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Chapter 18: Ice Pick

It was night time and Allison just pulled up to a petrol station since her tank was empty. She got out and started filling up her car. A guy got out of the store and sat on his motorbike before staring at her.

Allison feels eyes on her so she turns to her right to see the guy looking at her, he nodded at her before putting on his helmet and drove off. Allison focused back on filling her car when all the lights of the petrol station go out.

She frowned as she put the pump back before entering her car only to find her keys gone. She knew that she left her keys in the ignition so she took out a ring handled knife before getting out and pretended to look for her keys while putting all of her focus on her sense of hearing.

She heard someone sneaking up behind her and she had to give them credit for their stealth skill because if her senses weren't boosted they would have gotten the drop on her but now she could hear their steady heartbeat and the concrete floor crunching softly whenever their feet touched the ground.

she turned around quickly and slashed the knife upward cutting the person's forearm deeply. The guy took a step back as he hissed in pain before getting a Spartan kick to the chest, he hit the back of Allison's car. she grabbed his hand and flipped him to the ground hard and then stabbed him in the thigh making him scream.

"Who are you," Allison asked him but he just groaned and didn't answer so she twisted the knife a bit. "I'm gonna ask again who are you and who sent you"

"your father," he said before groaning

"what" Allison asked

"He wanted to make it look like you were being kidnapped to train you in being more aware of your surroundings," the guy said trying to suppress the pain he was feeling. Allison looked closely at the guy and saw it was the guy that just left on his motorcycle a few minutes ago.

"where is he," she asked him

"he's at the Hale house," the guy said making Allison nod before she took the knife out of his leg making him scream again. she got up, took her keys from the guys pocket and drive off to the Hale house.

'Didn't Chris say that she didn't have any proper training? she looked like she had her fair share of fights with how easily she took me down' the guy thought as he got up and limped to his bike not seeing the lizard man looking thing before it slashed his back neck with its claws. The guy grabbed his neck before he falls to the ground paralysed.


Allison just arrived at the Hale house she parks the car next to her father's as she got out and entered the house. The first thing she saw was her father sitting on a chair facing another empty chair which she knew was for her.

"What took you so long, was my daughter that hard to capture," Chris said thinking he was talking to the guy he sent to get Allison.

"I don't know why not ask her yourself," Allison said with her arms crossed surprising her father who turned around with wide eyes.

"How and where is the guy I sent to get you," Chris asked

"well Astrid's been training me ever since we found out Peter was the alpha plus it helps to have the strength, Speed and senses of a true alpha and if you're looking for your guy I left him back in the petrol station," Allison said

"True Alpha? Allison did she -" Chris said

"turn me? no, just that the pack bond plus being her mate has boosted my overall physic to that of a true alpha" she told him as she sat on the chair in front of him.

"But doesn't that only apply to werewolves?" Chris asked confused and intrigued at the same time.

"if she was a normal alpha werewolf then yes, but fortunately she isn't and no I'm not telling what she is that's her secret to share," Allison said knowing he would ask.

"sigh, alright I'm not gonna ask but tell me this, are you planning to get turned by her," Chris asked seriously.

"yes" Allison replied without hesitation, Chris analysed her and when he saw the resolve in her eyes he knew she wasn't backing down from her decision.

"Sigh, are you sure there's nothing I can do to change your mind?" he asked since he knew arguing wasn't going to get him anywhere.

"no, there is nothing you can say to change my mind, and to be honest at first I wanted to be turned and keep it a secret but Astrid convinced me to tell you," Allison said making Chris grateful that Astrid trusts him that highly

"When is it gonna happen," he asked.

"As soon as I finish my training which is in its final stage, so around the week before the next full moon" Allison answered.

"what's so important about the training," Chris asked since he never heard of an alpha training the one they want to turn before turning them.

"well she said, and I quote, ' since your overall senses and physic are enhanced to above humanly possible and you can't control or use them to their maximum so When I turn you everything will be enhanced even further so it will be more difficult to train, add that to the effect of the full moon, yeah, no good. Having an Anchor is good but it will only help you stay grounded and bring you back when you lose control which means you're still losing control so training your control to the maximum plus having an Anchor will negate the effects of the full moon' is what she said" Allison told him making Chris glad that Astrid is thinking ahead before she does anything.

"Alright now on to what I wanted to talk about, look familiar?" Chris asked as he picked up broken half of an arrow.

"Yeah, it's the one I used on that fake sheriff's deputy that was sent to kill Isaac," Allison said with a straight face.

"It wasn't my decision," Chris said

"Gerard then, I thought our family was led by the women," she asked

"it wasn't Gerard either his not the one who decided," Chris says

"But he's the one who decided to leave behind the code. A code our family had for hundreds of years and start a war to avenge Kate who ironically died because she broke the same code, and you all decided to follow him so it seems to me that he is the one who makes the final decision even if it wasn't his call to kill Isaac," Allison said making Chris hang his head since he couldn't deny what she said, "and if mom is ok with killing a 16-year-old without proof of him killing anyone let alone his own father, and no finding Lahey's body in his car with the door being ripped off is not proof it just makes any supernatural creature old or new to Beacon Hills a suspect, then how is she any better than what kate did."

"And you want to know what Isaac's eye colour was that night golden yellow, not a cold steel blue and it's my understanding that it's the only tell a beta werewolf has in taking un innocent life" Allison continued after seeing that her dad wasn't saying anything, "I don't know about you dad but if Gerard continues this pointless war I'm gonna do whatever It takes to protect my friends and pack"


In gym class the next day Astrid and Allison are on the rock-climbing wall together while Allison told Astrid about what happened last night and her telling her father about being turned.

"so he's ok with it," Astrid asked

"well not totally ok but he trusts me to make a good decision," Allison said as we reached the top at the same time before going back down.

"Alright next two Stilinski, Erica let's go the wall" coach said as stiles enthusiastically put on the climbing gear while Erica stared at the wall nervously before also putting on the gear. Stiles is up and down the wall in the time it takes Erica to get up a few feet. She seems terrified.

"Erica are you dizzy, Is it vertigo?" coach asked

"Vertigo's a dysfunction of the vestibular system of the inner ear. She's just freaking out." Lydia said as Astrid took Stiles gear and climbed up to Erica's height.

"Hey Erica right," she asked and Erica nodded, "well I'm Astrid can you give your hand"

"No," Erica said shaking her head.

"Alright it's gonna be ok, I'm gonna get you down but I can't do that if you don't trust me, now please give me your hand and we can be friends after this if you want," Astrid told her softly. Erica slowly gave her hand to Astrid who put it around her neck before wrapping her left hand around Erica's waist and jumped off the wall.

"There see you're alright," Astrid said smiling.

"D-did y-you mean w-when you said you w-wanted to be m-my friend" Erica stuttered still a bit shaken up.

"of course, I did," Astrid said before hearing the other kids laughing making her angry, "SHUT UP" she shouted her alpha's voice slipping slightly making everyone in the gym shut their mouths.


In the locker room, Coach tells the boys to tell the principal, a teacher, or call him if they see Isaac.

COACH: Except for you, Greenberg. Don't call me for anything. I'm not kidding. Don't call me. You shouldn't even have my number.

Jackson overhears Stiles saying that Isaac is Derek's problem now. Jackson isn't happy to hear another teen wolf is running around, especially since his own full moon was so anticlimactic.


In the girl's changing room Astrid felt her hand shake slightly Allison who was next to her saw it too.

"Are you ok what's happening?" she asked concerned

"Erica" was the only thing astrid said before running to the gym. she got there just in time to catch Erica who fell from the wall, she put her down, to her side and keeps hold of her hand throughout her fit.


At the hospital, Melissa manages to make Erica smile because she's ADORABLE. Melissa leaves, saying the doctor will be in in a minute. Derek enters the room and starts wheeling Erica's bed out of the room and into the morgue. He starts reading the side effects labelled on her pill bottle.

"Who are you?" Erica asks scared.

"let's just say we have a mutual friend," Derek says as he nods behind Erica who turns around and sees astrid standing by the door.

"Hey, Erica," Astrid says making Erica relax a little.

"you get a warning right before you get a seizure, right," Derek asks as he walks closer to her.

"It's called an aura, it's like a metallic taste in my mouth," Erica says

"you don't have to lie to us Erica what's it really taste like," Derek asks softly not wanting to scare the already frightened girl.

"it tastes like blood," Erica says

"what if we told you that all of this could go away, the side effects, the symptoms all of it and what if all those things not only went away but everything else got even better," Derek says making Erica interested and hopeful.

"how," Erica asked looking between Derek and Astrid.

"let us show you," Derek said as his eyes glowed red, Erica stared at his eyes before looking at Astrid to her eyes were also glowing red.


There's a documentary on vaccinations playing in class. Jackson is ignoring it and Matt is berating him for breaking his camera. Suddenly, Jackson hears a part talking about immunity and looks at Lydia.

Jackson grabs Lydia after class and basically assaults her because he thinks that she passed her immunity on to him.

Lydia is visibly shaken and Jackson looks apologetic for half a second but still walks away. She locks herself in a toilet cubicle to cry. She's interrupted by the sight of some random dude with bare dirty feet.

Lydia opens her cubicle to find him gone and follows him down the hall. He stops to caress a trophy cabinet before leaving. Curiously she approached the trophy cabinet and looks at what he was looking at to see a trophy with the name Peter Hale on it before she gets a vision of the guy who bit her.


At lunch, Stiles approaches a dude called Boyd and asks him if he has the keys. Boyd shows him the keys and stiles tries to take them but Boyd holds onto them tightly.

"This isn't a favour it's a transaction," Boyd tells him.

"yeah right absolutely," Stiles says before he takes out 20 dollars but Boyd says they agreed on 50, Stiles makes it 40 but Boyd insists on 50.

"Come on, man. Have you seen the piece of crap Jeep that I drive?" Stiles says

"Have you seen the piece of crap bus that I take?" Boyd replied.

"Stiles stop annoying the guy," Allison says as she walks over to them before she puts 100 on top of the 40 and slides it towards Boyd, " keep the change," she says as she takes the keys.

"Why did you give him mine if you were gonna give him 100," Stiles asked her.

"Because it was for wasting him lunchtime when you could have given him the 50," Allison says before she gives him the keys and walks over to her and Astrid's table to wait for her.

Stiles returns to his own lunch table where Scott's waiting.

"I'll pick you up right after work tonight and we'll meet at the rink. Cool?" Stiles tells Scott.

Scott can't respond because Erica just walked in after Astrid and everyone in the cafeteria is transfixed because she looks hot as hell.

"She looks different," Allison said as Astrid sat next to her.

"you could say that," Astrid said with a smirk before they both saw Scott and Stiles running after Erica who just left the cafeteria.

"sigh, it seems Scott hasn't learnt anything about what I told him at Isaac's and he's gonna try and save them, when is he gonna get that not everyone wants to be saved," Astrid said

"not all of us have lived 1000 years and have seen the worst of humanity," Allison says as she takes her girlfriends hand.

"I guess you're right, I'm just worried about him it's gonna crush him if someone he was trying to save dies and trust me that kind of trauma never goes away," Astrid said as her mind shifted to a memory 1000 years ago when she tried to save her brother but ultimately failed and how devastated she was.


Stiles uses the keys he got from Boyd to open the ice skating rink where Scott, Stiles, Allison, Astrid and Lydia are hanging out after hours.

Astrid and Allison try to help Scott but he thinks he'll be awesome because he has super speed, strength, and reflexes. He proves his point by falling on his face multiple times.

Lydia, on the other hand, is an amazing ice skater making stiles stare at her in awe before she takes his hand and skates around with him.

Scott decides to take a break from all the fall overs he had before he gets a concussion while Allison and Astrid dance around the rink. After a while, they both had over to the photo booth and take some cute couple pictures. The photos come out with Astrid's eyes being blurry except the last one where they're kissing each other with their eyes closed but Allison decides to keep them.

Lydia who was still skating sees random pieces of wolfsbane and follows them to a growing wolfsbane in the middle of the rink. she crouches down to inspect it and sees something buried under the ice so she wipes it to get a better view only to see it's Peter Hale buried under the ice, she starts screaming. Astrid and Allison rush out to find out what's wrong and see Stiles is trying to calm her down but Lydia is inconsolable.


Night. Deaton rocks up the animal clinic, where someone has set off the alarm. It's Chris, with the decimated body of the Motorbike Guy that Allison beat, and he wants a medical opinion.

"I don't know if you saw the sign out there but this is just an animal clinic," Deaton says

"I'm aware of that. I'm also aware that you're not just a vet." Chris tells him


Scott finds Boyd at the ice skating rink after he and stiles discovered that he's the one Derek's going after. Boyd knows about the werewolf hunters but he still wants to be a werewolf, mostly because he doesn't want to eat lunch alone every day.

"If you're looking for friends, you can do a lot better than Derek," Scott says

"Wow, that really hurts Scott," Derek says standing on the other side with Erica and Isaac standing on his right while Allison who is in Astrid's arms are leaning on the glass behind them., " I mean if you're going to review me at least take a consensus, Erica hows life been for you since we met"

"in a word transformative," Erica says before growling.

"Isaac," Derek says.

"well I'm kinda bumped about being a fugitive but other than that I'm great," Isaac says.

"ok hold on this isn't exactly a fair fight," Scott says

"Then go home Scott," Astrid says from the back but Scott stays so Derek sends his two betas.

"I meant fair for them," Scott says as he breaks the ice with his fist and transforms before he kicks the newbie werewolves a**es.

"They are two of them and they're getting their a**es handed to them, wow that's just pathetic," Allison says surprised at how bad they are at fighting.

"You need to train them Derek cause this is just painful to watch," Astrid said making Derek sigh.

"I know," he says.

"Don't you get it they're not doing this for you, they just adding to their power it's all about them, they are making you feel like they're giving you some kind of gift when all they've done is turn you into a bunch of guard dogs?" Scott tells them before sliding the beaten up betas back to Derek.

"you're right it is about power," Derek says before he looks back at Astrid who nods at him then he starts walking towards Scott wolfing out. He beats the crap out of Scott before slashing his stomach and punching him in the face knocking him down as he spits blood.

"Alright Derek that's enough," Astrid says as she and Allison walk over to them. she crouches down, "oh Scott I already warned you if you want to help then join us but if you don't stay out of our way. I admire your resolve to help people Scott I really do but the reality is you can't save everyone," she tells him as she stands up and walks away her and Allison leading followed by Derek, Isaac, Erica and Boyd.

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