
Underground City: khafaash (Part 2)

Kiel woke up feeling better, way better than when he arrived, all thanks to the passive skills |Self Healing (small)| and |Boost - Stamina (medium)|, which helped him recover a lot faster than the Interface predicted, mainly because those skills weren't in its calculation before.

It had been two days after he accepted joining their faction. While resting, Kiel spoke with that girl all the time he could, learning all he could. This made the Interface angry, because it wasn't trusted and every question Kiel made to him, Kiel asked the girl, only to have the same answer, with some facts missing.

The first thing Kiel was forced to do after leaving the shack was to sign a blood contract. It stated he wouldn't betray the vampire faction he joined in any way possible, he couldn't desert, help it grow back to it's former glory and bring food.

kiel understood the first three rules, but the last one made him step back, because food for vampires means blood. One thing Kiel learned was that this vampire faction had humans as cattle and took their blood to drink.

With no other way, Kiel signed the contract, by dripping a drop of his blood on it, but then.

{Blood Contract detected. Do you wish to sign it or not?}

The Interface spoke with it's usual voice, and yet Kiel couldn't tell who could had such voice, as this magic object only mimicked that person's tone.

'Hey Interface, what you mean?'

{If you choose to not sign it, I will cancel the contract.}

'But they will realize it, no?'

{They won't realize it if I interfere, but I will only do it once. Next time please acquire the proper skill.}

While Kiel spoke with the Interface the lady in front of him analyzed the contract, seemingly seeing something strange, as if the contract didn't work. This woman was good at making contracts, but she never saw one that didn't work, like this she became skeptical.

Kiel answered no to the Interface, to which nullified the contract, making the lady think it worked. She nodded when she saw the contract was 'signed', meaning to her that it worked, just a bit later than normal, taking it away and storing it in a special storage room.

Kiel couldn't care less for this contract he didn't signed, yet he would discover later that contracts, and more specifically blood contracts, are the perfect way to force someone to do a proper deal, that is if the one who wrote it made the contract fair.

Leaving the building, Kiel headed to the training area, where he was supposed to meat Karl Bonara, the vampire who brought him into this city. Kiel got the slave girl to make him a map, and the Interface recorded it for him, this way he would never got lost inside this city.

Upon arriving the training area, Kiel saw many kids and adults, males and females, but what shocked him was that a few of these people had tails like dogs and cats, with ears matching their respective race, and some even had vertical pupils too.

"Not knowing vampires got me to think you were weird, but let me guess, you never saw someone of another race as well?"(Karl Bonara)

Kiel nodded without looking away, staring deeply into those people, they were mostly girls, with ages between 10 and 50, or so he guessed. But even with the presence of girls from such different races, the ratio from males to females in the training grounds, from all races, was still big enough to make them look like the minority in there.

Kiel soon snapped out of his thoughts and looked at Karl, which was lamenting to have the duty of taking care of Kiel until he could survive as a proper vampire. Karl brought Kiel to the armory, and ordered him to choose which weapons he wanted to learn.

Kiel took half an hour to look through all the guns, eventually choosing a pair of daggers as reserve weapons and a katana and a crossbow as primary weapons.

The daggers hilt was a semicircle protecting the hand and fingers, with one side of the blade being smooth and sharp, and the other having small, sharp teeth.

The katana was a two-handed, though Kiel could use it with one hand thanks the the skill | Boost - Strength | he acquired from the vampire blood. The hilt was made of white wood with white cloth covering almost all the wood.

The last, but not the least, was the crossbow. It wasn't your normal and typical crossbow. It was a magic one. Instead of its usual T shape, it had a curved X in the front, with no strings nor a place to put the bolts.

The crossbow also had a circle, it would float when the weapon was being used, but for now it was 'glued' to the curved X. The circle would be where the bolts would be fired. The circle also had marks on it, and Karl said those where runes.

The body of the crossbow was made to fit one hand entirely, like a gauntlet made with the crossbow, it was completely made of wood, a black wood that looked like a charred metal.

With his weapons in hand, Karl took Kiel to another place, in was where he would get his armor tailor made. Oddly enough, this store was facing the training area, with many trainees going there to repair not only their armors but their weapons.

Kiel chose a moderated light armor, and a metal gauntlet for his right hand. The armor he chose would take time to make. They even were going to make the sheats for the weapons he chose to be more like one with the armor.

Kiel then went back to the training area and started training with Karl. The daggers arts were the only thing Karl could teach Kiel, as for the katana and the crossbow, two other teachers were assigned to him, as well as classes.

The katana instructor was a woman, she seemed to be around 30 years old, had scarlet hair and wore nothing but loose pants and bandages in her chest. She held one uchigatana on each hand and had a pair of ninjatos on her back.

Her muscles weren't like the bodybuild type, she still had her feminine touch with her somewhat defined muscles. Unlike her, the crossbow instructor was a hairy man, with very defined muscles, and a pair of crossbows on his hands, with one bow on his back.

What Kiel had yet to know was that they are a couple, and hunter partners.

Huh, things are becoming good for Kiel, but what's next!?

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