

Although Yu Yang is already worrying about what will happen after the drama airs, there is still a long way to go before that happens. Even if the drama is filmed, there is still editing to do, special effects to add, right?


Of course, nobody is in a rush.


After Yu Yang finished shooting the final graveyard scene, when the director announced the wrap-up, he remembered and messaged Dog Sister on WeChat, asking: [Have you taken on the next drama yet?]


Jasmine: [I don't really like the scripts that have been offered to me.]


Yu Yang: [You've been getting offers one after another, and you still can't find one that you like?]


Jasmine: [Well, let me ask you, do you enjoy continuously playing similar roles in similar settings?]


Yu Yang: [Of course not.]


Jasmine: [There you have it, let me tell you, nowadays, whether it's a movie or a TV series that's being offered, most likely they are modern stories. They either want me to play a sweet, naive, energetic young girl, or a girl from a poor background striving for success, or a girl with low emotional intelligence making a comeback... In short, I don't want to take on those roles, might as well take a break.]


This criticism is too real. (๑•̌.•๑)


However, this is the current situation in the entertainment industry.


They think you're good at something, and they'll keep offering you similar roles, and after acting in a few, it seems like your acting path gets limited.


Yu Yang is thinking about how to give Jasmine some advice to change his silly image in her eyes.


But before he could come up with anything, Jasmine said: [But I've already figured out a solution.]


Yu Yang: [?]


Jasmine: [You know there's a variety show called "Actors, Please get ready," and they've invited me. I asked them to prepare some interesting scripts.]



When Yu Yang saw this sentence pop up, she felt both surprised and very proud of her.


Similar variety shows have existed before, where the production team would cast a wide net when inviting guests, but those who are currently very popular and confident may not necessarily accept. People have concerns, afraid of making mistakes and damaging their reputation.


Most of those willing to appear on the show are not very famous and want to showcase their talents to the audience. The show may also invite popular actors to boost ratings, and before they go, their team will communicate with the production team, requesting roles that will benefit the actors.


Many people say they are here to challenge themselves, but take it with a grain of salt, as if they are actors from modern dramas, they will most likely perform modern dramas. The same goes for actors from period dramas, according to Yu Yang.


People like Jasmine, who approach it with a mentality of opening a blind box and expect the production team to prepare interesting scripts, are rare.


Yu Yang sent her a cute emoji, saying, "[I remember there are some mentors there with a real personality, speaking very straightforwardly. Just listen and don't talk back, or the media might criticize you.]"


Jasmine replied with an "OK."


Yu Yang continued, "[Just have fun performing there, don't say too much, sometimes the production team may edit things chaotically for the sake of hype.]"


Jasmine was very surprised.


Jokingly, she said, "[Are you still in character? Do you really think you're my brother?]"


Yu Yang replied, "[ ´༥` / Angry.]"


Yu Yang added, "[If it were someone else, I wouldn't be so patient, but you dare to tease your brother like this.]"


Jasmine said, "[I'm sorry, okay?]"


Yu Yang responded, "[Then say something nice to make it up to me.]"


Jasmine asked, "[Like what?]"


Yu Yang replied, "[Just say your brother is the most handsome in the entertainment industry~ (ᕑᗢᓫ∗)˒]"


Jasmine accepted happily and copied and sent the message: "[Your brother is the most handsome in the entertainment industry~ (ᕑᗢᓫ∗)˒]"


Yu Yang: "...Damn!"




To be honest, once accepting Yu Yang's setting, chatting with him was quite enjoyable. Jasmine told him she slept comfortably after their talk and went to the TV station the next day.


After meeting briefly, the recording began when the time came.


The variety show "Actors, Please get ready", arranges three groups of people to perform each episode. After the performance, the performers introduce themselves, followed by the mentors giving feedback, teaching, scoring, and voting. One person from each group advances, and there will be group competitions later.


The grouping on the show is generally fair, with veteran actors competing against each other and young actors against each other. People who are going to collaborate on a play usually have similar levels of experience.


In terms of debut time, among all the actors invited in this season, Jasmine had the shortest experience. She was not from a performing arts school and had only been acting for a year.


However, due to her recent popularity, the industry did not underestimate her. The male and female actors in the same group as Jasmine sounded the alarm when they saw her entering the room.


They were familiar with her strong fan base from "My All-Round Girlfriend" and "Girls," which was terrifying.


When the script was delivered, an actress named Jin He who was in the same group as Jasmine quickly took the script and saw that it was an adaptation of a 1920s Republican era movie.


The three roles included: Aroma, a talented actress who left the theater to follow the young master of a wealthy family for love.


Fang Lin, a weak and indecisive young master.


And the female student Chen, whom Fang Lin later fell in love with.


The program chose the climax of the movie, where Aroma, after following Fang Lin, initially enjoyed a sweet relationship, but after only two or three months, he became disinterested. Fang Lin coincidentally met the student Chen and was impressed by her pure and unadorned appearance and talent, starting a new relationship.


He increasingly avoided going to Aroma's place, feeling hesitant every time he visited. Aroma, a passionate woman, was able to leave the theater decisively to follow Fang Lin, and after realizing his heart was elsewhere, she could also leave him resolutely.


She chose a thorough way.


Aroma dressed up for herself, sang the final scene for Fang Lin, and then, with tears in her eyes, died in front of him by Poison.


Fang Lin was once again plunged into frustration and regret because of this. He remembered his good times with Aroma and the crisis in his relationship with Chen...


The program team designed three acts.


The first act was Chen and Fang Lin transitioning from poetry and articles to love talk.


The second act was Aroma coming to bid farewell to Fang Lin.


The final act was the conflict between Fang Lin and Chen after Aroma's death.




The soul of this play lies in Aroma.


Looking at the clock, her time was actually the shortest among the three, but her emotions during that period were intense and the tension was good.


Even though the audience could see it just by looking at the script, Jin He certainly had a clear mind, but she didn't dare to take on this role.


She had been in the industry for about four or five years, but she was still a very young actress. Usually, she took on more youth idol dramas, she hadn't even acted in a proper urban drama yet, so how could she play the role of a famous actress?


Jin He neither knew how to grasp that temperament nor how to sing opera. After considering it, she said, "Brother Ren must be playing Fang Lin, leaving Aroma and Chen. I think I might be more suitable for the role of the student, Chen. What do you think, sister Jasmine?"


Jasmine took the script and quickly flipped through two pages.


This was a classic film that she had seen before. Aroma wasn't the main character in the film, but this character was very distinctive and charming, and Jasmine liked her.


"Then you play Chen, and I'll play Aroma."


The three of them decided to first memorize their lines, understand their parts, and then rehearse together when they were ready.


At this point, Jin He still felt that Jasmine was being too confident, perhaps because she had been given two big roles in a row.


The character of Aroma, on the one hand, was someone from the opera world, where there were all kinds of people. If she could make a name for herself, it showed that she was extremely clever and had good social skills. On the other hand, she was infatuated with Fang Lin and was just a simple and easily deceived ordinary woman in front of him. She was both simple and complex, and expressing this contradiction was too difficult.


Jin He knew she couldn't do it. Even though Aroma was the most eye-catching role in this play, she wouldn't compete for it because she couldn't do it.


She planned to steadily play the role of Chen and wait for Jasmine to slip up.


Would Jasmine mess up?


Before the rehearsal, everyone thought she would, that she wouldn't be able to handle it in such a short time.


But in reality?


She acted surprisingly well, especially in the last scene she sang to Fang Lin, which was only about seven or eight lines. After singing, she collapsed and died from poisoning... The actor playing Fang Lin knew what he should do logically, but during the rehearsal, he was completely stunned.


She could sing BeiJing opera?


And she sang so well???


Not to mention him, even Jin He, who played the female student, felt a twinge in her heart, thinking that the program team must have known about Jasmine's skills and deliberately chose this play. The role of Aroma was originally prepared for Jasmine, and she was foolish to insist on playing Chen, thinking she could gain an advantage.


Such a miscalculation.


Jasmine, both of her performances were aired on Blue Stage, her relationship with the station wasn't as good as ordinary actors, right?


Jin He thought she saw through it, but she didn't dare say anything, just quietly aggrieved in her heart.


But this matter had nothing to do with Jasmine. Before she arrived, no one had thought that the first act would be a Republican-era play. It was the Blue TV causing trouble, remember that evening event more than six months ago? The one where they planned to have Jasmine and Bai Man sing "Bestie" together, but had to change the program because Jasmine couldn't sing properly.


After that, it was only the electronic music suona of Jasmine that was exposed. The fact that she could sing Beijing opera, the netizens didn't seem to pay much attention to it.


Wasn't that convenient?


Since the netizens didn't pay attention, this time the station exposed it, deliberately choosing this play to showcase Jasmine's Beijing opera skills, making it easier to hype up the show.


Jasmine was just a tool for the program team, she had no say in their calculations.


But Jen He didn't know, she just felt that it was just like a play from the Republic of China era. There are parts that need singing. Not only can you sing, but you sing so well. Isn't that a bit too coincidental?


How many young actors nowadays can sing?


Could this be intentional arrangement?


I'm at a loss, I'm really at a loss.




Under these emotions, they barely made it through the rehearsal, and the formal performance began.


Jasmine and the others were placed at the end of the lineup. Dramatically, the group before them happened to perform a segment from the just finished "Girls."


They chose the scumbag Number One who carefully selected and bought a necklace wanting to give it to Qin Chu Chu, but this Sub girl rejected it. He reused it and gave the necklace to Sweet, who wore it to a girlfriend gathering to show off in front of Qin Chu Chu and others.


The program team adapted it, adding some dramatic conflicts. Honestly, the performance was just passable. If there weren't pearls before, this performance would have barely passed.


But because "Girls" had just finished airing, the sweet as a peach Sweet and the irritating Qin Chu Chu from the drama were too deeply ingrained in people's minds.


This comparison made the current performance on stage seem lacking in flavor.


Both actresses' performances were much inferior to the original drama, especially the one playing Sweet, she just seemed to be on stage acting cute, not genuinely sweet. Surprisingly, the scumbag Number One ended up winning in the end. (⌯꒪꒫꒪)੭


The mentors were all disappointed, giving lengthy critiques. Finally, when they managed to get through this group, the host stirred things up.


Mentioning the next group to perform, one of them was not from a drama school, had a very short debut time, yet had risen strongly in the past year, contributing to two hit dramas. She was the actress who had just performed the original play on stage and today was here on "Actors, Please get ready" to challenge something different.


With so many hints given, who couldn't guess it?


The live audience was very enthusiastic, almost turning the studio upside down.


The camera cut to the mentors' table, where they were also impressed, showing expressions of anticipation.


After introducing the remaining two actors, the lights dimmed, a voice-over hinted at the backstory, and the show begin...