or are you going to tell me!" Audrey woke up, she interrupted and said, "Personally, I don't think we should be worried at all. If what she said what true than why don't we just let her go on with it. After all, she said she likes all of us, she only wants Nathaniel dead. Actually, she'll probably want you dead to Charles, but at least I'd still have Daniel!" Charles replied with a smile, "Don't be like that sister. You know you'd hate to see me dead. We could all enjoy Nathaniels death, but not mine. I'd haunt you all for eternity!" I quickly answered, "Alright. Alright. Break it up you two. We need to find Jade and when we do, we're going to get some answers out of her." "Oh come on Daniel. Such a bore. Why don't we just skip the hundred chapters of nothing and get right to the part where we're forced to kill her." Charles demanded. I got very upset about that because I truly do like Jade. I asked Charles what Jade said before she left and he answered, "Your little sex toy told me that she plans on stopping Nathaniel from doing the ritual, killing him, and leaving the rest of us alive. Well I might be a target, but I'll just kill her. But what was interesting was that she mentioned how vampires took everything from her, however she still has her family. So what exactly did they take is my question? Oh and I should also mention, her wound was completely healed when she walked out of here, either my blood kicked in or she's something different. You were able to drink her blood, she isn't that strong either. What the hell is she then? I think you two should get on that because I'm going to find Nathaniel and when I do, we're all screwed..."