
Old Friends Come to Visit

It was none other than Peggy Carter, who officially became the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. after the Sokovia incident.

It's worth mentioning that Asher actually knew about Peggy becoming the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. on the second day after the end of the Battle of Sokovia - because Peggy had come to him with Captain America.

At that time, Asher thought that Peggy and the Captain were coming to ask for the Cube back, but that was not the case.

Peggy, who became the director, did not say a word about the Cosmic Cube matter, but simply thanked Asher for his help during the incident and expressed a desire to continue friendly relations between Asher and S.H.I.E.L.D. after everything that happened.

Asher, he had to admit, this strong woman does indeed have a very powerful and direct personality - compared to Fury, who is always suspicious and paranoid, basically making everyone around him who actually knows him very uncomfortable, she is obviously more likable. and more willing to trust others.

"Steve, didn't he come with you?"

Seeing Peggy standing at her door, Asher decided to start the conversation, and asked about the Captain's absence, as he rarely left her side after the reunion.

"He didn't have time to come. He and Tony have been arguing a lot about Avengers headquarters these days."

Peggy shrugged.

"It's just a few people, just find a random place... What's the need to complicate things...."

Asher said mockingly.

After the Battle of Sokovia, basically everyone in the world knew about the existence of the Avengers.

It's just that, unlike the original plot, the existence of the Avengers was publicly related to S.H.I.E.L.D. from the beginning.

After all, after the Sokovia incident, the Security Council and the government needed to regain the public's trust as quickly as possible, and the Avengers, a group of superheroes that had a strong presence in the battle, are undoubtedly the best target. of advertising.

Therefore, due to orders from above, S.H.I.E.L.D. did not try in any way to hide the existence of the Avengers, it is worth highlighting that Peggy Carter was one of the people who profited most from the situation, taking advantage of the resources that the Security Council provided to establish a joint base with the Avengers, to rebuild part of S.H. I.E.L.D., in the process.

"The main base will be located in New York, and Stark Industries will be fully responsible for building it."

Peggy ignored Asher's teasing, just laughed and looked at him: "Are you really not thinking about joining the Avengers?" Mr. ''Santos"?"

"...Don't mention that name again."

Asher felt speechless when he heard about the title he was given.

His performance in the battle of Sokovia was naturally incredible, and even after a few days, the discussion about him is still extremely hot, dominating the top spot on various search engines.

With such a high degree of popularity, people naturally started trying to give Asher a superhero name.

And because of the power shown by himself and his Pokémon during the battle, some people started calling him ''Master of Beasts'' or ''Beast Tamer''.

At least at first it was like that, but soon someone outside the internet said that the name didn't do justice to the power that Asher demonstrated in battle.

These fans, suspected of having suffered some brain damage, believed that Asher and his Pokémon appeared at the most critical moment, like a messiah and his apostles.

Furthermore, the three big Pokémon under Asher had some markings on their bodies that looked like ancient writings, especially Groudon and Rayquaza, who have these markings quite similar.

So, after some internet debate and some speculation, they actually gave Asher a rather curious title - The Saint.

Receiving God's words, carrying out God's orders, exercising God's power, you are ''The Holy One''!

And to top it off, Asher's Pokémon were also officially given the title of apostle by these people.

But for this title, Asher wasn't happy at all - in fact he was surprised by people's ability to believe whatever they want without any indication that it's true.

"So why are you looking for me anyway?"

After the provocations from both sides ended, Asher directly asked Peggy the reason for his visit.

The rebuilding of S.H.I.E.L.D. which was in ruins after Hydra was eliminated hadn't ended yet, so he knew there was some reason for the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. come look for him, and without a doubt she wasn't just a courtesy visitor.

Peggy also nodded directly: "There is indeed something - but it is not S.H.I.E.L.D. that is looking for you, but two acquaintances of yours." "

"Acquaintances of mine? Two?"

After hearing Peggy's words, Asher frowned, a little suspiciously: "Someone from the Avengers?"


"Coulson, Melinda?"


"It can't be Fury, right?"

"Certainly not. "

After denying all of Asher's speculations one by one, Peggy decided to clarify the situation directly: "They are the two princes of Asgard, Thor and Loki."

"They came to Earth again a few hours ago via that ''Rainbow Bridge'' you said, and it seems they came specifically for you."

After hearing Peggy's words, Asher frowned.

Loki and Thor were looking for him, which made him feel not very comfortable - he hadn't forgotten the matter about the Box of Ancient Winters.

''These two aren't looking for trouble, right?''

After some consideration, Asher asked, "And where are they now?"

"At our current headquarters - you know that people aren't exactly friendly to extraterrestrial beings now, and that Thor... Well, has a rather short temper."

Peggy shrugged.

You mean fool, right?

Asher thought secretly, knowing that Peggy didn't want the two Asgardians to cause trouble on Earth.

However, he resolved to go and find it, whether it was a blessing or a curse or a curse, it could not be avoided - sooner or later, he had to deal with Asgard on the matter of the Box of Ancient Winters.

And since it was Loki and Thor who came to Earth and not the Asgardian army, it means that at least they didn't come to fight, for now.

Then Asher stood up, and said directly, "Come on, we don't want to keep the royals waiting."

One hour later...

"Director Peggy, I have to say a few words to you."

Sitting in an old car, which looked quite simple, looking at the sun gradually setting on the outskirts of the city in the distance, Asher said casually, "As the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., I think you lack style when traveling."

The director or in this case director of S.H.I.E.L.D. should travel in a Quinjet or an aircraft carrier, in the worst case, it has to be a spy supercar, right?

What's the situation with the old lady's car?

"...Asher, this is my favorite car from when I was young."

Peggy responded calmly, and then added, "Besides, you know we're rebuilding, all our resources are focused elsewhere - Coulson and Barton are taking care of the two Asgardian princes and Widow is resolving some Green issues, so that leaves for me to come to you because of its importance, and I personally much prefer the old aesthetic to these new vehicles." "

However, she knew that today's young people preferred technological supercars - "But although this car is a little old, the speed is still very good, we can get there in 2 hours at most... Asher?"

She stopped abruptly in the middle of her words because she noticed that Ashernse's expression became very serious at this moment.

"Well – I apologize this time, next time..."

"Do not speak."

When Peggy was about to continue speaking, Asher directly interrupted her.

"Hear that? Something's coming."

Listening to Asher speechless, Peggy didn't understand what the situation was.

But soon she heard it too.


It was the sound of a motorbike not far away - except unlike a normal motorbike, the sound seemed to be much louder and more voluminous.

"Here it is."

Asher said flatly, and could see the existence that appeared on the way, getting closer and closer!

A frightening flame burned in the tires, leaving a flaming trail on the asphalt.

Riding the motorcycle, a skeleton was also on fire, exuding a dark aura looking at them with its empty eye sockets, dressed in a black jacket, wrapped in thick chains, the being showed no sign of stopping!

"That was... What is that thing?"

Looking at the inhuman existence that was completely beyond any human knowledge, Peggy asked solemnly.

Asher, on the other hand, smiled slightly and then whispered the other party's name.

"The Ghost Rider."

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