
I’ll Start A New

.... In her past life she was an assassin though not the best she was still pretty good. After dying in an explosion she awoke in the body of a baby. How will Scarlett’s life be from now on? Will she be able to live a different life than her past life? Or maybe this life will be full of surprises waiting for her to discover. After all this is a world of cultivation. **** **** It’s my first time writing something so yeah! If you find that my story is similar to something else you read it probably is! I read a lot and take inspiration from here and there but I’ll try to make this an original. If you have any suggestions please let me know! Let me know if there’s a spelling or grammar mistake. Thanks! The cover photo isn’t mine I just edited a picture I found! Updates are random!

Snowlotus56 · Kỳ huyễn
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28 Chs

Chapter 9 - Spiritual consciousness

Elle handed over the daggers to Scarlett, who held them with fascination in her eyes.

"You don't have to use them, if you don't wan-," before she could finish her sentence Scarlett cut her off. "No! I'd like to use them. I mean I don't think I'll ever get to know my parents in this life so it's kind of like I'll have piece of both of them with me."

Elle was shocked before she blurted out, " ahh! I don't think I told you right? I'm pretty sure your father is alive. It's just that I don't know him, so when your mother died I couldn't take you to him."

Scarlett paused before she said,

" oh well, if I meet him I meet him. If I don't I don't. All in all I just want these daggers because they look AWESOME!", Scarlett let out her real thoughts, with a foolish expression on her face.

The daggers both had curved, sharp edges with blades made out of some type of dark black alloy. In her past life she always used daggers when fighting. These were right up her alley.

Elle expression brightened for a moment before returning to normal. "Then we will start your dagger training today."


"As these are spiritual weaves you'll need to drip a drop of blood on each too mark you as there master. In doing so, once you start to train your spiritual consciousness, you'll be able to order them with your mind."

Scarlett had never heard of spiritual consciousness before so she asked, "What's a spiritual consciousness?"

Blinking her eyes, Elle came to the realization that she never taught her about it, "It's basically what you use to sense you surroundings, sent out mental attacks and ward off mental attacks. But we'll get into this more after your able to use your daggers as an extension of your body."

Scarlett was fine with this except for one thing, "but what about my cultivation?". From her perspective she was about to break through to the next stage of what Elle told her was right.

'Why not focus on breaking through instead of dagger practice?'

Elle looked at her as if looked at an idiot but then remembered that she was 5.

"Right sometimes I forget your still a child."

Scarlett rolled her eyes in annoyance at that comment. It's not like she wanted to be a child!!

"You cultivated to fast threw the first stage, so everyday for the next year we'll spend more time fortifying your body and stabilizing your foundation."

'Ahh that actually makes since'

"Alright then let's get started," she added with a yawn.

Elle was already accustomed to her lazy attitude so she ignored her. After 'teaching' Scarlett the proper way to hold the daggers, she took out a pair her self.

"Let's start"


After a tired bay of Elle teaching her the basics of wielding dual dagger, which she already knew, Scarlett was getting ready for her night time cultivation.

Elle wanted her to start cultivating at night and spend her mornings training.

On the alcove seat by the window Scarlett sat down with a sigh. All day everyday she had to train, train, and train.


She just wanted to sleep, sleep, and SLEEP!

While laminating on her lack of sleep she opened a cultivation technique Elle handed her.

'Spiritual Conscious'

Though Elle had said she would start her spiritual conscious training later, Scarlett was really interested so she asked for the technique.

She started reading and after digesting the context she began to cultivate.

Basically to cultivate your consciousness, instead of the spiritual energy going into your dantian, you needed to direct it into your conscious pool directly in your brain.

Spiritual consciousness could then evolve into something called a divine consciousness. First you'd need to fill you consciousness with spiritual energy then condense it into a sphere, which would then be considered to enter level 1. There are 9 levels.

That's how Scarlett spent her boring life for the next half a year.

Wake up, shower and eat breakfast then practice martial arts and dagger training with Elle until noon.

After eating lunch, Elle made her go into a bath tub filled with all types of herds, that she didn't even know the name of. According to her, after absorbing this for a year her skeleton would be almost impenetrable. Of course if she ran into someone with a cultivation level much high than hers, even though she'd be at a disadvantage ,at least she could with stand a couple attacks before she'd die or maybe find an opportunity to escape.

But this was the worst part of her day.

Why you ask?

Because of the pain.

Every time she's absorb the medical herds and solutions into her body, it felt like her bones she breaking and her tendons were snapping.

Anyways after doing this till 4, she's knock out right then and there in the tub and sleep till 8.

Waking up, against her will!!, Elle made sure she'd cultivate her consciousness and spiritual energy for the rest of the day.

This went on till she turned 6.