

J-007B, codenamed Jupiter, brings unforeseen chaos to Earth with his uncharted superhuman capabilities. Captured amidst a realm of existing superheroes, he finds an unexpected chance at redemption when the Atlas Foundation recognizes his untapped potential. Join Jupiter as he ascends within the superhero hierarchy, unraveling the enigma of his extraterrestrial roots and navigating a gripping odyssey of self-discovery and redemption.

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The existence of superhumans has always been a phenomenon since the dawn of time, nobody knows how it started or why,

Some of their abilities were inherently gifted, some have their prowess stemming from unique biologies traced back to distant stars. Others acquired their talents through genetic mutation, while a few had abilities bestowed by Divine beings. There were those who dedicated their lives to rigorous training, reaching peak physical prowess, like the ancient magicians and martial artists. In the eyes of many, these superhumans were deemed God-like, worshipped and revered, yet some faced disdain and condemnation from those who did not understand or accept their extraordinary nature..

These remarkable individuals form a minority within the population, and with the passage of time, their existence slowly slips into obscurity, ultimately fading away and being consigned to the realm of myths and legends.

It was only 18 years ago that the existence of these superhumans became apparent to the masses when an unknown virus, VX-6B or "The Omega Strain" triggers a mass mutation affecting the global population, the Omega Strain grants extraordinary abilities to its carriers, granting them superpowers and near invincibility in apparent defiance of the known laws of physics. They were termed "Hyperkind"

Soon after, chaos erupts accross the globe, society fractured into factions within Mankind and the Hyperkind, each harboring its own agenda, forcing all the pre-exisiting superhumans to come out of the shadows, trigering the resurgence of these Godlike beings.

World governments slowly lose their control among their citizens and eventually a full scale war broke out, not against a country or a faction, but a war between Mankind and the Hyperkind, a war for survival between the two species, which pushes the global population in the brink of extinction.

All hope seems lost when a superhuman child with the name of Jonathan Crow not more than age of 8, stepped up from the ashes and took a stand, His strength lay not in physical prowess but in his Godlike intellect and strategic brilliance. Recognizing the dire situation, Crow forged "The Pheonix Alliance" a covert task force comprised of seven powerful superhumans, each embodying a unique aspect of the extraordinary. Their mission: stop the all-out war and bridge the chasm between the two species.

Together they navigated the war torn world and weaved their way through complex tapestry of power dynamics and clandestine maneuvering.

As tensions escalated, a shocking revelation unraveled—the virus triggering mutations was not a random event but a deliberate act orchestrated by a clandestine organization "The Black Sun" seeking to reshape the world. This revelation fractured alliances within The Pheonix Alliance, leading to unexpected partnerships between individuals on both sides of the conflict.

In a climactic battle, The Pheonix Alliance confronted the shadowy puppeteers orchestrating the chaos. Crow, armed with determination rather than physical might, brokered a fragile peace. The resulting treaty, now known as "The Equilibrium Compact," mandated cooperation between Mankind and the Hyperkind to rebuild a fractured world ushering a new era of peace and order, a new age of rebuilding and healing, sending Crow and the Pheonix Alliance into Godlike status, they were labeled "Heroes of the New Age"

Soon after, the "Atlas Foundation" was established, a diverse group representing the best among both species, not merely a peacekeeping force but a symbol of hope and a beacon of unity. Electing Crow as the Director with the Pheonix Alliance serving as council members.

Soon after, the Atlas Foundation turned into a gigantic organization of Superheroes, dedicated in defending the innocent from imminent global threats beyond the capability of conventional government forces.

With the help of Atlas joining forces with government, they were able to rebuild societies, strengthen geo political relationships and established economic stability throughout the world, with both citizens of Mankind and Hyperkind living side by side in peace and harmony.

Within Atlas houses three formidable factions, each contributing to its formidable stature.

The Alter Force, the Foundation's primary military unit, enlists a plethora of superheroes.

Overwatch, the second entity, excels in intelligence gathering and research, spearheading logistical operations during Foundation endeavors as the strategic Command Center.

Finally, the Inner Seven, a prestigious echelon within Atlas, comprises the seven mightiest superhumans. This elite council not only advises the Director but also plays a pivotal role in shaping tactical and business decisions. The Inner Seven stand as the ultimate safeguard against existential threats, fortifying Atlas as the bastion against forces that imperil reality itself.

Today, as Incidents unfurled, the Alter Force, Overwatch, and the Inner Seven found themselves thrust into a nexus of conflicts that would push the Atlas Foundation to its limits. The unity and prowess of these formidable factions would be tested like never before, as they stood on the precipice of challenges that could redefine the destiny of Atlas.